You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1375: Pester him

Song Mingjue quickly turned sideways and opened Jin Yumeng more, making her rush away.

Jin Yumeng almost fell because it was too late to brake. She pouted and caught up with Song Mingjue who wanted to hold his arm and was opened by him.

Jin Yumeng was a little frustrated: "You said you, how young are you like an old scholar, not cute at all..."

Song Mingyu said lightly: "Then you can go to like cute people."

Jin Yumeng suddenly looked at a car, "Are you jealous?"

Song Mingjue walked out of the lobby quickly: "You think too much."

The more you get along with Jin Yumeng, the more sure Song Mingjue is that there is nothing wrong with her approach. This woman, that's it. The more you show her face, it's useless...

Just like this, hang her, hang her, not a chance for her to eat.

She will always pester him.

Jin Yumeng chased after him and asked, "No, you are just jealous, you still like me..."

Song Mingjue ignored her question: "Get in the car, will you drive or me?"

Jin Yumeng said: "Of course it is me, driving is not suitable for you to do!"

Song Mingjue's expression remained unchanged, and she got in the co-pilot!

After the two got in the car, Jin Yumeng drove the car straight to the Apollo nightclub.

However, when they set off, neither of them saw the figure of Shui Xingyun standing behind.

Shui Xingyun's face was very bad at the moment, "I thought you were going to run for your home, but I didn't expect...but you started to fall in love..."

Shui Xingyun looked at the car running far away, his face was gloomy, and turned back to the room.


The nightclub at night is a gathering place for red men and green women in this city. Stepping into this place, the noisy music will make you feel as if you are suddenly cut off from the outside world.

The sound of music made his ears almost deaf, and Song Mingjue frowned.

Jin Yumeng is more familiar with this place than his counterpart, he said to Song Mingjue: "Go, let's go to the private room upstairs, the great **** actually doesn't like this kind of occasion, it's too noisy..."

Song Mingjue nodded, actually he didn't like this kind of place either.

He rarely comes to nightclubs. Seeing those crazy twisters, Song Mingjue feels very ugly. He can't bear to be one of them.

Upstairs, pushing aside the private room, Song Mingjue saw the great **** Jin Yumeng said at a glance.

Even though Jin Yumeng hasn't officially introduced which one it is, he guessed by instinct... it feels like the one the eye sees.

Because that one is different from everyone around him. He sat there and made a very beautiful woman beside him. The woman was leaning on him, but his hand did not hug her.

He had a proper smile on his face, but the indifference in his eyes made people feel that he didn't mean anything to that woman, everything was just acting on occasion.

His eyes are very clear, and he will not be stained with Mi Yan more or less after entering here like other people.

He is the most dazzling of this group of people, in his early 30s, is the best age in a man's life.

There are young people's energy and enthusiasm, and 40 men's calmness and experience after the wind and frost, very attractive.

He was wearing a decent suit, even if he didn't take off his jacket here, it was obvious that he didn't really like it here, he was dressed so neatly, and he was ready to leave at any time.

When others were speaking, he only seemed to be listening with a smile, but he didn't reply.


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