Yan Cigui

Chapter 472: What can be agreed upon is a sale (two updates in one)

Chapter 472 What can be agreed upon is a sale (two updates in one)

 Main courtyard.

 The courtyard door is open, and the door to the main room is also open.

Li Shao was sitting in the second room. There were wine and food on the table, and he had already used most of them.

To him, Qianfu is definitely not interesting, but compared to being surrounded by Eunuch Gao, Eunuch Guo, etc. in Yuqing Palace, the food here is more delicious.

 Suddenly, Li Shao couldn't help but frown when he heard footsteps.

 Eunuch Gao, why are you so anxious? !

He faced the outside and said in a deep voice: "Isn't it time to close the palace door yet?"

Outside, Su Chang said: "Your Highness, I have something to report to you."

Li Shao suddenly opened his eyes wide.

This voice is completely unfamiliar.

 Who is coming?

 What’s your purpose?

 Subconsciously, Li Shao stood up and wanted to get the long sword hanging on the wall.

 Seeing the bare walls, he realized that this was the main room of the Qian Mansion, not the Yuqing Palace where he lived every day.

 “Your Highness?”

As if he didn't wait for the answer, he called again from outside.

 An unknown uneasiness flashed through my heart, and then, the courage was strengthened by the smell of alcohol.

 What if you don’t have self-defense weapons?

 Could the person we were looking for be an assassin?

Now he is no longer the young boy in Dingguo Temple. Is there no way to fight back?

 If the person who comes here is unkind and there is a lot of commotion here, Eunuch Gao will come immediately.

 As for now…

Li Shao sat back on the chair, straightened his back, and cleared his throat: "Who is it?"

How can a person in a high position have any reason to mess up his position?

Is he still afraid? !

 Then, Li Shao saw a middle-aged man come in.

The person who came had a low profile, a submissive look, very respectful, and seemed to have no effort on his part, which made Li Shao more and more confident.

"Who are you?" he asked, "How did you get in? What do you want to report?"

Su Chang forced a smile to cover up his panic.

 But now that the matter was over, he had no way out. All he had to do was salute Li Shao first, and then start speaking as if he was endorsing what he had prepared.

“The young man’s Han name is Su Chang and he is a native of Gu Yue. He once went to Dashun as an envoy to Dashun together with Lord Su Yi. This is a golden piece of paper that was given to everyone in the envoy. I would like to ask His Highness to see it.”

 Li Shao's face was long.

 He didn't have any good impressions of the Guyue people, especially Su Yi, who was in cahoots with Li Du.

 The accounts of Chenmi Hutong are really calculated one after another.

"Su Yi's people?" Li Shao said coldly, "If you don't go to Li Du, what are you going to do with me?"

Su Chang said hurriedly: "Your Highness made a mistake. Su Yi did not ask Li Du. There was something going on between him and Li Du. Right now, what Su Yi needs is you, Your Highness."

Li Shao raised his eyebrows. He didn't believe it, but he didn't stop Su Chang from talking.

 After all, Su Chang seemed to pose no threat.

As for Li Du and Su Yi, there is no trace at the moment. If he can figure out Su Chang's purpose and take the opportunity to follow the clues, wouldn't it be a credit to whoever he catches?

 That's right, Li Shao is very clear that he is very much lacking a share of credit now.

To make his father trust him from the bottom of his heart, to make his aunt stop nagging, and to make the ministers of civil and military affairs unable to find fault with him or find fault with him, he must have merit.

Surely, there is no place to go after wearing iron shoes, and the rabbit hits the tree by itself!

 Perhaps it was the queen’s mother’s spirit in heaven that was protecting him.

Su Chang observed Li Shao's expression and continued: "Your Highness, Su Yi and Li Du did have some contacts in the past, but those are all old things.

Last time when Gu Yue’s envoy visited the capital, the terms offered by your envoy, Honglu Temple Minister, were not generous enough. Li Du did not offer any help. Gu Yue’s court was quite dissatisfied with the treaty signed.

Su Yi was caught in the middle, and was in a dilemma on both sides, especially Gu Yue. His political opponents took the opportunity to suppress him.

This time Li Du exposed his treasonous intentions and was wanted by Dashun. Su Yi was also implicated and lost power in the Guyue Dynasty.

 The voice of the main battle prevailed, and this was the alliance between Gu Yue and Xiliang. "

Li Shao took a sip of his wine and thought to himself, these words sounded relevant and consistent with what he learned about Gu Yue's internal situation.

"Su Yi was persecuted by his political enemies and left his hometown. He has arrived near the capital." After the most difficult beginning, Su Chang became more and more comfortable and looked more natural. "He was very unwilling to have his years of hard work ruined. He really wanted to Make a comeback.

Li Du had contacted Su Yi privately before the accident and wanted to ask for help. Su Yi did not respond or refuse, and he remained ambiguous.

