Yan Cigui

Chapter 455: Facing the enemy has always been difficult for generals since ancient times (two updat

This summer in Beijing is extremely hot.

Lin Yunyan arrived at Cining Palace.

The Empress Dowager waved to her: "Come over quickly and cool down."

As he spoke, he sighed a few more words.

“It is said that a calm mind naturally cools down, but it seems that Aijia is still not calm enough.”

“That’s the bad thing about getting older. If you don’t use enough ice, the heat will become uncomfortable. If you use too much ice, you will feel uncomfortable.”

"The cicadas were also chirping so loudly that the Ai family couldn't sleep for several days."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said: "Everything must be done in moderation. Don't be greedy for coolness."

 “It’s not a child.” The Queen Mother said cheerfully.

 After saying a few common things, Lin Yunyan wanted to ask about the situation at the border.

 It has been a month since Xu Jian set out.

During this period, military reports began to arrive in Beijing one after another, and Yumen could not be said to be optimistic.

 Xiliang and Gu Yue were approaching fiercely. It was supposed to take advantage of the Dashun reinforcements to step up the attack on Yumen. The defenders were ready to defend to the death, but the enemy started to delay.

The formation call was made every day, but the Dashun soldiers did not come out to fight, and the enemy troops were not in a hurry. They still entered at sunrise and retreated at sunset.

Worried that this was a deliberate strategy used by the enemy to make people relax their vigilance, the defenders did not dare to relax at all, and worked hard to be on guard day and night until Ji Xin led the vanguard army to arrive.

 Reinforcements arrived, and the defenders' confidence increased greatly.

After discussing with the general, Ji Xin was not in a hurry to leave the border. He still focused on guarding and waited until Dingbei Hou's army arrived.

 With the commander in charge, the morale of Dashun soldiers was greatly boosted.

The Xiliang side seemed to have just woken up at this moment, and no longer called for formation, and took advantage of the night to launch several attacks.

 Dingbeihou used to command the war in Northern Xinjiang. He was more familiar with the Tatars and lacked experience in fighting with the Xiliang people.

He did not rush forward. After repelling the enemy several times, he did not choose to go out to pursue. He was afraid that he did not know the nearby terrain well enough, and he was fighting in the dark and his sight was blocked. It would be dangerous for him to be led into the encirclement by the enemy.

 Hence, the three parties faced each other in Yumen for a month and were still in a stalemate.

“Your Majesty came here yesterday, and what Aijia heard from him was that there would be a stalemate for a while,” the Empress Dowager said. “We rely on the Yumen natural moat to resist the enemy. We have trained soldiers in the pass, so we can stop the enemy.

Yongjia fell in the eighth year. It was a surprise attack by the Xiliang people who took advantage of the opportunity and took the lead. However, they also paid a heavy price for their victory and were unable to advance eastward.

 Since there is a confrontation now, it will not be a surprise attack.

 In the stalemate, the enemy wants to break through Yumen, but the coalition forces they currently display are far from enough.

  If we call for formation, we will ignore it, and if we attack, we will push back. If we delay them any longer, they will not be able to bear it anymore. "

 Military supplies, food and grass are all problems.

Dashun can go to Yumen for supplies, but Xiliang and Guyue won't consume it like this. It's okay for a short time. Over time, whichever company produces more and which consumes more will start to quarrel inside.

 Once the coolness of autumn turns to winter, Xiliang will not be willing to fight in winter.

At that time, Dashun, who was waiting for work, could turn from defense to offense and find ways to push back the enemy.

 Lin Yunyan understands this idea.

 Xu Jian also explained it carefully to her before leaving Beijing.

 This is also the reason why the war started in the summer, but preparations for the war took several months and half a year.

“We have this plan, why don’t Xiliang and Gu Yue know about it?” Lin Yunyan said.

 The winter outside the customs is very difficult. They are coming with force and they must want to achieve some results before winter.

Especially, there are also two people with strange thoughts, Li Du and Su Yi.

If Li Du wanted to make a comeback, he would not be able to watch Yumen's side just confront each other without fighting.

 The only thing missing is the fuse.

Lin Yunyan thought that the current situation was like the recent weather, which was very hot and muggy, just waiting for a thunderstorm, thunderbolts from the sky, and rain pouring down.

It's just the fuse, I don't know where it was placed.

 In Qianbu Corridor, Li Shao tugged on his collar.

  It was too hot, and it made him very dry.

 The Ministry of War has been watching politics for a month, and the situation has been somewhat clarified, but it is also very boring.

Everyone in the yamen was very busy. Even if the border was just a stalemate, the Ministry of War did not dare to relax at all. Those who urged dispatchers and asked for food and grass were also racking their brains to ask the yamen of the Ministry of Households for more money to prepare winter military supplies.

"There's still half a year left. Maybe it won't be used if we prepare it..." Li Shao muttered to himself.

 He did intend to express some ideas, but the results were not obvious.

Li Shao complained a few words to the emperor in the imperial study.

