You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1681: Harmful

After Qin Zheng finished speaking, he felt that he had said a little too much. As a man, it seemed not so good to say so!

But when I think about it again, this is about my own reputation and reputation. He became her boyfriend inexplicably as a minor. How can this be justified?

Everyone around them tightened their mouths, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh.

The director, who was originally shocked, almost immediately chose to believe him after listening to Qin Zheng's words. The child's eyes were clean. He was too frank and didn't hide his selfishness at all. He said everything in his mind.

Therefore, the director chose to believe him.

Believing Qin Zheng, then, Qiao Weiwei was talking nonsense, she wanted to slander Qin Zheng before leaving, and wanted to pour dirty water on him.

She wanted to make Qin Zheng not clean.

However, Qin Zheng always does not play cards according to common sense. If he is someone else, he is almost anxious now. The more anxious to deny, the easier it is to make people doubt.

However, Qin Zheng denied this. He should be different, he is different. Anyway, his words are easy for others to believe him.

Xu Mu was initially anxious, but he dared to slander his son. He couldn't bear it. He was ready to make a move. Unexpectedly, Qin Zheng didn't need him to make a move!

He can pick himself up in a few words.

Xu Mu looked at Qiao Weiwei's blushing face, and only thought she was quite pitiful. Finding fault depends on whether the person is good or not. Qin Zheng obviously turned on the plug-in. This basin of dirty water could not be poured on him, but instead I poured myself wet.

Why bother to harm others and yourself!

Qiao Weiwei originally thought that this kind of thing was unknown to others. Even if Qin Zheng defended herself, others might not believe it. After all, she is so beautiful that Qin Zheng could not be unmoved, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

However, Qiao Weiwei still underestimated Qin Zheng, this kid was like a bug.

You can't find his way at all. What he said in a few words, not only took him to the point of picking himself, but also severely despised her.

What does it mean, not so bad-sighted? What is wrong with her, why is she wrong? Isn't she beautiful in figure?

I even said that it is the kind that can't be improvised, I bah!

Qiao Weiwei really wanted to spit out Qin Zheng's face, you are a man anyway, what about your face.

But she forgot, she slandered others first, why did they show her face? Not everyone in this world is the Father.

Qiao Weiwei pretended to be aggrieved with tears on her face. She looked at Qin Zheng, her lips kept trembling, and the weak and helpless appearance was indeed quite pitiful.

" nonsense, Qin Zheng, don't think that if you say this, you can cover up what you did..."

The director shook his head. It's not that Qiao Weiwei's acting skills are not good. Isn't that good?

It's a pity that I didn't put my mind on a serious road!

When she was just performing, if she had half, even a third of her acting skills, the director felt that she would keep her.

Such an actor spends all his thoughts on calculating people, but he never thinks about perfecting his acting skills. It is really a pity!

The director also feels sad for this circle. Today's young people are too impetuous and too utilitarian. They all want to become famous overnight, and they all want to make quick money. No one is willing to really hone their acting skills.


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