You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1364: Talent

Xu Mu intends to wait for the end of the video to have a good talk with Qin Zheng. If you are in this circle, you must be defensive.

If you really encounter those cruel, sinister and vicious people, if you really say it, you may be ruined in a lifetime.

Xu Mu knew a celebrity when he first joined, and he is not a very good friend. He is the kind of ordinary friend who can eat together occasionally.

Later, the two of them became angry. Although that friend was not as good as Xu Muhong, he was already in the stage of steadily rising.

It can be said that as long as he is safe and walks steadily, the front line will be sooner or later.

But... it just happened to be jealous.

Once I was called to a nightclub by a group of friends, and someone handed him a cigarette.

At that time, he didn't care, so he sucked.

But since then, he was locked up in **** and never crawled out again.

The cigarette was adulterated with drugs, and Xu Mu's friend took drugs when he didn't know it. Later, he became addicted and couldn't quit.

Later, when he was taking drugs at his residence, he was reported and arrested.

He is known to all the people about his drug abuse. Since then, he has completely faded out of the show business circle. After many years, I am afraid that no one remembers him.

The last time Xu Mu saw him was many, many years ago, after he was released from the police station.

Xu Mu asked him to treat him to a meal.

At that meal, his friend was so drunk that he held his hand and kept crying and talking.

He said that his entire life was completely over.

He told Xu Mu that in this circle, don’t trust anyone in the future, and don’t touch your mouth if you don’t know what to eat or drink. Everyone in this circle looks bright and beautiful. But you don't know what the evil intentions of the devil are hiding behind that layer of human skin.

The two of them had parted each other, and they had never seen each other for many years.

Later, no matter when he remembered, Xu Mu felt regretful.

He also remembered the words and didn't take anyone's food or drink.

Moreover, if it is not for the invitation of very, very good friends, resolutely do not go to bars, night shows, and other sensual occasions.

It can be said that the advice of his friend helped him avoid a lot of trickery over the years.

Xu Mu was going to tell Qin Zheng all these things.

Qin Zheng was still eating there and said: "I don't think she's the following medicine yet. You don't know that I wanted to take it too. I thought that others had worked so hard, and told me that it was her head. I can’t refuse to cook once, but...that...hey, the dumplings really opened my eyes. The first time I saw someone who could make dumplings like that, talent..."

Zhou Ping: "What's it like? A girl who has never cooked or made dumplings, is it too harsh for you to cook dumplings for the first time? You can't ask others according to our standards? "

Qin Zheng said innocently: "Mom, I really didn't ask too much. She couldn't meet my minimum standard. If she didn't say it was dumplings, you could not help but they were dumplings. It seems that the noodles that have been left for a long time are confused... I took a bite cruelly at the time, but when it was delivered to my mouth, I smelled a sour taste, and I was nauseated at the time. I felt that I still don’t want to take mine. Fate is kidding..."


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