The Holy Spirit said: "It is during the war and they have rich experience. Shaoer, you should listen more and watch more."

 Speaking of this, can Li Shao not understand?

 This is to tell him not to dictate.

 But he just made a few comments, how can he be regarded as giving advice?

As a result, Li Shao felt more and more uncomfortable with his political views.

And after Wang Gouzi was arrested by Eunuch Cao, the **** who is now following Li Shao is named Gao. Gao's **** is smart and troublesome.

Li Shao didn’t like this person, but there was nothing he could do about it.

 He ​​leaned back on his chair, looked at the hurried officials outside the room, and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It's better to fight quickly."


Dingbeihou said that he was not familiar with the situation outside Yumen Pass, but weren't the generals and Xu Jian familiar with it?

 One month is not enough time for them to make proper arrangements and take the initiative?

As long as the Xiliang people are killed and retreated, the war will be over. Why do we need to consider autumn and winter supplies or ask the Ministry of Households for money?

Xu Jian then returned to the court with his troops.

Although Li Shao still didn't like Xu Jian, he found it even more boring since Xu Jian was not in the capital.

The room was bored when suddenly, the clerk outside was running in and out in a hurry, looking extremely anxious. Li Shao saw this and raised his chin to the waiter.

 The high chamberlain understood and went out to inquire.

Not long after, the high chamberlain came back in three steps and two steps, and closed the door as soon as he entered the room.

 “Isn’t it hot enough?” Li Shao asked.

Gao Neishi walked to Li Shao's side, leaned over and whispered: "It seems that something happened in Dingbei Hou Mansion. I'm not sure. Master Shangshu has a dark face and is unwilling to reveal more, but I guess it's not serious. ”

Li Shao stood up and said, "I'm going back to the palace."

 If you can’t find out from the Ministry of War, why don’t you just go to the imperial study and ask?

The sun was shining brightly, and Li Shao was sweating profusely after walking for such a long distance.

He simply tidied up and went inside to salute the Holy Master: "My son, I heard that there was something going on in the Dingbei Hou Mansion, and I was very concerned."

The Holy Father motioned for him to sit down, without further explanation for a moment.

 It was almost evening when Cining Palace received the news.

“Dingbeihou is from Li Du?” The Empress Dowager was stunned, with disbelief written all over her face.

Eunuch Yu Yu reported: "The Eunuch Tong couldn't help but suddenly said that he had given him two gold bricks in order to win over the Marquis of Dingbei." "How can we believe Eunuch Tong's words?" Lin Yunyan said to the Queen Mother, " Let me tell you, he probably learned from someone that Dingbei Hou was in command, and now he deliberately told it to stir up trouble and throw dirty water on Dingbei Hou. "

 As for others to vote for Li Du, Lin Yunyan is not so confident yet.

 Hence, he is the Marquis of Dingbei.

Had Dingbeihou been won over by Li Du, he would not have been accused of having an affair with Li Mi in his previous life, and his family would have been confiscated and exterminated.

"I won't believe him easily," Eunuch Yu sighed, "but when the news was reported to the emperor, An Yibo was talking to the emperor. When he heard about the dirty water, he was very angry and insisted that the emperor send Yulin to go there. Dingbei Hou Mansion, search, be sure to clear the Hou Ye's name.

The Holy Spirit sent Commander Wan away, and found two gold bricks on the beam of Dingbeihou’s study.

 The gold bricks also have Li Mi’s mark on them. "

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered what Xu Jian said.

 Some things are destined to happen.

The gold brick that once silenced An Yibo and Dingbeihou's mansion still appeared in Dingbeihou's mansion.

 Under completely different circumstances, they were dealt a heavy blow.

 “Mother.” Lin Yunyan looked at the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother held her hand and asked Eunuch Yu: "What does the Holy One say now?"

“We have surrounded Dingbeihou Mansion and want to investigate carefully.”

The Empress Dowager comforted Lin Yunyan and said: "This is a serious matter. Since something has been found, an investigation must be carried out. Failure to do so would be unjustifiable. The matter is strange, and it is impossible for the Holy One not to notice it. The siege of the house now is actually a kind of protection."

Lin Yunyan nodded.

 The next day.

 In the Jinluan Palace, the courtiers were quarreling.

“Those who have no descendants or descendants will not open their mouths sooner or later. Dingbeihou leads his family’s children to open his mouth when they are facing the enemy in Yumen. Their intentions are to be punished!”

 “He just wants to demoralize our military.”

“It’s better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn’t exist. The chamberlain named Tong was imprisoned long before Dingbei Hou took command. How could he hide gold bricks in Dingbei Hou’s mansion?”

"Yes, I heard that the gold brick is the same as the one found in Chenmi Hutong before, and it has Li Mi's mark."

“The incident in Chenmi Hutong has been confirmed to be Li Du’s fault. He had already bribed Wang Sixian who was with Li Mi, and a lot of Li Mi’s gold and silver fell into Li Du’s hands.”

"If Dingbeihou is really Li Du's man, he holds the military talisman in his hand, and he turns around and attacks the capital..."

