Yan Cigui

Chapter 479: It was you who killed Geng Baoyuan! (Two updates in one

Chapter 479 It was you who killed Geng Baoyuan! (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

 The night was so thick that it seemed like ink could not be melted.

There was no lantern lit in front of the car. Lin Yunyan looked out through the curtain and could only see the outline of the stars on the side.

Further to the edge, there are tree shadows superimposed on the ink.

 The carriage is leaning against the inside of the mountain road, and the cliffs on the outside are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Lin Yunyan thought that they were like this, and so were the carriages coming down from above.

 In order to drive safely, you must also lean on the inside.

Lin Yunyan whispered to Shen Chen: "Besides the carriage, is there any other movement?"

Shenchen had a good ear and could distinguish clearly. He listened carefully again and said: "It's just a carriage, nothing else."

Lin Yunyan responded "Okay" and then said: "Stop it."

Shen Chen asked, "Is it really Li Du?"

Shenchen's night vision was good, and he could see the outline of the carriage as soon as it appeared in his field of vision.

If unrelated pedestrians are on their way, they will definitely light a lantern.

Uncle Niu was standing on the mountain road. When he saw someone rolling down, he stopped him with a pole.

  Not to mention the people in the carriage who didn’t know anything about it.

Even if he was stunned, he would never mistake the face of Princess Ning'an!

Just, just why is the princess here?

Eunuch Ye opened his mouth and wanted to shout to remind his master, but he couldn't make a sound despite his efforts.

On the contrary, it was Uncle Niu who was holding his collar. After Lin Yunyan confirmed his identity, he lifted Eunuch Ye up to a sitting position without saying a word and slashed the back of his neck with a knife.

 “Princess!” he reminded.

 “Eight or nine are inseparable from ten.” Lin Yunyan said.

Shenchen, however, relied on his outstanding skills and turned around to the side of the carriage. Several long branches he held in his hands were inserted into the wheels. The wheels were stuck and could not rotate smoothly, and the carriage came to a swaying stop.

 Ahead, Shen Chen was fighting with the handlebar type.

Eunuch Ye fell off the car and rolled away, and Liu Xun and Li Du inside didn't try to please him.

 Princess Ning'an!

He didn't dare to bend for fear of falling down the mountain, and he didn't dare to bump into anyone, so he just screamed.

Lin Yunyan’s long eyelashes trembled.

 After stopping him, he moved closer to take a look.

Even though she was in a panic, she recognized the identity of this person: "Eunuch Ye."

Judging from the sound, the carriage was not moving very fast. It must have been afraid of the darkness and did not dare to run completely.

But it was a downhill road after all. If we didn't intercept it in advance, it would be bad if it collided with the princess's carriage.

Liu Xun fell out of the carriage. In a panic, he reached out and grabbed the pole of the carriage frame to prevent him from rolling out. Li Du was stopped by Liu Xun and bumped into a ball, so he was able to stabilize himself.

Not long after, the sound of horses' hooves and rolling wheels became clearer and clearer, but there was no light at all in his sight, and Shen Chen's heart dropped by more than half.

Eunuch Ye screamed twice in pain at first, but his eyes were filled with stars and he couldn't make any sound at all.

The carriage driver didn't seem to notice that there was a person standing here, and he still carefully steered his horse forward. When he saw the figure, he subconsciously tightened the reins.

 Eunuch Ye immediately lost consciousness.

Uncle Niu had only dragged the man halfway when he saw a staggering figure not far away.

 His forehead was broken, blood flowed down and smeared his eyes, and everything he saw was hazy and red.

 For now, I still want to see other people.

 In the darkness, I could only see roughly, but this man was so bruised and swollen that he really couldn't see clearly.

This movement came out of the blue, and even though the handlebars were prepared, they jumped forward and fell off the frame, falling to the side of the road.

Shen Chen responded and quickly walked a hundred steps uphill along the mountain road.

The horse was reined in and raised its two front hooves, almost unable to stop.

He signaled Lin Yunyan to be careful, and he was about to lift Eunuch Ye to the side of the mountain. Anyway, this man wouldn't wake up for a while, and killing or beheading him would be a matter later.

Lin Yunyan held it up and illuminated the man's face.

It’s almost the fourth watch, and I guess it’s almost three o’clock in the morning. How can ordinary people drive a carriage down the mountain at this time?

 Furthermore, if Li Du, as Su Yi said, has been coughing in recent days, he must be traveling in a carriage.

 Even if he couldn't see clearly what was going on around him, Li Du knew that the situation was not good.

 She came here to bet on luck. If she didn't block Li Du, she could only say she was unlucky.

A swish sound.

The person sitting on the outermost side fell out of the carriage, yelled and rolled down the mountain road several times. Fortunately, he didn't roll directly off the cliff.

 The fire is bright.

Lin Yunyan also saw it.

He instinctively looked at the only lit fire folding device, and through this light, he saw the person holding the fire folding plate.

Uncle Niu has no serious training in martial arts. His only ability is the chopping knife, and he can't do anything else.

 He was blocked.