 Now, Su Yi asked me to come forward on my behalf to negotiate with His Highness.

Su Yi fished out Li Du for you so that you and Dashun could get rid of this serious problem. After you get this credit, you can help Su Yi return to Gu Yue to fight for power. With the Crown Prince of Dashun as your backer, you will definitely make Dashun The relationship with Gu Yue returned to the normal track.

 At that time, Yumen only needs to guard against Xiliang, and business outside the customs can also proceed smoothly..."

Su Chang spoke with great emotion.

Whether he could convince Li Shao or not, Su Chang convinced himself anyway.

This is mutual benefit and a win-win situation for both parties. Li Shao has no reason to refuse, right?

 Unexpectedly, Li Shao suddenly interrupted him.

“Wait a minute,” Li Shao looked Su Chang up and down, wondering, “Can Su Yi fish out Li Du?”

Su Chang nodded: "Yes, he has information about Li Du's hiding place."

"Since he has such ability," Li Shao snorted, "Why doesn't he let you directly negotiate terms with my father? If you catch Li Du on my father's behalf and have Emperor Dashun as your backer, wouldn't you be more useless than me?" How useful is the prince?"

Su Chang:…

Seeing that Su Chang was stunned for a moment, Li Shao asked again: "Am I wrong?"

Su Chang smiled dryly.

What's wrong? That’s so right!

 Otherwise, how could he secretly guess that Su Yi had not actually broken up with Li Du, but was still collaborating?

Isn't it because Su Yi could go to Emperor Dashun directly, but he had to let him win over the deposed prince?

Su Chang felt guilty, but when he thought of his purpose, he didn't dare to show any timidity on his face, so he bit the bullet and wrote: "How can a young man with such a status meet the emperor casually?"

“Take your golden note and go to Shuntian Mansion, and the governor will make arrangements for you.”

"That's not possible!" Su Chang had an idea and made up the story now. "Do you know how many Li Du's spies are still in the Dashun Dynasty now? The young one entered Shuntian Mansion, and then he was able to meet the Holy Emperor. The news cannot be hidden.

 Xiao Xiao was once an envoy, and many people recognized him. Once the news leaked out, Su Yi would not be able to catch Li Du.

 That is why I will quietly come to Qianfu today, avoiding all eyes and ears, and explain the situation to you privately. "

Li Shao frowned, dubious.

Su Chang continued: "There is another reason. Don't blame me for speaking out.

The sacredness is holy. He wants to grab Li Du, but Gu Yue has a faith in abandonment and an alliance with Xiliang. He may also be angry in his heart.

In order to capture Li Du and let Gu Yue go, even if the Holy Emperor wanted to agree for the sake of the overall situation, he had to consider the thoughts of other civil and military ministers.

 So Xiao Xiao believes that the Holy One may not become Su Yi's backer.

 But your highness is different. You are bound to win the position of prince, but as the deposed prince, it will not be easy for you to rise again.

 You need political achievements more, and capturing Li Du is your best opportunity right now.      When there is demand, there is cooperation, and when there is agreement, there is business! "

Li Shao took a breath.

He knew his father too well, and he also knew the way the courtiers interacted with each other in the Jinluan Palace.

Thinking of the excitement of the group of courtiers in the court who advocated a fierce counterattack when the war broke out in Yumen, Li Shao thought that it would not be an easy matter for his father to continue to form an alliance with Gu Yue.

 Of course, this is the same for Li Shao.

 But he can kill first and then play.

The matter is done, he has the credit in his hand, he can sit on the small throne again, and then he will be in charge of power. Isn't it just what he says?

 This is the difference between him and his father!

 He will not tolerate those who say naysayers.

 Achievements, contributions…

 These two words were engraved in his heart over and over again.

Li Shao narrowed his eyes and said, "It's all nonsense, how do I know whether it's true or not? Su Yi wants to form an alliance with me. How sincere is he? If he says he knows where Li Du is, will I believe him?"

Su Chang hesitated: "This..."

Li Shao chuckled. He was quite satisfied with the upper hand he had: "He asked me to do something, so I will provide the conditions!"

Su Chang racked his brains and was about to say something else when he heard footsteps coming from outside.

Li Shao also heard it.

It was estimated that it was almost time, and Eunuch Gao came to urge him, so Li Shao waved his hand to Su Chang to hide in the inner room.

"Don't worry, I won't let others know," he whispered, "Su Yi's sincerity has come. Come see me again. Time waits for no one, so you should hurry up."

Su Chang nodded repeatedly and hid his figure quietly.

 After Eunuch Gao cleared the table, blew out the oil lamp, and left with Li Shao, Su Chang came out of the inner room carefully.

 In the yard, Shen Chen was waiting for him.

Su Chang stepped forward and said: "Your Highness..."

"I heard everything," Shen Chen said, "If he wants to be sincere, just let Su Yi show some sincerity."

Su Chang had a grimace on his face, even if he was smiling or not smiling.

