Yan Cigui

Chapter 435: She can talk nonsense (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 The smell of blood rushed to his face.

Princess Jin's face was so pale that it seemed as if it had been coated with a thick layer of white pulp. Her fingers were trembling and her fingertips were numb.

She actually understood that the smell of blood had always been there. She had smelled it before entering the palace. The richness at this time was more of an illusion of her state of mind.

 Because of fear.

  No matter how courageous I am, I can't resist my instinct completely.

It was as if the blood in her body was gushing out along her fingertips, covering the chest of the body, leaving her only with the coldness and numbness caused by excessive blood loss.

Princess Jin bit the tip of her tongue hard.

The pain cheered her up, and she used her fingers to pull out all the materials that were stuck to her skin due to blood stains.

“Your Majesty, there is a mole on his left waist.” Princess Jin said in a trembling voice, pushing the body sideways.

 Xu Jian stepped forward to help her.

“This is it.” Princess Jin said, staring closely at the small black dot on the skin.

 Xu Jian also saw it.

 This man actually has one on his body?

Princess Jin screwed her eyebrows, rubbed her head on the top of her, and saw that there were no changes, and she buckled it with her nails.

 The Holy Spirit asked Xu Jian with his eyes.

Xu Jian thought for a while, asked the waiter next to him to get an oil lamp, and took a closer look.

The black mole is only half the size of a grain of rice and feels slightly rough.

Xu Jian saw that Mingtang was coming, and asked Eunuch Cao: "I think it looks green, what do you think, Eunuch Cao?"

Eunuch Cao also came forward, looked at it for a while, touched it with his hand, turned to the saint and said, "It is indeed green."

 Dianqing is not a rare thing.

Prisoners who are sentenced to tattooing will have their faces tattooed using this technique.

In addition to prisoners, there have been people since ancient times who have pursued distinctiveness and tattooed flowers on their bodies for decoration.

 But the King of Jin should not touch green.

Even if he really has a personal hobby, it should be tattooed in a pattern, not just a little bit.

"Fake mole?" Princess Jin said, "So, this person is not the prince. The mole on the prince's body is a fake one."

"If the King of Jin has already made up his mind to 'Li Dai Tao Jian', then he will definitely pay attention to the details of the substitute," Lin Yunyan said, "The moles, wounds and other things on the skin can be seen and imitated. I have already thought about it. Does the princess have any other clues? No one else knows the prince better than you at the moment."

 Princess Jin's breath tightened.


 She knows best.

The princess was telling her why she was left behind.

From the beginning to the end, the prince did not think about her life or death so much as he thought she was a **** that would be left behind.

How much can others know about these moles and old scars?

 She was the only one who could answer.

 And why does she remember it clearly? Because once, the prince pointed it out to her after taking a bath, and Tete told an interesting story related to it.

 She used to think that the couple was harmonious.

Looking back at this moment, it really feels like a sharp knife piercing my heart.

 Where is the rapport? Just to make her remember.

In order to one day rely on these specially fabricated "evidences" to show her, she can prove to the Holy Emperor and the courtiers that the person who died was King Jin himself!

But, why?

The rebellion had already affected her enough, but fortunately the empress dowager was kind enough to accommodate her for the time being. Although she was detained in solitary confinement, she still had some dignity and did not let her go to jail with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes.

 But the prince’s plot against her was more than that!

If the Holy Emperor had never doubted the prince's death, she would not have thought too much about it. She would have confirmed it once and nodded.

What will become of her when the prince comes back from the dead and stirs up trouble outside and raises the flag of rebellion?

 She has become a complete accomplice!

 Her testimony allowed the prince to escape and abscond!

  Too cruel!

Princess Jin stared at the fake body, her shoulders were shaking with emotion.

She cannot be an accomplice. She wants to pluck herself and her family clean.

As for the method, the princess has already "told" her.

Either it is not on the surface, or the prince is unaware of it and has no time to prepare.

 Is there such a thing?

Princess Jin can’t think of it, but she can talk nonsense.

“Yes,” her throat rolled up, she lowered her head and glanced at her fingers, her nails were manicured to be long and thin, “I scratched the back of my neck in the middle of the night.

Your Majesty didn't sleep well last night. He was tossing and turning at first. I woke up in the middle of the night and found that he was holding my hair down, so I pushed it away.

 In the morning, when I was changing his clothes, I realized that my nails were too sharp and I accidentally scratched him.

I wanted to tell him something, but he was too distracted to mention it. "

Eunuch Cao and Xu Jian turned the body over completely and lifted up the hair to expose the neck.

 The blood stains were also wiped away, and it was clean without any traces.

