Yan Cigui

Chapter 438: Like mother, like son (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

After finishing speaking, Xu Jian caught a bit of annoyance in Eunuch Tong's eyes.

"Is it surprising?" Xu Jian asked him, "After changing his name and surname, more than thirty years have passed, but his true identity has still been found."

 Eunuch Tong changed his previous attitude, and all the tension in his muscles and bones was relieved.

If he hadn't been tied up, I would have buried his head and banged his head.

"What an injustice! You have recognized the wrong person!" His voice was frightened, frightened, spineless and courageous. "The little one is not named Tong, nor is he a little mouse."

Before Xu Jian could say anything, the impatient Wantang couldn't help but cursed.

“You are not?” Wantang threw back the fake beard in his hand, “You are a **** who can’t even grow a beard, what kind of daughter are you going to have?

 Or you don’t know that there is air in the middle of your butt? I'll find two people to take off your pants. Can you please confirm?

Two ounces of flesh will not grow after being cut off. If you really don’t remember what that big thing looks like, my yamen are all healthy people. Can I open your eyes? "

 It’s no wonder that Wantang is so angry.

Although everyone is his own master and has his own ambitions, the King of Jin is bent on seeking power, and his subordinates work hard to do their best, which is reasonable, but he cannot be allowed to do hard work without earning any merit.

On the day of the siege of the palace, the garrison office went to search the house, but surprisingly not a single fly was left!

It doesn’t take a lot of effort, and no one can make a single mistake.

 The king of Jin escaped at night, and the princess came to bring in reinforcements. It would be great to catch someone, but it was a pity that he had been busy all night.

Not to mention the exhausting work of constant searches and patrols these past few days.

Wantang is not avoiding work and using his salary to devote his energy. This is very common. He just hopes to make something famous.

 The opportunity to make a contribution was actually given to them in the garrison of the Yamen. If they returned a step too late and failed to seize it, they could only blame the enemy for being too cunning.

We finally managed to capture a man alive tonight, but the man screamed that he was wronged. How could Wantang not be anxious?

 Eunuch Tong shrank his neck: "I didn't say that I wasn't a eunuch, but I'm not some Eunuch Tong or a little mouse!"

Upon hearing this, Wantang turned to look at Xu Jian.

It is true that he does not know anyone and has no portrait.

However, he believed in Duke Fu, and he would not arrest the wrong person.

Xu Jian signaled to Wantang not to be anxious, and said calmly to Mr. Tong: "Really? Who is your name? What are you doing hiding there?"

 Eunuch Tong immediately said: "My little one, my last name is Qian..."

"Stop," Xu Jian interrupted, "Master Wan and I are busy and have no time to listen to your story.

I know what you want to say. You were born in the palace, and some of the chamberlains of similar age also recognize you. Let’s use their identities to make a list.

 I tell you, this road is not going to work for you.

On the day of the siege of the palace, I told the King of Jin that you had been mentioned in old stories. You had already run away at the time and did not know about it. You should have known that your identity was exposed through the wanted notice in the Yamen.

But there is no portrait on it, so you are lucky, even if you are captured by Master Wan, you still want to talk sweetly.

 But don’t forget, we went to Xiaoci Hutong just to arrest you, and some people still recognize your face. "

 Eunuch Tong lowered his head.

 Since Duke Fu was so sure, he was undoubtedly betrayed when he was caught.

Whether it is Lord Ding or Su Changsu Yi, no matter who wants to vote for the Holy Lord from the master's side, he must hand over a certificate of surrender.

 And his father-in-law Tong is the one who voted for him.

His face is recognized by all these people.

Thinking of this, the cowardice on Eunuch Tong's face disappeared instantly.

 The luck is completely eliminated, and what remains is a clear understanding of the situation and the completion of what can be done.

His back no longer stooped, he raised his eyes and looked at Xu Jian. The first two words that came out of his mouth were "medicine".

Wantang was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and motioned to write down the document on the side immediately.

“There are fourteen flavors in total,” Eunuch Tong took a deep breath, “This is the recipe that Concubine Dong used to poison Master Zhang.”

 Xu Jian recalled it.

Mammy Ma and Judge An once used the death-defying prescriptions used by Zhu Xian's mother and son and His Royal Highness Ding Wang to reverse the poisonous prescription. Xu Jian saw the results they came up with.

This recipe is slightly different from what Eunuch Tong is talking about now, but it is roughly 70% to 80% similar.

Perhaps it was adjusted every time it was done, or perhaps Father-in-law Tong would explain the matter but did not want to hand over all the recipes, so he deliberately changed it.

Of course, Xu Jian is more concerned about the "reason" than the actual ratio of the poison.

"According to previous inferences," Xu Jian said, "the King of Jin has long suspected the cause of Zhang Xuanshi's death. How can you conclude that she died at the hands of Concubine Dong? The Concubine herself admitted it?"

