You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1361: bad boy

Xu Mu said: "Okay, okay... Isn't it just cooking a meal? During my time in the crew, I can't make it for you. You stinky boy, you have learned worse these days."

Qin Zheng snorted: "What are you talking about, people have always been good children!"

"Good job, hello boy, how good is hello, you are not hungry, you are still thinking about fooling around."

"Ah, I forgot all about it. It's all you. If you promised to cook early, it would be finished. I forgot to eat."

Qin Zheng hurriedly opened the box, and it turned out that it was full of everything to eat.

The most of them are all kinds of braised meat, packed in plastic bags, vacuumed and sealed.

Qin Zheng loved to eat everything. He screamed happily when he saw the meat, and almost didn't jump up.

Qin Zheng directly tore open a plastic bag with chicken paws, and said, "I feel like I am a nouveau riche now, and I won't change it no matter how much money is given to me..."

Xu Mu shook his head. Some children of other people's age have been in love two or three times. This is good. For him, a girlfriend is not as good as a bite of meat.

Xu Mu said, "Except for the small box, everything else is for you. You can take it back to your roommate."

Qin Zheng stopped when he heard the action of chewing chicken feet. He looked at the box full of food with pain. How should he choose? Which one should I give to Zhuang Shuo?

Qin Zheng felt that these were his life, and he felt sorry for each of them.

Only by eating all of their meat into their own mouths can they have the greatest respect.

Qin Zheng rummaged through the contents of the box, but he didn't see anything that he felt he didn't like to eat and could give Zhuang Shuo food.

What can I do?

This choice is probably like a scumbag who loves A but reluctant to B, loves C, and does not want to let D go!

Qin Zheng felt that he didn't want to give up each one, he liked each one.

For him, this choice is so painful and cruel!

Qin Zheng sat on the ground and looked up at Xu Mu and said, "May I not, that fellow Zhuang Shuo can eat very...I don't have enough for me to eat for a few days. Give it to him, what should I do? Give him some takeaway."

Xu Mu...

"Hey, why didn't I know you were so stingy before?"

Qin Zheng said confidently: "I am not stingy, I cherish every piece of food my family makes for me."

Xu Mu taught him: "Then you...then you have to give some meaning, don't you mean that you still get along well with your roommate, you will lose friends if you continue like this."

Qin Zheng didn't speak, and did not say anything. He opened all the boxes and took out all the food inside and put them away.


He counted it, and finally found that there seemed to be more trotters than others. He gritted his teeth and said: "I will bring him a trotter, which is interesting..."

After speaking, Qin Zheng covered his heart, it hurts, it hurts too much.

Why, it hurts, why...

My flesh!

Xu Mu disgusted and said, "Look at what you have done..."

The others are here, can I miss Qin Zheng's food in the future?

But the dead child is so stingy, and he is reluctant to give it to others. This is a guy who eats alone.

The only thing that allowed him to separate the meat was Chen Mo.

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