Princess Jin pointed to a seat: "It's almost here. If this person doesn't have it, he must not be the prince!"

They have been married for more than ten years, and Li Du wants to use her to fake her death so that she can never say anything in the future, so don't blame her for attacking him in return.

The editor must also make it true!

 “Sister-in-law, are you sure?” the saint asked.

"I'm sure, my own husband, I won't admit my mistake. This man is a fake," Princess Jin looked at the Holy Lord and said sincerely, "I know that husband and wife are one. The prince poisoned his brother, had evil intentions, and even wanted to usurp the throne. , as a wife, I cannot get away from it.

 But my natal family are innocent and they know nothing from the beginning to the end.

I hope the Holy One will understand clearly. "

The Holy Spirit nodded slightly and said, "I can tell the difference myself. My sister-in-law has worked **** this trip."

 Princess Jin shook her head, bowed and left.

Stepping out of the main hall, the wind blew and the chill stirred up goosebumps all over my body.

 Princess Jin involuntarily crossed her arms.

The breath she was holding relaxed, fear and anxiety enveloped her again, and tears flowed out uncontrollably.

While wiping her face with her hands, she muttered to comfort and encourage herself: "I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't do anything wrong at all! It was him who was wrong, it was all him!"

 The sky turned white from fish belly.

  Counting the time, it’s not far from going to court.

The Holy Emperor was about to go back and change into his dragon robe, so he said to Xu Jian, "You will also go to court today."

Xu Jian glanced at the blood-stained clothes and said, "I will go back to my house to change my clothes first."

Lin Yunyan walked up to him and said, "I brought the court clothes and put them on the carriage. The carriage was parked outside the East Palace Gate."

 Xu Jian responded.

Lin Yunyan said: "I'm going to Cining Palace to see the Queen Mother."

Seeing that the Holy Master had left with Eunuch Cao and others first, leaving only a group of guards to guard the place, Xu Jian asked her in a low voice: "Do you think King Jin has left the palace?"

“Nine times out of ten,” Lin Yunyan said, “it is possible that he had already escaped before we arrived at Nangong Gate.”

 Escape sounds difficult, it is also difficult to do, and the risks are not small.

 But for Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian, who had sufficient experience in escaping and had shaken off waves of pursuers, it was not impossible to leave the palace quietly.

Before the palace gates are closed, hide in barrels, boxes, cages, etc., arrange the internal and external coordination, and even ask the guards to open the door and transport them out in a cart.

This is also the reason why Lin Yunyan thought of observing the faces of Yu Lin who left the palace one by one. Although, to be fair, she thought it was unlikely that Li Du would dress up as Yu Lin.

 With more caution, Li Du could still take the waterway.

There are several large and small pools in the front and back palaces that are full of running water, and canals are dug underneath to connect to the moat outside the palace.

It was too difficult to hold your breath the whole time, but you could use reeds, empty water bladders, etc. to breathe. Once you got out of the palace wall and into the moat, you could escape.

“It’s still too late to make up for it,” Lin Yunyan laughed at herself.

Xu Jian glanced at her, took her hand and walked towards the East Palace Gate: "This is trial and error."

 In the past, he had stepped on many pitfalls and made countless mistakes.

It's not that I haven't thought about taking a different approach and taking a chance if I can start over, or just being idle and seeing who can have the last laugh, but unfortunately I didn't succeed.

 His time is too confusing.

Tomorrow is not necessarily tomorrow, and yesterday is not necessarily yesterday.

 When I open my eyes every day, I have no idea which day of the year I am on.

 It was "very difficult" to be able to live a ten-year-old life step by step. He had just adapted to it, but when he slept again, he was in chaos again.

This happened over and over again, and later on, he even had "chaos".

 Can't tell what happened and what didn't happen.

 Under the chaos, missing some things became commonplace. He was annoyed at the beginning but became accustomed to it in the end.

 It’s all about trial and error.

As he told Lin Yunyan before, if you make enough mistakes, you will find the right ones and you will have "good luck".

 He is used to it, but it seems that the little princess is not used to it.

"Once the King of Jin disappears, the enemy will be in darkness and we will be in the dark. It will be difficult to catch him and prevent him," Xu Jian said in a calm tone, "He found the opportunity this time because we didn't know that he had prepared a substitute. We are waiting for guessing. It’s already too late. At least, we won’t make this mistake again.”

Lin Yunyan chuckled.

next time.

She certainly knew what Xu Jian was referring to.

She also knew that Xu Jian wanted to comfort her by saying this.

 After all, her luck has been really good in the past two years. This is the first time she has failed.

But Lin Yunyan knew better that Xu Jian didn't hope there would be a next time.