Ignoring the pain, Li Du held on to the frame of the bicycle and stood firm, looking at the person in the darkness: "Are you..."

Shenchen curled his lips.

They really stopped Li Du!

 At the same time, he also recognized that the man sitting on the ground was Liu Xun.

Liu Xun was hit hard by the fall. Seeing that there was only one person on the other side, he had the courage to look at him.

“Shen, Shenchen?” he exclaimed, “You are Shenchen!”

Liu Xun panicked immediately.

 Today's situation in Japan was arranged by Li Du. Even if something went wrong halfway, Liu Xun was afraid of returning, but he didn't feel like he was at the end of the road.

Li Du is still here, why is Liu Xun afraid of him? !

 After falling off the car, he was just dazed, and no other emotions continued. Until he saw the person blocking the car clearly, panic suddenly came out.

Liu Xun didn't have much dealings with Shen Chen, but in his eyes, Shen Chen was Xu Jian.

 He hated Xu Jian and was also afraid of Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian is ruthless and ruthless!

How can someone with so much conscience send his own brother into exile and his biological father’s reputation be ruined?

If it falls into Xu Jian's hands, he is finished!

Even though Liu Xun heard that Xu Jian led troops to Yumen Pass, at this moment, he still felt that Shen Chen was here and Xu Jian was here.

When Liu Xun called out, Li Du also recognized him.

A trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, and the good situation was disrupted again.

The situation can be ruined, but he can never be caught. There is only one person here, Shen Chen, and they have the advantage in numbers.

Li Du shouted "Let's go", completely ignoring the pain from the bump on his body, he gritted his teeth and ran down the mountain path.

Liu Xun saw this and hurriedly followed him, stumbling.

Shen Chen would not let them escape, but the handlebar posture was also a martial arts practitioner, so he rushed towards them with teeth and claws.

The physical pain made Handlebar Shi's eyes red, and he danced with his whip, impulsively wanting to die together with Shen Chen.

Fighting alone, it would not be difficult for Shen Chen to defeat him, but Li Du and Liu Xun had to distract themselves from escaping, fearing that they would hurt Lin Yunyan and Uncle Niu if they went down.

 The two were originally not far apart, and within a few rounds, they had already seen each other.

Especially on Lin Yunyan's side, when she saw the movement, she immediately blew out the fire.

 She could not hold up the light as a target.

 But even for just a moment, Li Du and Liu Xun had already seen her.

 The two of them were stunned for a moment.

 It was an accident that Shen Chen appeared here, but not completely unexpected. After all, he was Xu Jian's personal follower and had great martial arts skills.

 Why is Ke Ning'an here?

  A little girl with no power to restrain a chicken. Even if Ning An acted arbitrarily, how could Shen Chen agree to let her follow?

Liu Xun's mind was filled with "why", he lost control of his feet, his left foot struggled with his right foot, and he fell like a dog chewing on the mud.

Li Du didn't care about him and kept running forward.

Liu Xun gritted his teeth and tried to get up. Suddenly, an idea flashed through his mind.

Unfortunately, it was too fast, so fast that he didn't catch it and could only stare blankly at the blurry shadow in the darkness.

Although he couldn't catch it, he instinctively felt that it was dangerous and worried about his life, so he didn't dare to get up again and wished he could shrink into the ground.

Shen Chen ignored Liu Xun who was in a panic and was at a loss. He wrapped his long sword around the riding whip and whipped it hard. With the weapon out of his hand, Zhuozi moved to draw the dagger from his chest, and Shenchen raised his foot to kick it.

He did not hold back his strength in order to achieve a quick victory. He could not let Li Du threaten the princess.

The powerful and heavy kick may have directly injured an organ, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the handlebar, and Shen Chen was no longer able to deal with it.

 The night wind howled, causing the trees to sway.

The mountain wind in late September was full of chill, and it filled his mouth and nose. Li Du almost covered his mouth and coughed again.

He reluctantly held back, planning a way out in his mind.

Su Yi went to the direction of Ji'an Town, and Wang Jie went back to Zhuangzi. No matter who it was, water from afar could not save the fire near.

With only two legs, he could not outrun Shen Chen.

 The only thing that can be used is the horse.

Their carriage fell behind, and Ning'an's carriage was in front.

It takes time to remove the carriage frame from the horse. He has to seize Ning'an, use Ning'an as a hostage, and let the driver unload the carriage.

 Li Du's thinking is very clear.

He saw Ning'an's position before. Even if he moved a few steps, it was roughly the same. When he got closer and saw it more clearly, he had to hit it with one hit...

What Li Du didn't know was that Lin Yunyan thought the same way.

She stood on the mountain path without moving a step.

 Watching the figure running towards her getting closer and closer, the various pictures in her mind became clearer and clearer.

Once upon a time, Niu Bo drove his car and drove fast on this mountain road.

Once upon a time, she and Xu Jian tried every means to get rid of the pursuing soldiers.

 Once, they were even more embarrassed than Li Du is now!

She thought of the courtyard, the collapsed roof, the billowing smoke, the scorching flames...

She heard the chirping of cicadas.

