You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2259:

The female killer wants to vomit blood...

This was not what she had planned, she felt that she would definitely be able to handle it.

Because I was very clear, everyone in the hospital returned. Doctor Gu from the Wellcome Hospital is a good man. He often subsidizes by himself. Patients with financial difficulties also help some disadvantaged groups.

Doctor Gu treats his patients quite, quite well, don’t think the hospital’s time is not long, but word of mouth is currently the best...

Therefore, the female assassin simply made up as a female patient covered in scars, pretending to be a poor woman who was domestically abused. She thought about coming here, crying and selling in front of Gu Zhige. He can certainly be soft-hearted and help himself.

A man, for a very poor woman like her, would not have any warning.

Therefore, she only needs to give him a fatal blow while he is not paying attention, it is enough.

Who would have thought that the other party knew her identity from the beginning.

So, this time assassinated, hit the street!

The female killer gritted her teeth...

Fortunately, she was worried that Gu Zhige would see it out, and she specifically wounded herself all over her body. All the **** injuries were real, not fake.

She bitterly said: "Oh, you have the ability to kill me. When the time comes, let others know that you take care of the doctor and kill your own patient in the office. I will see how you can get rid of your charges."

Gu Zhige hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't do this, don't say that. I am a doctor. Doctors save lives. How can I kill people? Don't worry, I will definitely not kill you."

The female killer was shocked: "Are you going to let me go?"

Gu Zhige nodded: "Yes, I am definitely going to let you go. It's impossible to leave you for a meal. My friendship with you is really not that far."

The female killer couldn't believe that she wanted to kill Gu Zhige, but he even let go of herself.

When the female killer heard that her life was not in danger anyway, she was not so afraid. He said: "Don't think you let me go, I will be grateful to you, you betrayed the organization, even if I can't kill you, Others, Xiang Qiuchi, wait for death."

Gu Zhige chuckled, "If it's all like you, then... I really have nothing to fear."

Gu Zhige raised his foot and let go of the female assassin.

The female killer thought she would be able to leave like this, but she still looked down on Gu Zhige.

Gu Zhige's approach surprised the female killer!


Gu Zhige called the police.

Hearing Gu Zhige hit 110, the female assassin's eyes almost fell out.

"How dare you call the police?"

Like them, a killer who wanders outside the law, everyone is carrying their lives on their backs. The last thing they want to be positive is the police check. No one will actively provoke them. If something goes wrong, whether it is dead or alive, They are all resolved privately.

She didn't expect that Gu Zhige would provoke him and call the police!

The female killer thinks Gu Zhige is probably crazy, right?

Gu Zhige hung up the phone and said, "Otherwise, I am a law-abiding citizen. If you encounter criminals like you who want to harm others, you must report it. Otherwise, if you keep you, wouldn't it continue to endanger social security? ."

Female killer, I... (Damn)...

After the shock, the female killer almost wanted to escape for the first time. ,

However, Gu Zhige would let her escape.

Until the police came, the female assassin could not leave Gu Zhige's office a step.


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