 Returning to the original route, Shen Chen confirmed that Su Chang had returned to the shop, and then returned to the Fuguo Duke's Mansion to report.

He was standing outside the house earlier and could hear the conversation clearly.

Lin Yunyan couldn't help laughing when she heard Li Shao question Su Chang: "Li Shao really said that?"


 “It’s rare,” Lin Yunyan commented, “It’s rare that he has some brains.”

 Li Shao has always been a useful chess piece in the past, either in the hands of Li Du or in the hands of her and Xu Jian. It is precisely because of this that he cannot be used for a long time.

 He is too unstable.

 He will be used as a knife by others. Many times, he will make many mistakes due to his own whims.

 But today, Li Shao suddenly had an enlightenment and was not immediately coaxed by Su Chang's words, which was not a good thing for Lin Yunyan.

 She needs Li Shao as bait and Li Shao's cooperation.

Lin Yunyan thought for a while.

 It seems that in addition to Su Yi's sincerity, she also needs to give Li Shao a thumbs up.

 Hand in hand.

 In the next two days, Li Shao did not see the man named Suchang in Qianfu again.

Although he has not waited for any new news from Su Yi, Li Shao is very curious about Su Chang. He needs to confirm the other party's identity and experience to judge whether he is trustworthy. However, it is difficult for him to have a right-hand assistant now.

Since Li Shao had to hide these matters from his father and others, he could not leave these matters to Eunuch Gao.

He could go to Honglu Temple in person and look through the documents for the previous reception of the envoys, but he was also worried that he would be able to alert the enemy as Su Chang said.

 This reminded Li Shao of Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian had the same purpose as him in capturing Li Du and bringing him back to life.

 Xu Jian came forward to investigate the matter privately and had more connections than him.


 Xu Jian was not here, but he left a personal entourage in the capital and Ning'an.

Standing in the Jinluan Hall, Li Shao was thinking about asking Ning An to lend him a hand later today, when he suddenly noticed that Uncle Cheng seemed to glance at him quietly several times.

After going to court, Uncle Chengyi quickly walked out of the hall, but went to the imperial study.

Li Shao's heart skipped a beat, and he vaguely felt something was wrong.

 No, he also wants to see his father!

 Li Shao arrived outside the imperial study room.

Eunuch Cao came out and bowed respectfully to him: "Sincerely, I have something to report to your Majesty. Your Majesty will ask His Highness to wait a moment."

Li Shao became more and more surprised.

What was said in it that he couldn't listen to?

 I waited anxiously for almost a quarter of an hour before Uncle Cheng Yi came out.

Li Shao followed Eunuch Cao in. While saluting, he hurriedly asked: "Father, what important matter can I tell you sincerely?"

The Holy Emperor rubbed his brows, a look of exhaustion on his face: "A bunch of trivial matters."

 Li Shao obviously didn’t believe it.

Seeing his confused expression, the Holy Spirit thought for a moment and said, "There are more or less rumors about your mother."

 Li Shao's breath froze.

Ning An saw through the inside story and did not let them be caught off guard. But when his aunt mentioned it before, Li Shao knew that sooner or later the wind would roar.

 Sincerity is Ning'an's father, so he will not make trouble in this matter. Because he knows it well in advance and pays special attention to it, he will sense any trouble.

  I know it, but I can't stop the rumors.

Once rumors flourish and the queen mother's reputation is damaged, Li Shao will also be in danger!


  Absolutely not go that far!

Yes, he needs to have merit, he needs to have glory. In the midst of congratulations and awards, if any blind person stands up and talks about "crazy or not", isn't this going to bring bad luck to the father?

 Coming out of the imperial study, Li Shao took a deep breath and made up his mind.

In a hurry, Li Shao did not wait until the evening to go to the Yamen, but visited the Fuguogong Mansion during his lunch break.

Lin Yunyan arrived at the flower hall with a look of surprise on her face: "Why is Your Highness here?"

"I have something to trouble you," Li Shao said bluntly when Eunuch Gao was left in the side hall to have tea. "There is a man named Su Chang in the Gu Yue envoy. Do you know?"

Lin Yunyan looked calm and shook her head.

"He said he is from Su Yi," Li Shao said, "is Shen Chen in the mansion? Ask him to dig out Su Chang for me. I want to see him! By the way, don't let others know, just arrange it In Qian Mansion, I will have dinner in the main courtyard alone, and Eunuch Gao will not follow me."

"This..." Lin Yunyan frowned deliberately, with a look of embarrassment on her face, "Your Highness wants to hide this from Eunuch Gao? Isn't it appropriate?"

"You're already involved, and you're still afraid that I'll do something irrational?" Li Shao asked, "Just follow the instructions. Shen Chen found Su Chang and stood by the side. Su Chang and I Shen Chen knows exactly what he said and what he did. If it’s something dangerous, just go to Cining Palace and file a complaint!”

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