Xu Jian once said that this was his best start. He could smash it himself, but he didn't want her to smash it too.

At this beginning, the two of them spent each day steadily together.

"It's just a mistake, not a failure," Lin Yunyan laughed, "Now the King of Jin is the lost dog, and the court is also dissatisfied with His Highness, so he should continue to beat the lost dog."

Xu Jian looked at her and couldn't help but smile.

 It is a pity that Li Du was not allowed to die here, but there are not no clues about Li Du's future plans.

 In addition to searching, they should turn their attention to Gu Yue and pay attention to Su Yi.

Xu Jian curled her lips: "Ayan is right."

 Outside the Nangong Gate, the courtiers gradually arrived.

 Xu Jian changed into court clothes on the carriage and came here.

Although he accompanied His Highness to the Ministry of Justice to observe the government these days, and often went in and out of the imperial study, he had not attended the morning court for a long time.

 When he first appeared, he attracted a lot of attention.

 Lin Yu came over, looked down, and asked: "Can you go to court?"

Without waiting for Xu Jian to answer, his voice was pressed down: "The palace door was tight than in the past, and the street was also. In addition to the inspection of the guards, Yu Lin was also patrolling the street. What happened?"

Xu Jian whispered: "The King of Jin left a substitute in the middle of the night, and the golden cicada escaped from its shell."

Lin Yu’s face darkened.

After listening to Xu Jian's rough explanation of the process, Lin Yu thought for a while.

“He is really planning this carefully, even preparing a substitute,” Lin Yu sighed. “If he only wants to save his life, he will remain anonymous from now on and not make trouble...”

  Halfway through speaking, Lin Yue paused and snorted, with a hint of ridicule.

 That Prince Jin has already made it this far, how could he stop just now?

 It was almost time, and the officials entered the palace one after another, preparing to go to court.

 Xu Jian and Lin Yu stopped talking for the time being.

When everyone was seated in the Jinluan Hall, with the Holy Master sitting on the dragon throne, Eunuch Cao announced the news of Li Du's escape.

 For a time, the whole palace was in an uproar.

 Yesterday, King Jin was imprisoned, which shocked many people.

 When some news came out from the Third Division, he was even more stunned when he learned that King Jin had confessed to killing his brother, his mother and his concubine.

I thought that the matter between Baoping Town and Dingguo Temple many years ago could be concluded and settled, but I didn't expect that there would be even more shocking news waiting for them today.

Specific ins and outs, the sacred sign of Xu Jian said.

Xu Jian narrates the story from the beginning, from guessing the possibility of prison robbery and substitution and then rushing outside the palace gate, to finally being confirmed by Princess Jin.

"Is the person who died really a substitute? Not King Jin himself?"

“Princess Jin has admitted it, she can’t be wrong.”

"If King Jin can escape, there must be someone inside the prison, and the Holy One must find out!"

“Where is King Jin now? Has he really left the palace?”

“Several city gates reported that there was nothing unusual in the middle of the night, and they definitely did not let anyone out of the palace.”

"I think that since the King of Jin is so ambitious, in addition to these dead soldiers, he may also have private soldiers. We need to investigate the money transactions and assets of the palace."

“I have ordered all city gates to be on heightened alert, and everyone entering and leaving must be inspected.”

The initial chaos passed, the courtiers slowly calmed down, and each government office took its orders.

 This matter has many involvements. We should pursue what should be pursued, investigate what should be investigated, and jointly advance it.

Xu Jian kept listening, and only answered a few questions when he was asked, without saying much.

 The matter concerning Gu Yue must be raised privately by the Holy Spirit.

I wonder if there are any remnants of Li Du's party in the Jinluan Palace.

Li Shao stood in front of Xu Jian, turning to look at him.

Unable to restrain his curiosity, Li Shao asked Xu Jian in a low voice: "How did you think that my uncle would escape from his shell? Where would a substitute usually go?"

Seeing Xu Jian looking at him but not answering, Li Shao asked again: "Speaking of which, you seem to be able to predict the future every time. Do you have any sources of information that you are hiding from my father and me?"

 Xu Jian raised his eyelids, and then his expression relaxed, with a faint smile in his eyes.

Li Shao saw this and became more and more curious.

"It's not exactly what I thought of," Xu Jian smiled again, "It's the princess. She often reads miscellaneous story books. There are strange stories in them, such as a younger sister who looks almost exactly the same is getting married for her elder sister. The apparently dead lady appeared again, and Li Daitao's stand-ins came one after another, and the princess watched with interest. "

 Li Shao:…

 This is also possible?

 Why doesn’t he believe it?

 Lin Yunyan: Became a lover of substitute literature.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

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