You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1246: Good fate

Zhou Ping said truthfully, she can’t do anything else, but it’s okay to look at people. Xu Mu is not a person who provokes flowers, and people like him recruit peach blossoms, but peach blossoms have always come to him instead of him. Found.

Xu Mu suddenly had a feeling of exuberance, as if he heard the flowers in his heart, at this moment, it bloomed instantly.

That feeling is simply not too beautiful. ,

He was very disturbed and uneasy, afraid that Zhou Ping would have some doubts about him. After all, everyone felt that there were too many temptations in the entertainment circle, and his status was placed there. There must be many beautiful female stars posting on them.

If there is a little loophole in concentration, it will be stuck.

Even some stars in the entertainment industry, even if they are married, still have a lot of wives and children at home and a bunch of lovers outside.

With money, fame, morality and responsibility to the family, loyalty to your wife will be slowly diluted, unless you can be very principled.

But Xu Mu didn't expect Zhou Ping would say such things without hesitation. She said she believed him.

Believe in his character.

Just this sentence was enough to make Xu Mu's uneasiness in his heart dissipate instantly.

Xu Mu became excited and looked at Zhou Ping, suddenly wondering what to say.

He had prepared a lot of confessions and explanations,, they don’t use them all. Seeing Zhou Ping’s calm and quiet profile, Xu Mu’s inner excitement calmed down a bit. All he wanted was to spend time with such a woman. lifetime.

She believes in him, understands him, does not suspect him, does not doubt him, Zhou Ping always reminds Xu Mu of a word-people are as pale as a chrysanthemum.

She is not such a passionate person, nor does she love to lively. By her side, you can always be attracted to her.

Xu Mu feels this way. The longer we get along, the better she feels, like wine that has been covered in dust for many years, and it will last forever.

Xu Mu smiled. She seemed to understand him very well. She could understand him even if he didn't say anything.

A person lives a lifetime, no matter how beautiful a beauty is, in the end it is nothing but withered, but it is too difficult to find someone who can resonate in the soul.

Xu Mu said, "I brought you some gifts abroad. I will make dumplings later. Would you like to take a look?"

Zhou Ping did not refuse either, and said calmly: "Okay."

Xu Mu's heart was filled with joy again, and he loved her like this, never pretending to be reserved.

If you want it, you don't want it.

Bai Lu was listening and couldn't help feeling that Xu Mu had good luck and met a woman like Zhou Ping.

If this is left in someone else's house, even if Xu Mu is really wronged, there will be three trials after returning home.

It is indispensable to be educated, so that in the future, he must be more vigilant, not to give other women a chance, or something.

However, Zhou Ping didn't ask anything, she believed him.

She trusted Xu Mu's character and behavior, and would not doubt him.

Xu Mu originally thought that after stepping into the house, there must be a level of sadness, and maybe he will be kicked out, but he never thought that it was just him thinking, Zhou Ping still treated him the same as before, nothing. different.

It was as if he had never left the house, and nothing happened.

No matter what kind of mood Xu Mu is outside, as long as he sits next to Zhou Ping, the whole person can calm down.


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