You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1645: Exposed

After returning to the room, Qin Zheng repaired the photo. In fact, everyone except him, including Xu Mu, gave P a pig's head and added three words on it-family portrait!

Then there were three more pictures from the wedding, one of Qin Se walking through the red carpet holding Xu Mu and Zhou Ping, another of Gu Jingyuan wearing a ring to Qin Se, and another photo of him by Chen Mo Carrying Qin Se's photo, of course, everyone's heads were covered by pigs except himself in the photo.

Qin Zheng wrote: My sister, happy wedding!

In the future, I will work hard to be your backer!

Qin Zheng’s fans were blown out at once, and they queued up in the comment area: I wish my sister a happy wedding, be together forever, and get together for a hundred years!

Many fans have said, why don’t they tell me in advance? They also want to prepare wedding gifts for their sisters. They don’t tell them about such a big thing as the marriage. The younger brother’s confidential work is also great?

There are also many passerby fans who come over and start picking up the wedding dress and ring that Qin Se is wearing, including how valuable the little crown on her head is.

Someone said: I rub, I really want to know who Qin Zheng is married to, this is definitely the configuration of the top rich!

However, soon, some passersby came out, and the photos were tedious.

Because Xu Mu also posted a Weibo: All day long, the old father felt sad!

The picture is a photo of the wedding scene, but no one!

Xu Mu originally thought about a few photos, but think about it, forget it, this is his daughter's day, he still shouldn't use this to blog!

Moreover, he wanted to prove his identity on Weibo so much before because Zhou Ping did not recognize him. Now, he has been recognized, so those little tricks are unnecessary!

Someone compares the photos of Qin Zhengfa's wedding in progress with Xu Mufa's unmanned photos at the wedding. Isn't it clear that this is the same place?

So, here today, Qin Zheng’s sister got married, and Xu Mu, an old father, married a daughter!

Therefore, the same is the same as that Qin Zheng's sister is Lao Xu's daughter. Similarly, Qin Zheng is Lao Xu's son!

It's not bad now, and the hot search ranks first in minutes...



#许牧's daughter is Qin Zheng's sister#

Anyway, the hot search words of all kinds of combinations almost dropped to the top five at once.

Someone also picked out the photo that Qin Zheng sent, Qin Se holding Zhou Ping and Xu Mu walking across the red carpet. His eyes circled the watch on Xu Mu’s wrist. That watch is unique to Xu Mu. The watch was specially customized by Xu Mu in a famous luxury watch. This watch only appeared on a few occasions that were very important to Xu Mu.

Therefore, the man whose head was punished by Qin Zheng was confirmed to be Xu Mu.

Isn't that old Xu?

Lao Xu’s fans rushed to express their condolences to Qin Zheng: Brother, don’t give Lao Xu a pig’s head next time, we already know,

#Brother, if Old Xu dares to bully you, you must tell us! #

#弟弟, in the future, we will be a family, don’t worry, if anyone dares to tear you, if anyone dares to black you, we will never let him go#

#Wow, Qin Zheng Didi and Xu Mu have finally officially become a family, I will be your family fan in the future, and finally don’t have to worry about climbing the wall, hahaha...#

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