You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1331: Doom

Shui Xingyun looked angry and wanted to say no, but Song Mingjue's hands were so strong that she pinched her wrists sore.

The look in her eyes by Song Mingjue also made her feel a little uneasy. Her son had never been so harsh.

"I...I..." Shui Xingyun couldn't say it. In her opinion, Zhou Ping was a vulgar housewife with no connotation. To apologize to her was undoubtedly slapped herself.

However, Shui Xingyun's hand kept squeezing her wrist, and she couldn't bear the pain.

Her eyes were red with pain, tears were rolling, and finally, she gritted her teeth and said: "Yes... I'm sorry..."

"Please forgive me, we are leaving now." Song Mingjue bowed to Zhou Ping and Gu Jingyuan and they were about to leave, pulling Shui Xingyun.

But Shui Xingyun refused: "Wait, I haven't finished speaking yet..."

"Mom, go back first..." Song Mingjue dragged her, trying to take people away quickly, fearing that staying any longer would cause more trouble.

It is not appropriate to state their purpose now, it will only backfire.

The first thing they have to do is to hold on to Gu Zhixin. Even if they cannot get his forgiveness, they must at least let him not repel before they can proceed.

Otherwise, they won't get anything.

Zhou Ping said to Shui Xingyun: "It's useless if you say it, so go back honestly. You gave up on your own initiative. If you want to get it again, it's impossible. It's delusional."

"A delusion? As long as I think about it in my life, I can get everything... I don't lack anything." Shui Xingyun said with a loud voice, as if this is the way he can show his confidence.

Zhou Ping sarcastically said: "You really don't need anything in your life, but you have one thing missing. You didn't have it before, and you won't have it in the future. You probably won't get it until you die."

Shui Xingyun said with disdain: "You nonsense, what can I not get?"

Zhou Ping: "Virtue!"


Zhou Ping sarcastically said: "You are wicked, do you understand?"

Shui Xingyun said angrily: "You scold me!"

Zhou Ping shook her head: "I'm not scolding you, I just tell the truth, of course, is it true? You know this best in your own heart. I look at you. Your life is selfish, mean and unkind, and you were prosperous and rich in your early years. Abandoning one's parents and children is indeed in exchange for 20 years of rich clothing and food, but..."

Zhou Ping paused, Shui Xingyun and Song Mingjue both turned pale.

But they didn't think it was weird. Perhaps Gu Jingyuan and the others told Zhou Ping about her.

However, Zhou Ping's words were shocking and terrifying.

Zhou Ping pointed to Shui Xingyun’s face and said: "You have a dark eye around your eyes and a dark brow entangled in your eyebrows. It seems that you have been suffering from bad luck recently and your house is restless... and the husband and wife palace and children's palace are unstable. It seems that someone is in the house. Seriously ill, financial situation cut off, family...economic crisis? Have you been short of money recently?"

After Zhou Ping finished speaking, Shui Xingyun took a step back in fright. Even the scheming Song Mingjue was shocked at this moment and could not hide it. Shui Xingyun came back to his senses and yelled: "You are talking are talking curse me, I tell you, my family is very good, our Song family is in Linzhou, you can cover the sky with just one hand, you Don’t be mystery here, I’m not someone who has never read..."

Shui Xingyun turned his head and said quickly: "Ming Jue, let's go..."


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