Li Du was already in front of her, only four arms' distance from Lin Yunyan.

 It is bound to win!

Li Du stretched out his palm and grabbed Lin Yunyan's neck.

Lin Yunyan raised her right hand suddenly, with the cuff of her sleeve facing Li Du.


 The air was cut by something.

Li Du didn't react. He only knew that something stabbed him with such force that he lost control of his body and fell backwards.

 Subconsciously, he retracted his palm and reached for his throat.

 It’s very cold, that thing is very cold.

 It was very hot, his blood was boiling.

Li Du's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Yunyan not far away in disbelief.

Without Xu Jian around, or even Shen Chen taking action, how could a film about a little girl like Ning An be...

Li Du fell to the ground and looked at the dark sky, which was getting darker and darker.

 He knew he was going to die soon.

 Even before the great cause was accomplished, he actually died...

 Li Du was motionless, and it was impossible to move again.

Lin Yunyan put down her arms and looked expressionlessly, then raised her eyes and looked in the direction of Liu Xun.

 Liu Xun was already stupid.

what happened?

He only saw Li Du rushing towards Lin Yunyan, but Li Du fell down without touching her at all.

 What the **** is this...

Why is a weak woman like Lin Yunyan...

“Ah!” Liu Xun held his head and shouted.

 The thoughts that I had not grasped before could not be clearer this time.

He thought of Fa'an Temple, the words of Zhike monks and pilgrims, the long mountain road, and the possibility that he had rejected.

“It’s you!” Liu Xun looked at Lin Yunyan in horror and shouted, “It’s you who killed Geng Baoyuan!”

Lin Yunyan laughed and walked towards Liu Xun: "So what if it's me?"

"I..." Liu Xun was speechless and couldn't continue.

 Report to the official? Tell His Highness?

His current situation is really bizarre!

"I will definitely not tell anyone." Liu Xun gave up.

Lin Yunyan even dared to kill Li Du!

It is true that Li Du was treasonous, but with his status, it would be logical to capture him and hand him over to the Holy Master. However, Lin Yunyan blocked his throat with one arrow.

 She could obviously shoot Li Du directly in the leg or arm and capture him alive.

"I won't talk about Geng Baoyuan, and I won't talk about how Li Du died," Liu Xun cried and begged for mercy, "Please let me go, sister-in-law, please let me go for the sake of your mother! I'll go back to Quzhou." , I can’t say a word!”

 Lin Yunyan pursed her lips: "Sister-in-law? Do you deserve to be called that? Mother? You only think of your mother when you are in trouble!"

Liu Xun wanted to say something else, but Lin Yunyan and Shen Chen said, "Break his right leg!"

Shen Chen's expression remained unchanged, and he did whatever the princess ordered him to do, regardless of the reason.

 The long sword stabbed Liu Xun's right leg, blood spurted out, and he howled in pain.

Lin Yunyan looked at Liu Xun for a moment, with tears in her eyes.

"Some things are destined to happen." She whispered what Xu Jian had said in a low voice.

That was the answer Xu Jian tried hard to get time and time again.

He avoided the long swords of the Xiliang people and fought for several years, but still injured his leg.

Mrs. Xu once told Lin Yunyan about her nightmare. In the dream, she went crazy.

He stabbed Liu Jing with scissors; he was protected by Xu Jian while running away with his white hair; he fell down in the ancestral hall and cried bitterly while holding his parents' memorial tablets...

Lin Yunyan remembered it all.

Mrs. Xu said that Xu Jian carried her on his back and fled all the way. After being surrounded by people, Xu Jian was stabbed in the leg. She saw bright red blood and Liu Xun standing not far away.

Her youngest son just looked at her and didn't help her or Xu Jian.

 It was a dream, but it was not a dream.

  This is a time that Lin Yunyan has never gone through, but it is a time that Xu Jian has really worked hard for.

Lin Yunyan bit her lip, tears sliding down her face, but her heart was quieter than ever.

The person who fell in the alley could change from Chen Dong's family to Li Yuanfa, so why could the person with a broken leg only be Xu Jian and not Liu Xun?

I thought I would never meet Liu Xun again in this life, but for Mrs. Xu's sake, they didn't kill them all after the Holy Emperor's judgment.

But Liu Xun came back again, riding in a carriage with Li Du, watching Lin Yunyan kill Li Du.

  So, if there is hatred, revenge should be taken, and if there is resentment, revenge should be retaliated.

 Blood debt must be paid with blood!

 “No one will be left alive,” Lin Yunyan said.

 Shenzhen should come down.

Liu Xun was still holding his right leg and whining. He was dumbfounded when he heard Lin Yunyan's order.

Lin Yunyan has already injured his leg, but she wants to kill him? !

 “Vicious woman!” he shouted, “you...”

Shenchen stepped forward and covered Liu Xun's mouth.

Soon, there was no movement behind Lin Yunyan.

She glanced at the sky and said to Uncle Niu, "Let's go down the mountain."

 Lunch box x1

  Lunch box x2

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~~

 Thanks to the book friend’s small yard for the reward.

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