You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1312: My beauty

Zhou Ping asked with a smile, "That's it, are there any other requirements?"

Qin Zheng shook his head: "Uh, I can't think of anything else for the time being, for the time being...that's it."

"That's it, okay...then, should I make you a kitchen with a cook?"

Qin Zheng touched his nose: "This is... Then, if you are willing, I will not refuse..."

Zhou Ping turned her face instantly: "Beautiful you, brat, hurry up and study and hang up."

Before finishing speaking, Zhou Ping directly hung up.

"Hey...hey, mom, wait, I haven't finished yet..." Qin Zheng yelled while holding his mobile phone. It's a pity... The video window is gone, Qin Zheng curled his lips: "Why are you so anxious? A few words, I haven't had time to finish my words, really...I'm so old, my temper is so violent..."

Qin Zheng originally wanted to tell Zhou Ping that if he could, it would be better to send him a few more clothes, especially socks and underwear. He was so tired every day, he really didn't have time to wash...

Qin Zheng quickly rewarded this sentence and sent it to Zhou Ping, hoping that when she saw it, she would send him the **** and socks.

After sending it, there was no response.

Qin Zheng sighed, turned on the camera on his phone, and looked at himself in the lens. He specifically turned off the beauty and filters, looked left and right, staring for a while.

It was probably Zhou Ping's words that worked in Qin Zheng's heart. He looked at him, and he really felt that he was... ugly, and a little dark...

Qin Zheng touched his face, feeling a little bit inside, "Should I buy some sunscreen too?"

Suddenly someone patted his shoulder, and turned his head to see Zhuang Shuo, "What are you looking at? So narcissistic?"

Qin Zheng asked quickly: "You have looked at me, take a good look at my face."

"What's wrong? You...what are you doing?" Zhuang Shuo leaned back in shock.

Qin Zheng asked: "Did I become ugly in these two days?"

Zhuang Shuo was taken aback for a moment, why did he suddenly ask?

He hesitated for a moment, and said: ", isn't this the same as before?"

Qin Zheng pointed at him: "You hesitated, you hesitated, you must think that I have become ugly in the past two days, no, I have to find a way to remedy it, and I can take it out with a face. If my face is ugly, I won’t find my girlfriend anymore."

Zhuang Shuo quickly said: "No, no, I was not hesitating just now, I just wondered why you asked me that, your face is still as good-looking as before, really, don't believe me, you can post a selfie and ask your fans. ?"

Zhuang Shuo scratched his head. How did it feel weird, like the way he and his girlfriend sometimes had an awkward relationship?

Qin Zheng thinks about it, it seems to be the same, send a selfie to ask fans.

"Then...then should I use a filter to beautify my face?"

Zhuang Shuo: " need it, you are so young and so beautiful, it doesn't matter whether you use it or not."

Qin Zheng nodded, picked up the phone and posed for several poses, took several photos, and finally chose the one he thought was the best and posted it!

Supporting article: I have been tired of training and become a dog recently. I have complained to my mother. I don’t want to shoot and want to go home, but my mother not only disagrees, but also said that I seem to be a little ugly recently. How do you feel about jio?

The fans returned soon, but... the response did not satisfy Qin Zheng.

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