Watching Xia Yan close the door, Duanmumo also yawned and put his legs on the sofa.

Yuzhi was silent for a while, and finally got the chance to ask:

"Mr. Duanmu...Aunt Katsuragi, will you save her?"

She herself had no confidence in the request she made, but she just wanted to do it urgently.

"Believe in your strength and the strength of your companions, that's enough." Duanmu Mo said lightly, "You should also go back and have a good rest. Only by adjusting your body and mentality can you face the next battle."

——Have you adjusted your mentality...

Yuzhi took a deep breath and nodded vigorously. Thinking of Mrs. Katsuragi's face in his mind, he stood up and said firmly:

"I will definitely do it!"

"I look forward to hearing of your victory."

Duanmumo stood up and watched Yuzhi leave.

He smiled and waved, saying goodbye to her, then closed the door and sat on the desk.

Watching Yuzhi go away from the window, Duanmumo withdrew his gaze.

Now, it's time to get down to business.

He raised his hand, and a card appeared between his fingers.

This card with the vampire monster on it should now have its effect after Duanmu Mo "made a fortune".

He could feel that this vampire monster had many interesting abilities that were useless in combat.

With a mysterious smile, Duanmumo took out the energy card, silently looking forward to fighting again in the future.



——I don’t know when the poisonous vine will appear next, but daily life has to continue. Yuzhi sat at the desk, ate a lunch, and reviewed books from time to time.

It is now after-school break time at Yuzhi School. Some students will go to the cafeteria to eat. Of course, there are also many who bring their own lunch boxes.

Even though she was extremely anxious, she knew that she had to be as calm as Xia Yan. Only in this way could she be better prepared for the battle ahead.

"Phew... calm down, calm down."

Realizing that her thoughts were a little confused again, Yuzhi closed her eyes and chanted silently, looking a little distracted.

And when she took a deep breath, a figure also sat opposite her.

Huizi sat in front of her, opened a piece of bread and looked at her with a smile.

"Huizi... Is it okay to just have these for lunch?" Seeing that Natsume Huizi had something to say, Yuzhi put aside the anxiety in his heart and asked with a gentle smile.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll have some more after school." Taking a bite of bread, Huizi said while taking out her mobile phone.

"But I remember, wasn't the food court near the school destroyed?"

As a participant in the destruction of that street, Yuzhi also felt a little guilty towards these people in the school.

After all, it is the favorite place for students in the school to relax after school, and Huizi is a frequent visitor there.

I thought I would hear Huizi sighing with regret after going to school, but who knew that she cheered up after a while.

"Who said there is only one street near the school?"

Drinking milk happily, Huizi said with a joyful expression: "There is a street nearby. Many stores there have launched discounts and new products in the past few days. I am planning to go there with my friends after school. ! Yuzhi, do you want to go together?"

"I won't..."

It was probably a way to attract new customers. After all, the food court was destroyed and too many students had no place to play. Other businesses would naturally seize the opportunity to attract those customers.

There is no need to hide this obvious strategy. After all, for these students, it is no problem to go anywhere as long as there is a place to play.

"If you keep doing this, you will miss a lot of interesting things~"

Huizi said with a smile, glanced around, and whispered: "You may not believe it, but when I went to the food court during the holidays, I met senior Xia Yan~"

Hearing this, Yuzhi was stunned: "Are you there too?"


"Ah, no...I mean, I didn't expect you to be there when the street was destroyed." Yuzhi waved his hands in a hurry and asked with concern: "You weren't hurt, were you?"

"It's okay, it's okay, let me show you this!"

Huizi still had that big look, showing Yuzhi the photos on her phone.

In the photo, it was a photo of Huizi and Xia Yan, but Xia Yan looked very unhappy, which was obviously not of her own free will.

"It's very handsome, senior Xia Yan's outfit."

"Well, it does look good."

Yuzhi nodded in cooperation. Xia Yan's appearance was indeed very beautiful. She had a neutral and handsome temperament but also did not lack the charm of a girl.

"Originally we planned to invite her to play, but who knew in the end, her boyfriend came!"


Yuzhi was stunned, unable to understand her words for the time being.

In her excitement, Huizi didn't notice Yuzhi's daze, and continued:

"Now that I think about it, senior Xia Yan seemed to have a hard time rejecting us, so - he! He came over on a motorcycle to help her reject us, and even took her into the game arcade to play!"

Huizi swiped the screen, and on the phone, Yuzhi saw Duanmumo and Xia Yan standing in front of a game console holding toy guns.

The angle is a bit strange, and it seems to have been shot secretly.

"This, this doesn't seem to be her boyfriend." Yuzhi's heart suddenly became confused and he quickly questioned.

"Eh? Impossible~" Huizi smiled and waved her hands: "You didn't see how these two people were joking and talking, they were so close~"

"But, but isn't Senior Xia Yan still just a student? It's also a kind of slander to say that about her..."

Hearing Yu Zhi's words, Huizi still insisted on her own ideas, and even came up with a new discovery: "But didn't she drop out of school? Hey! I think Senior's dropping out of school is related to this man."

"How is it possible-and even if Senior Xia Yan dropped out of school, she is not yet an adult!"

"Almost an adult." Huizi looked at Yu Zhi helplessly: "And Yu Zhi, don't you know that in this era, don't say that you are not an adult. In some places, people will fall in love before they are even ten years old."


Yu Zhi did see such news, but she still felt that it was too precocious. More importantly, there was an idea in her heart that scratched her and wanted to deny this.