"Since I have no way to survive, I want to tell the truth about what happened back then," Tong Gong said, "but I will not fabricate my testimony."

Concubine Dong has been dead for a long time, and the nanny beside her is also dead.

 There is no proof of death. Originally, he, a living person, should be able to say whatever he wanted, but Eunuch Tong adopted the attitude of "just tell the truth."

 Xu Jian chuckled lightly.

This is foreshadowing, opening the way with truth. Eunuch Tong will definitely tell lies in other places later.

 Xu Jian saw through it, but would not tell the truth. He just waited for Eunuch Tong to continue.

“Since the Duke of Guo knows that my original surname is Lao and my nickname is Little Mouse, he must have found out that there really was a young father-in-law in the Bihua Palace.”

Xu Jian said: "You recognized him as your cousin."

"He has a kind heart," Tong Gonggong said. "At that time, Ruan Guiren deliberately caused some trouble and moved into Bihua Palace to help Concubine Dong poison Master Zhang.

Master Zhang's health is getting weaker and weaker, and her food and clothing are also tight. Originally, because she gave birth to her master, there were a few people working in front of her. However, when the master didn't come for a while, those few became neglectful and finally continued to work. I'm the only one left.

My cousin saw that we were in dire straits, so he thought of a way to give us more money, and was ridiculed by Ruan Guiren for this.

I quietly recognized him as my cousin, and when Master Zhang passed away, I was transferred to my master. I had much more money, so I visited my cousin often.

I have to say that Concubine Dong treats her master very well. Even people like me follow the monthly salary and are not afraid of being deducted.

 I was naive at the time and thought Concubine Dong was a good person!

Although the master has lost his biological mother, his adoptive mother can raise him and educate him. I also told the master that Concubine Dong is good.

I also said this to my cousin. My cousin didn’t say anything at the time. He called me over before he passed away, saying that he didn’t want my master and I to be kept in the dark for the rest of our lives.

 He gave me this recipe and said that Master Zhang died on it.

 Later, my master and I tried the prescription, and the person who tried the medicine fell ill, just like Master Zhang!

Although no confession was extracted from Concubine Dong, and Ruan Guiren died without any evidence when the master was able, there is no doubt that Master Zhang died in this way.

When Concubine Dong died, the master also found another recipe from the notes of her Lingnan nun, the one from Yongji Palace.

 Every word I say is true. "

 The more Mr. Tong talked, the more excited he became, and he cursed: "Our Master Zhang is so pitiful! He gave birth to a prince, but he couldn't raise him himself because of his humble background.

The queen, now the empress dowager, why didn't the late emperor give her a title of master? She also chose Concubine Dong among thousands of choices. Concubine Dong not only wanted a son, but also wanted her master's life!

 She has a bad way of looking at people!

  At that time, I mistakenly looked at Concubine Dong, and later I mistakenly looked at the Holy Emperor.

 She persuaded the late emperor to put Jinshang on the throne, even though he was clearly not worthy of being emperor at all! "

"Looking at people is indeed a skill," Xu Jian said coldly, "The Empress Dowager did misjudge Concubine Dong, but the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty also misjudged King Jin for so many years. If they had discovered that King Jin was so ambitious, she would not have known it. Today’s trouble is all that matters, you still have to be good at pretending.

Like mother, like son. The mother I am talking about is the adoptive mother. Your Majesty is worthy of being raised with great care by Concubine Dong.

The ability to do superficial things and deceive others is the same as the past. "

Wantang laughed heartily.

The **** scolded the Holy Spirit, which made Lao Wan very unhappy.

I wanted to scold him, but I didn't expect that Duke Fu would praise him instead.

These compliments were very deep in Eunuch Tong's heart. The tip of the knife was so sharp that it pierced a **** hole.

The auxiliary Duke is still the auxiliary Duke, and he will show no mercy when stabbing others in the heart.

To say that Concubine Dong and the King of Jin are "of the same blood" would make this **** more disgusted than directly scolding the King of Jin.

Eunuch Tong was so angry that he bit his cheek tightly.


 You cannot be provoked by him, and you cannot follow the path of assisting the Duke.

"Fang Zi, I have handed it over," he said. "Today I was captured. I know that I will not be able to escape the death penalty, but I also have a request."

 “Tell me about it.” Xu Jian said.

"Let me die with dignity," Eunuch Tong thought for a moment, then continued, "I can change into neater clothes, and I can take my lifeblood with me on the road. I hid it in the cellar of Zhuangzi on the mountain outside the city. In this way, I can be reincarnated as a person with all beards and tails in my next life.”

Every chamberlain has this habit, so it's not unusual for him to mention it.

 It's just that in Xu Jian's ears, it was truth mixed with lies.

 Eunuch Tong did not give up reporting to King Jin.

He was arrested, and the man living in the alley next door who was preparing to spread the news was also arrested, so he thought of other ways.

