You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2267:

The new partner said: "I'm not saying this to urge you to do anything. I just want to tell you that we are in our current situation. You also know that I and Xiang Qiuchi have known each other for many years. In fact...the one who is most reluctant to kill him is Me, probably, because of this reason, the organization sent me over."

The new partner gave a wry smile and shook his head.

Chongjiu understands what he meant. This means that if the organization hadn't forced him to come, he would not have come.

At this time, the organization sent a person who had known Gu Zhige for many years to come, probably, the purpose was also to test.

I want to see if he and Chongjiu are the same, and whether they will be countered by Gu Zhige.

If so, then the group of people behind them who are staring at them will solve them first.

At this point, Chongguo was a little convinced.

Because this is in line with what the old guys above did.

They are used to doing this.

Chongjiu's face became slightly serious, and he walked in front without speaking.

The new partner followed silently, "Actually, when I was a child, I was also born on this land, but later, my family was killed, I wandered on the streets, and finally was abducted by traffickers, tossed around many places, and finally joined the organization..."

Chongjiu turned his head to look at his new partner. He looked into the distance, as if he was reminiscing about his past.

Chong Jiu said lightly: "Go back and talk about it."

The new partner nodded: "Well, good..."


After Gu Zhige arrived at the office, he put on a white coat and went to the ward round first.

After a round of investigation, there were several fruits in his hand.

When passing by the nurses' station, Gu Zhige left the fruit for them.

The little nurse smiled and said, "Doctor Gu is very popular, and all patients like you."

Gu Zhige smiled, "Eat after get off work."

The little nurse nodded: "Don't worry."

Among Gu Zhige's patients, there was a pregnant woman with a broken left leg. She was in the ward of their department a few days ago and has now been transferred to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Gu Zhige has to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Just met, Song Yizhi.

I haven't seen it for a few days. At this sudden sight, Gu Zhige felt that Song Yizhi really used the spring breeze to describe it, and it couldn't be more suitable.

After questioning the fractured female patient, she left the ward, and Gu Zhige asked Song Yizhi: "Eh, I heard that you are in love."

Song Yizhi: "Which one did you hear?"

Gu Zhige: "No?"

"I..." Song Yizhi cleared his throat, "Of course I have."

After speaking, he couldn't help but grinned open the corners of his mouth, his face full of joy, unable to hide it.

He asked: "How on earth did you know?"

With the sweet smile on Song Yizhi’s face, the corners of Gu Zhige’s mouth twitched as he watched, and said with disgust: "Look at your joyful eyebrows. You probably haven’t looked in the mirror. You don’t even look at you and wish the whole world. I know that smirk, tusk, I really didn't see it."

Song Yizhi's whole body was filled with the sweetness of love. If he could really bubble, the bubbles floating around him would have flown around the world.

Gu Zhige couldn't help being irritable in his heart: Ay, people in love are really annoying.

"Cut, I know, you are just jealous, envy me, who made you a single dog now, not even a girlfriend, but who made you my buddy? It seems that we were both single dogs. , When we live side by side together, I will tell my girlfriend, let him introduce you to her friends!"

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