But what could she say? Say that she knew this man, and she stayed at this man's house for a night, and knew that he definitely didn't have a partner?

If that were the case, then with Huizi's personality, her deeds would spread throughout the school in less than half a day, and her parents would call her to question her on the same day.

"Could it be..." Huizi remembered that Yuzhi had asked her about Xia Yan last time, and asked, "Have you met Senior Xia Yan?"

"Well... I've met her a few times, and her relationship with Duan, this person is just..." Yuzhi looked aside and said without revealing her true feelings, "We just know each other."

In fact, if Duanmu Mo hadn't taken the initiative to arrange it, she and Xia Yan would have only exchanged a few words, and after her transformation, Xi Ri... The relationship was even worse at the beginning, and only became a little more friendly after Yuzhi showed her strength - but only a little.

As for the relationship between Xia Yan and Duanmu Mo, she didn't know it, and she didn't want to find out.

"Is that so..." Hearing this, Huizi sighed and looked at her phone: "I've been thinking about the plot for a long time~"

"......" Yuzhi didn't know what to say, so she could only put on a smiling expression, but her brows were slightly frowned, showing a tangled look.

Huizi showed a regretful expression: "But since Xia Yan and this man are just friends, I'd better not publicize too much, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to Senior Xia Yan."

She finished the bread in three or five bites and left her seat: "It's right to tell Yuzhi about this in advance, bye!"

"Well, goodbye..."

Watching her leave the classroom in a hurry, Yuzhi put down her hand and turned to look out the window.

Suddenly, she sighed deeply, and she didn't even know why she sighed.

...... She didn't listen to a single class the whole day after that.


I have to go to the hospital to remove the stitches today, and I have some drafts saved, so I will post them first

Volume 1: Chapter 50: History of Kamishiro City


--Just as Yuzhi was talking to Huizi, Xia Yan gradually woke up from the bed on the other side.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar and dark room, with a messy floor full of various things that I didn't know whether they were daily necessities or garbage.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are no electrical furniture here, as if there is no electricity in this apartment.

Xia Yan got off the bed in silence, washed up, and then opened the window while eating breakfast.

There was a dead silence outside the window, far away from people.

If you look carefully, you can also find that the ground near the apartment has cracks, and it is immediately clear what this place is.

The magical girl or the weirdo destroyed the area near this apartment, and for various reasons, no one was willing to repair it. Over time, this apartment was completely abandoned.

Now, only Xia Yan still lives here.

For ordinary people, without electrical appliances, there is no air conditioning and television, and it is impossible to use a refrigerator to store food. Such a life is no different from that of primitive people.

But Xia Yan is already familiar with such days. At least compared to when she was a child, there is still a decent home here...

Silently eating bread for breakfast, Xia Yan suddenly felt something and looked at the necklace on her wrist.

Around the gem used for transformation, there are some crystal beads, but the beads that set off the gem are not dazzling, but at this moment they are flashing an inexplicable light.

Holding the beads with the other hand, Xia Yan sat on the bed and closed her eyes.

—— Soon, she felt a light wrapped around her, and then she opened her eyes.

The dim room has disappeared, and Xia Yan is now in a gray space.

And in front of her, there stands a glowing human figure.


She said the other person's name and stood up.

Kong Huan also nodded slightly, and the human-shaped light said: "According to your time, it should be noon, Xi Ri."

"Just say it directly." Xia Yan still had the same attitude: "You asked me to come here, I guess you found some useful information."

——Kong Huan, also one of the magical girls, had met Xi Ri once when she was asked by her family to travel to this city together a few years ago.

This is not uncommon for magical girls. Xiri has also been to other cities to help other magical girls deal with monsters, but the difference is that Konghuan's ability is very special.

She can make a certain kind of gem that can connect the spirit of the wearer of the jewelry and use it for magical girls to communicate with each other.

Before leaving, Konghuan strung the gem into a bracelet and gave it to Xiri.

Although a bead can only be used once, it is much safer than ordinary people's communication tools.

It is also because Konghuan has this ability that she has contacts with many magical girls. Xia Yan also contacted her once not long ago, hoping to use her ability to find information about poison vines.

"Well-'The monsters in Shendai City are looking for powerful bodies, maybe to revive powerful enemies' This is your question. I have asked other magical girls and learned some vague things."

In response to Xia Yan's inquiry, Konghuan, the human figure, nodded and said.

Under Xia Yan's gaze, she formed a table and chair composed of light in the gray world, and appeared just behind Xia Yan.

The two sat down, and Kong Huan began to talk about what he knew:

"The reason why Shenshiro City was given this name is because a long time ago, a girl living on that land was possessed by a god and killed a demon."

Kong Huan smiled and said, "But now, you and I know that this is not a god at all, but in ancient times when even the name of magical girl did not exist, a girl awakened her power and killed a monster."

But soon, she retracted her smile and said seriously, "-But according to records, this monster is extremely powerful, even the magical girl paid the price of her life."

"A magical girl who has just awakened her power?"

Xia Yan wanted to know the strength of this monster. If it is just an existence that can be defeated by a magical girl who has just awakened her power, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Kong Huan shook his head and pointed out Xia Yan's mistake:

"To let a girl who had just awakened her power defeat it at the cost of her life, you can imagine how much awareness this magical girl has. The power driven by this kind of emotion cannot be described as 'just awakened'."

"I see... It's my mistake." Xia Yan paused and continued to ask: "Then have you found a way to revive it? For example, a ritual that must be performed."

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