There should also be informants around Zhuangzi who are responsible for liaison.

The lifeblood is probably an agreed-upon code word.

Once it is discovered that the things have been taken away, not only the young man will be arrested, but also the news that there is a traitor will be spread.

It is not that easy to follow the clues. After all, the mountains are not alleys in the city.

However, Xu Jian still did not refuse: "It depends on whether Eunuch Tong is willing to cooperate. Concubine Dong is all old news. Now I have to deal with King Jin. Is King Jin still in the capital? Where is his destination? ? How many people are there with him now? "

Mr. Tong said: "The master has left the city with a dozen people. I can't answer anything else."

"Can't answer?" Wantang couldn't help but raise his voice, "You are a close confidant of the King of Jin. You have been with him for so many years, and you say you can't answer?"

"I have indeed been with the master for many years, but I am only longer than others," Eunuch Tong licked his lips. "If not, why did the master not take me with him when he left, but let me stay and fend for myself?"

 “On the contrary.”

  A clear voice came from outside the lobby.

Eunuch Tong looked over and saw Lin Yunyan coming in with a lantern, but the cook was not beside her.

Lin Yunyan stood still and said: "You stay because the capital needs its own people, and you have the trust of King Jin.

He will not tell untrustworthy people rashly about the accomplices he has attracted and the plans he has arranged. Among the trusted people, only your father-in-law, almost no one has seen or remembered his appearance.

 In the final analysis, Dao Heng and Wang Qi were exposed and died, otherwise this job would not be your turn.

Firstly, your skills are far inferior to the two of them, and secondly, healthy people can fish in troubled waters, and it is clear that the servants are caught. "

 The father-in-law looked wary.

 It was confirmed by the princess.

"It's just that," Lin Yunyan looked deeply at the chamberlain and said, "you didn't expect that there would be anyone in the capital who could recognize you."

 Eunuch Tong knew that she was referring to the cook.

Looking at his expression, Lin Yunyan was also sure that Eunuch Tong also recognized Aunt He from the alley.

In her last life, Grandma He’s family died from the same poison.

Previously, Lin Yunyan thought that she was absent-minded after meeting Mrs. Xu in Guangde Temple, and met Dao Heng and Wang Liuliu.

The two men recognized Mammy, and thought that Mammy's uncomfortable look meant they recognized them, so they took action to poison her.

 Later, Lin Yunyan sorted out Wang's six years.

 Judging from the years, it is unlikely that Wang had much interaction with her in the sixth year when she was still in the imperial kitchen. Even if she met once or twice, it would be difficult to recall her after many years.

Thinking about it this way, it might be more likely to be Mr. Tong.

Even though many years have passed, I still asked for a dish for Zhang Xuan, and Eunuch Tong did indeed recognize Mammy today.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan asked in a deep voice: "You don't need to say anything to let you fend for yourself. A real abandoned son will not be like you.

 Speaking of this matter, I am indeed very curious.

The King of Jin was ruthless in his actions. Once a person was exposed, no matter how long he had been with him or how much credit he had worked for, he would not retain anything. This was how Dao Heng and Wang Qi died.

 Why did I keep you?

When Feng Chang confessed to "Eunuch Tong", he knew that sooner or later he would be found out. King Jin did not deal with you. Instead, he sacrificed other chess pieces hidden in the palace and tried every means to lead the trouble to Yongji Palace.

 Eunuch Tong, why do you think it is? "

Hearing this, Eunuch Tong's heart trembled.

He was surprised that he could survive, and he also believed in the friendship that Cheng Xi said about "serving Master Zhang".

No matter how many there are, he is indeed more tolerant to his master than Dao Heng and Wang Qi.

Does the princess mean to use him to blackmail the prince?

Even though Eunuch Tong does not think that the "tolerance" he has gained has such weight and value, he will never allow his life to be used by the enemy to restrain his master.

Without thinking too much, Eunuch Tong opened and closed his mouth, biting his tongue with all his strength.


 Pain spreads throughout the body.

That is the sound of bones dislocating.

 Almost in a flash, his jaw was removed.

 Eunuch Tong was speechless and could only stare at Xu Jian who was very close with his eyes wide open.

"Want to die?" Xu Jian bent over, still holding Eunuch Tong's chin with her fingers, and said, "How can it be so easy! I know you have a strict mouth, so it's okay. Eunuch Cao will definitely want to entertain you, wait until he fills your mouth Pull out all the teeth and put your jaw back together."

At this point, Xu Jian's voice lowered: "You don't need your lifeblood now, but you, it may be of some use in the future. I pay attention to courtesy in my work, you can use it more, and let that thing accompany you on the road when you die. , If it’s of no use to you, then don’t use that thing in your next life.”

 Eunuch Tong was angry and hateful at the same time, but saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth uncontrollably.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~

 Thanks to the book friend for the happy reward of a bowl of lotus root starch.

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