Yan Cigui

Chapter 416: Cunning Rabbit Three Cave

 The mat was quickly found.

The little chamberlain helped Eunuch Sun roll up Zhuoping, and waited for instructions tremblingly.

Eunuch Sun glanced at the dark sky, gritted his teeth and said, "In a while, we will carry it out when it gets almost dawn."

The little chamberlain asked: "Where to carry it? If you go out of the city to the mass graves without a document in hand, the city gate guards will not let you go."

  He is a dead person after all.

How could Eunuch Sun not know this? He cursed: "What mass grave? According to the regulations, you should report and report. It is not a rare thing to die after falling on your head!"

Hearing this, the young chamberlain subconsciously looked towards the inner hall.

 The oil lamp inside was still on, reflecting Li Jun's figure.

 The little chamberlain lowered his eyes again.

It was obvious that His Highness had his head smashed, but it could only be regarded as an accident. That's what they, the slaves, are like...

“Okay, don’t think so much,” Eunuch Sun urged, “move the straw mat to the front first, are you putting it here just to be scolded?”

 The spring nights are getting shorter.

The sky turned white as fish belly vomited, and Yongji Palace reported that a chamberlain had died unexpectedly.

Not long after, a shrewd-looking old **** arrived with two men.

He seemed to be a little angry, so he was naturally not too polite to Eunuch Sun.

The old **** inspected Zhuoping's body and asked coldly: "Did you accidentally fall on your head?"

Eunuch Sun insisted: "Yes."

“You think Zajia is blind?” the old **** spat.

Eunuch Sun asked, "Then you mean that I or other **** guards killed people?"

The old lady listened to his tone and smiled.

He asked the people who brought him to collect the straw mats and move them away. The old **** waved his hand and motioned for Eunuch Sun to speak aside.

“The Zajia family can probably guess at whose hands the lives in Yongji Palace are lost,” he said, “The Zajia family has no other requirements, let’s save each other some trouble.

You work well in Yongji Palace, don't go out to have tea and wine at night, and guard this three-acre land.

 Zajia’s requirements are not high, right?

What does it mean?

 This is not easy for everyone, don’t you think? "

   A few words made Eunuch Sun's neck break into cold sweat.

 This is not a requirement, this is clearly a warning!

An old **** who dealt with the eunuchs’ accidents was on the same page as Yongji Palace, so why did he need to warn him? It's even more impossible to know that he went out last night!

 This is more serious. It is probably Eunuch Cao who is warning him.

Eunuch Sun couldn't help but become afraid.


 Yesterday, the Duke of Fuguo came over. No matter what he said, it represented the Holy Spirit’s intention.

 In this case, how can no one keep an eye on Yongji Palace?

Then he went to see his master in a panic last night...

At that time, he was absent-minded and simply paid attention to whether there was anyone following him. Now that he thought about it, there was no guarantee that he was not being followed.

Where is the master?

Eunuch Sun wiped his sweat.

 Suddenly, he understood.

 What did Cheng Xi say at that time?

 “Where you can come to the door casually, the master can be there?”

  That’s what it means.

Yes, he is in the Yongji Palace like this, a chess piece that is easily exposed if there is any disturbance, how can he find the real whereabouts of his master?

 The cunning rabbit has three caves.

Yesterday’s house was more like Cheng Xi’s cave than the master’s cave.

That evil bunny who is a villain!

 The sky glowed red.

When Xu Jian arrived at the imperial study, the Holy Master had just returned from the court, and he was followed by Li Shao and Ruan Wei, the Minister of Punishment. Starting today, Li Shao will go to the Ministry of Punishment to observe the government.

Ruan Wei said a lot in front of the emperor, and he concluded that "His Royal Highness will definitely be informed of the real situation in the Ministry of Punishment, and will not just go through the motions."

 Xu Jian listened for a while and was invited out by Eunuch Cao with a look.

 The two quickly exchanged news.

Because of the face-to-face ceremony, several people returned to the Qianbu Corridor later than usual.

 Entering the Ministry of Punishment, Ruan Shangshu led the way and introduced the layout of the Yamen to Li Shao. He also called two ministers and important officials to greet Li Shao.

 After greeting each other, it was almost noon when we sat down in the packed room.

 Xu Jian did not rest, but followed the same method as before when he was observing politics in the Ministry of Rites. He went to the warehouse to dig out some old documents and let Li Shao look at them.

 As for the case files of Dingguo Temple…

Wang Gouzi followed Li Shao step by step today. Xu Jian did not move. He planned to come out from the warehouse to copy in a few days while the court meeting was late.

 When Xu Jian walked into the study room holding a thick pile of documents, Li Shao couldn't help but frown.

 “So much?” he muttered.

Xu Jian was not surprised and took out a volume: "You can take a look at this first after this afternoon. This case is interesting. I have seen their detailed records when I was in Shuntian Prefecture.

Well, it's almost time for lunch break. I'll go to Shuntian Mansion and ask Mr. Shan for a copy so that His Highness can compare. "

Li Shao didn’t care much: “It’s up to you.”


Shan Shen was serving noodle soup in the back office, with two big buns and a pile of pickles. It was hot and tasted just right.

Hearing that Duke Fu was coming, he felt something was not right, so he put down his chopsticks and went out to welcome him with only the buns.

While walking and eating, the two carriages met under the moon cave door.

“I want to disturb Mr. Shan from having dinner,” Xu Jian greeted and explained the purpose of his visit, “I have seen a case file before and wanted to show it to His Highness, so I came to pick it up during the lunch break.”

Shan Shen almost choked in his throat after taking a bite of the bun.

It’s just a case file, just ask Shen Chen or Xuan Su to come over, why is there no need for the Duke of the State to come in person?

After patting his chest to calm down his breath, Shan Shen asked in a low voice: "Of course it's not a problem to ask for the case file, but what kind of secrets are there? Mr. Guo, can you tell me about it?"

 Xu Jian just smiled and said nothing.

Shan Shen looked around, didn't say anything more, and led the people to the warehouse first.

The clerk in charge of the warehouse was nibbling steamed buns.

 “Give me the key,” Shan Shen stretched out his hand, “You can eat what you have.”

 The clerks were in a hurry to respond.

Shan Shen personally opened the warehouse for Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian first went to find the required case files, and then walked around to the shelf on the other side.

Shan Shen raised his eyes and saw that what was displayed above were archives of the deeds of shops and houses in various streets and alleys in the capital.

 Then, he watched Xu Jian take out a book and turned several pages in succession.

“Changshan Hutong?” Shan Shen asked softly, “Which house does the Duke of Guo have his eye on?”

 Xu Jian chuckled lightly.

He had his eye on the house because Eunuch Cao's men followed Eunuch Sun all the way here yesterday.

Eunuch Cao went to check out Eunuch Sun's background, and Xu Jian came to check out the surname of the house.

"I really don't think Mr. Shan should listen carefully," Xu Jian said in a calm tone, "I went to Yongji Palace yesterday, and in the early morning, a young **** died there. As for Changshan Alley and death The relationship between the eunuchs..."

"Don't!" Shan Shen waved his hand with a look of rejection, "Don't tell me, I won't listen!"

  The update is not very good during the Chinese New Year, please forgive me.

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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