You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1259: Waste wood duck

The two of them on the picture had just got off the plane, still sleepy eyes, messy hair, a few dull hairs standing upright, there was no image at all, a few words were written on the picture-I am a waste wood duck!

The fans of the two quickly became active and replied below: Don’t be so demanding of our brother, it’s good to be able to make a song, as for whether it’s good or not...we don’t insist, as long as they are willing to show their faces. , That's it.

Some fans wrote: The picture is so good, it causes extreme comfort!

As an official Wei, is it okay to black your artist like this? Of course-very good!

Li Junzhe covers his face...

You are so frantic and terrible.

This is the hardest artist he has ever brought, and the most weird fan he has ever met!

The heart is so tired, I feel that after another two years, he may retire directly.

When he first took over the two, Li Junzhe still thought to himself that these two children have such good resources and so popular that they can bring the top domestic men's team with them. He just needs to lie down and count the money.

However, the reality later slapped him severely and told him not to wish for nothing.

No matter how popular it is, no matter how strong the resources are, and no matter how hard the background is, it can't hold them both from failing.

The fans of the two of them chased such idols, and they can't leave it alone. They really love it.

Li Junzhe became more and more angry as he thought about it, put down his phone and said, "Have you taken a break? Record it again."

Qin Zheng kicked both feet on the ground twice, and said shamelessly: "I'm tired, I don't want it, my singing voice is about to smoke, it's 11 o'clock, I won't sing anymore..."

Chen Mo lay motionless on the floor, saying that he didn't even want to say anything.

Li Junzhe gritted his teeth and said: "Teacher Xu said that you two must record two complete songs before the day after tomorrow. The requirements for you are too low. Although I will hire a tuner for you, but you also Be up for it, idols, my ancestors, you are idols, heavenly groups, look at the so many fans on the Internet that are waiting to be fed, you are embarrassed to fall like this..."

Qin Zheng: "I, sorry!"

Li Junzhe...

Chen Mo raised a hand: "Master, I will pay... Please 10 tuner to fix it for us. I don't want to record any more, I don't want to sing again."

Li Junzhe wanted to grab the slippers next to him and threw it over: "No, no matter how many tuner you hire, you both have to record two songs by yourself. If you two can’t even record a broken song, the tuner will give Do you fix the air?"

"If you don't move anymore, I will call Teacher Xu and he will come over to fix you..."

Qin Zheng started to do it: "Are you Xu Mu's agent or both of us?"

With tears in his eyes, Li Junzhe said, "If you give me another chance to choose, I will definitely not be your agent again..."

Chen Mo rolled on the floor and wailed: "Can't we let us rest for a while?"

Li Junzhe said cruelly: "You can rest after singing."

Although the two were extremely reluctant, they were hurried again, the recording studio.

Qin Zheng grabbed the earphones and took the lead: "Sing, finish early, get free early..."

Chen Mo shrugged his head: "Why do we want to be entertainers, we get up early and greedy and tired like a dog? You say that I am a good second generation of rich family, the dude is not appropriate, what entertainment industry should I join?"

Qin Zheng said bitterly: "I got on the thief ship, it seems that I can't get off."


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