At this time.

Others on the Broken Bridge were also trembling with fear, and the song reminded them of the long-forgotten past.

"Has it snowed on the Broken Bridge? I think of your face again. Long'er, I also think of your face, but where are you now?"

A man with a broken left arm stood at the end of the bridge, his face was vicissitudes, and his eyes were full of loneliness!

However, there were also some people who simply thought the song was good and were completely immersed in Ling Yu's singing.

"This song "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow" is really beautiful, it feels like a poem!"

"I feel that this song, although it and "Blue and White Porcelain" are both in the ancient style of Daxia, the emotions conveyed in the lyrics are completely different!"

"Although I don't quite understand the artistic conception of the song, but standing on this Broken Bridge, listening to the song "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow", my heart still overflows with thoughts!"

"This Ling Yu is really talented. The previous "Blue and White Porcelain" was already as beautiful as a painting, but now this "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow" is even more poetic and picturesque. It's hard to imagine that these two songs were written by the same person!"


The tourists on the Broken Bridge sighed.

At this time.

Ling Yu's singing continued to echo in their ears.

"A butterfly with broken wings that can't find a flower."

"It will never see the withering."


"Has it ever snowed on the Broken Bridge?"

"I think of your face again."

"If we never meet again."

"The willow curtains on the Baidi Causeway shed tears several times."

Recording site.

On the coldly lit stage.

When Ling Yu finished singing the last verse.

He slowly put down the hand holding the microphone.

But the audience at the scene still closed their eyes, intoxicated by the melody of the ending song.

Until five or six seconds later.

After the melody of the ending song completely stopped.

The audience at the scene seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and they all opened their eyes.

The next second.

Thunderous applause suddenly resounded throughout the recording site.

Even Li Xingyun, who was sitting in the contestant waiting area, and the staff at the scene all stood up and applauded.

"It's so beautiful. This song "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow" not only has a beautiful title, beautiful lyrics, beautiful melody, but also a stunning artistic conception!"

"Brother Ling Yu is really amazing. He can write such sad lyrics with the name of a scenic spot as the title of the song. He is really talented in music!"

"It is obviously the hottest time of the summer vacation, but when I heard this song "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow", I felt as if there was a chill in my heart!"

"Not only in my heart! I am so cold that I have goose bumps!"


The audience at the scene talked about it.

At this time.

The four mentors under the stage.

They couldn't help but applaud Ling Yu.

And Xue Zhiqian still started his enchanting seal-style applause, which directly increased the atmosphere of the scene!


At the same time.

In the office of the West Lake Scenic Area.

Chen Jun and the heads of several other departments in Lin'an City were also watching the live broadcast of Ling Yu's game in the office.

When they finished listening to Ling Yu's singing.

They couldn't help but applaud Ling Yu.

These ministers are all relatively old, basically over 50 years old.

Chen Jun is in his early 40s, the youngest among them!

Old cadres like them usually don't pay much attention to the Internet.

Especially those old cadres who are older, today is the first time to watch the live broadcast.

At first they were a little resistant.

They thought that the songs sung by young people like Ling Yu in the live broadcast program could be considered good songs?

In their hearts.

Only the old artists who used to sing in the opera house could sing songs that could touch their ears.

But now.

After listening to Ling Yu's "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow".

They no longer think so!

"Ling Yu's song is really artistic, and the Broken Bridge and Residual Snow, one of the ten scenic spots of West Lake, is written as beautiful as poetry!"

A minister with white hair on his temples exclaimed sincerely.

"This Ling Yu is indeed talented. Yesterday I specially looked up the songs he sang before, "Blue and White Porcelain" and "Luzhou Moon", on the Internet. I found that he is really capable of writing lyrics into poems!"

Another minister with wrinkles on his eyes also echoed.

"Hahaha, it was because I saw Ling Yu singing "Luzhou Moon" on the Internet before that I asked him to write a song for our West Lake Scenic Area to promote it!"

"Now that his song "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow" has come out, our West Lake Scenic Area will definitely be popular for a while."

"And in the future, we can also make a special promotional video for the scenic area, using this song "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow" as the soundtrack.It will surely attract more tourists to our scenic spot!"

Chen Jun said with a smile on his face and an excited tone.

"That's possible, Minister Chen, you asked Ling Yu to write a song to promote our West Lake Scenic Spot, this move is really the right one!"

"Your contribution will probably be well recorded by the higher-ups!"

A minister patted Chen Jun on the shoulder and said.

"Hahaha, I'm just doing my duty!"

"I didn't think of recording any credit. "

Chen Jun waved his hand modestly, but the satisfied smile on his face could not be concealed at all.

As a minister of an official department, how could he really not care about such things as commendation?

After listening to Ling Yu's "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow".

He knew.

This time, he had definitely taken the credit, and even Jesus couldn't stop him!


At this time.

The lights at the recording site were all on.

The applause and shouts from the audience also stopped.

And Ling Yu stood in the center of the stage, bowed slightly and said:

"Thank you everyone!"


The host also walked onto the stage with an excited look on his face.

Then he deliberately clamped the microphone in his armpits, and walked towards Ling Yu while clapping vigorously.

After that.

The host picked up the microphone again and said to Ling Yu:

"Ling Yu, your song "Broken Bridge and Residual Snow" is really beautiful, which reminds me of some past events when I was young. ”

“So I have to applaud you once more!”

“Thank you, host!” Facing the host’s enthusiasm, Ling Yu also smiled faintly.

And the audience burst into applause again.

But soon.

The host continued to control the scene and said:

“Okay, now contestant Ling Yu’s singing has ended!”

“Next, please invite contestant Li Xingyun to sing on stage!”

After the host finished speaking.

Li Xingyun, who was sitting in the contestant rest area, finally stood up, then walked onto the stage with a smile on his face and a brisk pace...

PS: The third update is here, please send some small gifts to all readers!

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