 The Holy Emperor was sitting on the dragon throne, his face gloomy.

 At this moment, he felt like he was riding a tiger with a hard time getting off.

The gold bricks in Chenmi Hutong have nothing to do with Li Mi or Li Du. They were made by him following Xu Jian's suggestion.

 Li Du collected Li Mi's gold and silver, but the Holy Spirit actually didn't know what Li Mi's gold bricks looked like and whether they had the mark. In other words, no one knew except the people who handled them in the first place.

Everyone relies on the gold bricks that Xu Jian forged to judge the ownership.

And this time, the ones found by the Dingbei Hou Mansion were indeed exactly the same as the original fakes.

 The Holy Spirit sighed.

Does he want to tell the truth about the falsehood?

 Another person who was riding a tiger and had trouble getting down to the point of regret was An Yibo.

He was so regretful that his intestines were blue.

 Yesterday I heard that Eunuch Cao was determined to be the Marquis of Bei, and An Yibo was very angry.

He trusted the Marquis of Dingbei and knew that his family would never be won over by Li Du. He also knew that when the general went on an expedition, rumors from behind would hurt the morale of the front line the most, so he immediately wanted to clear up the stigma.

 Hence, An Yibo proposed "searching for the government".

 But he forgot one thing.

How can a child **** bite randomly?

Since he has bitten it, everything is ready except for his mouthful of east wind!

 Singing a full set of opera and singing, two gold bricks have already been stuffed into the study of Dingbei Hou!

"I will vouch for the Marquis of Bei with my own life. There is no way he is from Li Du. This is a frame-up!" An Yibo stood up, "I believe that the people who have come into contact with the child **** in recent days should be thoroughly investigated. He has never been How did he know that Dingbei Hou was in command, and how did he know that everything was ready outside?"

“Uncle and Marquis Dingbei are related by marriage. It’s normal for you to treat him. However, uncle, you are in charge of the Gyeonggi camp now. If you have other ideas..."

"Bah!" An Yibo was impatient and spat out after hearing this, "I will chop you down now. Do you have any other ideas?"

“The Dingbei Hou Mansion has been searched, will the Anyi Bo Mansion also be searched?”

“I found two boxes of gold bricks. I stood straight and walked straight, with a clear conscience!”

 For a time, there was a commotion in the court.

Lin Yuan frowned and looked at it.

 Some people believe it and some people don’t. This is normal.

 There are also a few people who are stirring up trouble in the fire, probably for the sake of military power, and we can guess their general thoughts.

 It’s just that when things are put here, there must be an explanation.

"Your Majesty," a censor stood up and said, "Although I don't believe that Dingbeihou has surrendered to Li Du, before the matter is found out, it really doesn't make people feel reassured that he will lead Yumen again."

“Dashun has sufficient troops but only defends but does not attack. Whether Dingbeihou really wants to retreat from the enemy or just takes power and does nothing, we still have to say two things.”

"The war has made no progress for a month, so changing the commander is also a way to change."

"How about handing over the military power to the Duke of Fu? If the young man is motivated, let him focus on the offensive?"

Li Shao, who stood at the front of the team, said nothing from the beginning to the end.

He had been hurt by Li Du and had a headache when he thought of two gold bricks. Therefore, it was difficult to judge whether Dingbei Hou was an enemy or a friend.

Anyway, he can only listen and watch more about the war situation and various matters now, because his father does not allow him to say more.

 Li Shao simply kept silent.

 But when he suddenly heard such a sentence, he couldn't help it.

"Let Xu Jian take charge of the offensive?" Li Shao turned around, trying to find the person who said this in a daze. "It's just a precaution. He can still stay in the pass. If we really fight, you are afraid that he will hurt his leg." No recurrence?

 I caused him to be injured, and you each scolded me for harming good people.

 It’s better now to think of a way to make Xu Jian die outside Yumen Pass.

Li Du hated Xu Jian so much that his teeth itched with hatred. I think you might be the one who voted for Li Du, right? "

Li Shao actually didn't find the person speaking. As he said these words, his eyes passed over the courtiers, sweeping away the doubts among them.

Those who have not said anything before will naturally turn aside to show their innocence.

After saying that, his face turned red and his neck was thick. He was so angry that he didn't know what to say to Li Shao. He had to face his Majesty and said: "Your Majesty, I have no intention of assisting the Duke. I just think that in this situation, I will definitely It is not appropriate for Beihou to continue to hold the commander's seal."

 Cough cough twice.

 A man came out of the queue. He seemed to be feeling unwell, and his face turned pale in the hot weather.

Li Shao glanced at him.

That man's surname was Liu, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, Liu Guiren's father, and Li Mian's grandfather.

"Your Majesty," Liu Xueshi said with cupped hands, "when I paid homage to His Highness the other day, His Highness was in the process of reciting something like, 'A general facing an enemy has faced difficulties since ancient times. Le Yi resigned from Yan, and Zhao Kuo used it to defeat Zhao.'" Chen Shen I think so." (End of chapter)

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