You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1669: Must do

It's this time, still thinking about going home?

Xu Mu wanted to knock on Qin Zheng's head.

Qin Zheng remembered the words his mother had said earlier, and chuckled dryly: "I... just said casually. Look at you, am I the kind of person who can't pass the exam? Really!"

Xu Mu said...

"Fortunately you didn't let your mother hear you, otherwise, I see if you can laugh!"

Qin Zheng waved his hand: "Don't, I still can't let my mother know, and, I was just joking, joking...what are you doing so seriously?"

The two assistants followed behind, did not speak, and snickered and laughed.

Because the two will officially join the group this time, Qin Zheng also brought his assistant.

Their company is different from other companies. No matter how big your brand is, they will arrange an assistant for you!

The two of them lined up with masks, and they had to take them off when they passed the security check, and then they were discovered. The people in the line behind them quickly took pictures of them with their mobile phones in the dark.

The young lady at the security check her expression changed when she saw Qin Zheng's excitement.

Qin Zheng smiled at her: "Don't shake your hands!"

The young lady blushed instantly, but because of work, she wanted to talk but didn't dare to speak, so she could only hold on!

On the contrary, the young lady calmed down a lot during the security check for Xu Mu.

After passing, Qin Zheng also waved with the person behind to take pictures.

Xu Mubai glanced at him: "Your boy's popularity is actually quite high."

Qin Zheng raised his chin triumphantly: "That is, you are a deadly actor now, can you compare with me!"

Xu Mu: "..."

I really want to beat this kid, but, think about it, now there are a lot of fans outside, so he must bear it!

Xu Mu hooked Qin Zheng's neck and said with a smile: "If you get too angry, that's your stepfather!"

Qin Zheng suddenly didn't want to speak!

"Hehe... Are you quite happy to be someone's stepfather?"

"That's... I'm very happy!"

Qin Zheng curled his mouth, his neck was a little tight by Xu Mule. He struggled, but he didn't struggle to move away, and he was dragged away by Xu Mu!

The people in the back, seeing them like this, thought they had a good relationship.

Before the two got on the plane, their photos were posted on the Internet. Netizens said that the two of them are in such a good relationship, they even hooked up their shoulders, like brothers, so enviable!

Fans of Xu Mu and Qin Zheng, under the photo of the two, have a rainbow fart!

The whole network said that except for their own confession, the people all over the country know that they are in a father-son relationship!


Qin Zheng slept all the way for two hours by plane.

When you get off the plane, you will be picked up by the crew.

The person who picked them up was the assistant director. Tell them that the director was going to have the final assessment today, starting at one o'clock in the afternoon. That is to say, after Qin Zheng arrived at the place, he couldn't even rest, so he had to be assessed directly.

Xu Mu frowned, "Why are you so anxious?"

The assistant was also helpless and said, "The director said that he would have to hurry up, shorten the shooting period, and shorten the cost as much as possible. An investor has withdrawn."

Xu Mu turned his head and glanced at Qin Zheng. He didn't seem to care about it. He didn't know if it was a big heart or was really too confident in himself. Hearing this, his face was calm without changing his face.

Xu Mu asked him: "Can you do it?"

The corner of Qin Zheng's mouth twitched: "What is your name? What is it? A man must do it!"


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