You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1228: Handsome

After Xu Mu had finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to cover the phone lens and said, "Turn it off, get out of the way, I want to go home."

At this time, everyone was still dumbfounded, because the last words Xu Mu said were clearly a threat!

Moreover, people dare to say this, it is clear that they have a clear conscience, and they are not afraid of shadows.

The most terrible thing is that Xu Mu was really super handsome when he spoke harshly!

How can you be so handsome?

Some female reporters among the reporters couldn't help but be careful with red eyes.

When they were still in a daze, Xu Mu pushed away the people in front of them and squeezed out of the crowd.

Seeing Xu Mu strode away, some of the reporters said: "Oh my God, seriously, I can't write anything with my conscience about whether Teacher Xu and Xing Qingchen are really ambiguous, this is clearly Xing Qingchen's wishful thinking... "

"Me too, so am I. Teacher Xu is really handsome and handsome, and I can't help but believe that he is definitely not that kind of person."

"It feels like Xing Qingchen was beaten in the face and he is still behind."

"plus one."

At this time, not only the reporters felt that way, but many people on the Internet also had the same idea. Xu Mu's ruthless words were too convincing.

In the middle of the night, Xu Mu successfully awakened people from most of the country again.

In two hours, someone has already started the countdown to the live broadcast.

Many people are saying, I won’t sleep tonight, so I’ll just wait two hours, what exactly will Xu Mu put in?

There are a lot of boring people like this. If I don’t go to work tomorrow, I have to wait for this melon. If I don’t send my daughter to school tomorrow, I have to wait for this melon. If I don’t pick up the female ticket tomorrow morning, I have to wait for this melon. Wait……

Even some stars were caught by their fans and went online in the middle of the night. For example, director Huo Tianen and his son both ran up and gave Xu Mu a thumbs up.

People on Weibo sent Xing Qingchen and her agent's Weibo to Xing Qingchen and her agent the hus that Xu Mu said during the live broadcast.

Although there are still many fans of Xing Qingchen and the navy trying to discredit Xu Mu.

However, the enthusiasm of the people who eat melons is soaring, all of them are waiting for the time to be 2 hours later, waiting for the end of this matter.

Is Xing Qingchen the first to apologize? Xu Mu came out to tear off Xing Qingchen's skin.

However, no matter what it is, it's pretty good. Anyway, melons, everyone loves them.

At this time, at home, Qin Se got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. After lying down, he picked up the phone and glanced at the time, and then swiped the hot Weibo live broadcast on the Internet.

Qin Seceng did it, his figure was not like a pregnant woman.

When she clicked on the live broadcast, she happened to see Xu Mu swearing at the end.

Qin Se excitedly pushed Gu Jingyuan twice to wake him up and eat melon with her.

Gu Jingyuan woke up: "What's the matter?"

Qin Se handed the phone to Gu Jingyuan: "Look, wow, Uncle Xu is so handsome... you should be so tough. I know that Uncle Xu is definitely not a casual person. Now, that female celebrity must feel better. It's..."

Gu Jingyuan and Qin Se huddled their heads together on Weibo.


Xu Mu walked out of the airport and called a car directly.

Don't think he is a big star, but Xu Mu has never made himself very special.

At this point, when he returned to China, he felt it was too late, so he didn't let the employees from his studio come over.

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