You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1577:

Chen Mo scratched his head, "Oh, good!"


After eating and going to the mall, this was the first time that so many people came out together. Xu Mu, wearing a mask and hat, helped Zhou Ping carry bags, and Gu Zhixin helped Zhen Baoer carry bags.

Gu Jingyuan did not come, so the task of carrying the bag was handed over to Qin Zheng and Chen Mo.

Zhou Ping told the two of them that your sister is pregnant, there are many people in the mall, and there are some children who love to run around. You must take care of your sister to prevent her from slipping or being hit by someone.

So the two were very dedicated, wearing hats and masks, like two little bodyguards, and they followed Qin Se. They hurried to buy what Qin Se wanted to eat, but they took care of Qin Se quite comfortably.

Xiang Qiuchi walked behind, and the more he walked around, the more he felt that this was wrong!

Didn’t you say that you want to buy me a gift?

Why, he didn't buy this gift, but Zhen Baoer, Zhou Ping and the others, bought a better one without knowing it? Gu Zhixin and Xu Mu both had several bags in their hands.

No, no... I have to ask for my birthday gift, even if it is a few thousand dollars.

Xiang Qiuchi stepped forward and stopped them: "Didn't you say yes, buy me a gift?"

Qin Se and the others were all stunned, as if...Yes, they seemed to have forgotten about it when they were strolling around.

Qin Se hurriedly said: "Ah... sorry, I forgot about it, sorry, sorry... walk away, buy you a gift, what do you want to buy?"

Zhou Ping was upset, and said, "It just so happens that there is a men's clothing store here. Go inside and have a look?"

After I went in, the waiter at the counter saw that my mother came so many beautiful and handsome men. Moreover, the clothes and dresses were all high-end goods. If you get rich, you need it today.

As a result, Xiang Qiuchi glanced at the price on the clothing brand, sighed, forget it...can't afford it!

Zhou Ping held Xiang Qiuchi: "I think this windbreaker looks pretty. You can try it. It just happened to be cold, and now it's just right to wear."

Xiang Qiuchi: "But..."

Zhou Ping interrupted him and urged: "Go, go...try it!"

Xiang Qiuchi actually likes the windbreaker, it's beige and the style is very nice

After Xiang Qiuchi put it on, the waiter in the store’s eyes were staring, “This piece of clothing is really tailor-made for you. There is only one piece of size for the goods that just arrived today. This is the only one left. Pieces, sir, you are more handsome than those international male models in Fashion Week, I... can I take a picture of you?"

Xiang Qiuchi: "No!"

He turned his head and said to Zhou Ping, "Aunt Ping, I think, this one is fine, right?"

This trench coat costs more than 50,000. Of course, it is not much for him. However, even these stingy guys at home, even if they add up, their money is not enough. How to buy it? J.

For the first time, when shopping, Xiang Qiuchi felt that he needed to look at the price.

The waiter hurriedly said: "Mr. Sir, this one is really suitable for you, we are not lying to you, I think this dress is related to you..."

Zhou Ping said: "Just this one, I think it's suitable, you look good on it, this is a gift I gave you for your birthday today."

Xiang Qiuchi looked at Zhou Ping in shock: "Aunt Ping, this..."

More than fifty thousand! Very expensive!

Zhou Ping ignored him and turned to ask Xu Mu to return her bag. Xu Mu saw that she was going to take the money, and quickly said, "I'll pay..."


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