You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2269:

Song Yizhi couldn't be dismissed so easily, and he talked about Gu Zhige for another twenty minutes.

Finally, before Gu Zhige was about to break out completely, he received a call from the nurse in their department. A pregnant woman who was born prematurely came to him. The situation was not good, so he hurried over.

Song Yizhi then left in a hurry.

As soon as he left, Gu Zhige only felt that the world was clean instantly.

As if emptied two thousand ducks at once.

Gu Zhige let out a long sigh. Fortunately, Song Yizhi had left, otherwise, he would really hit someone.

The nurse who was holding back a smile said, "Doctor Song is really...enthusiastic."

Gu Zhige said, "It's not enthusiasm, it's lack of beating."

The nurse said: "However, it is pretty good that Dr. Song can get off the order."

Gu Zhige smiled: "You are right about this. He left the order and it was pretty good."

As a friend, even though Song Yizhi was really owed, Gu Zhige was quite happy that he could find his happiness!

After Song Yizhi returned to the obstetrics and gynecology department, he saw the premature pregnant woman and gave her medicine. Then, with the consent of the pregnant woman's family, he quickly arranged a caesarean section.

However, Song Yizhi does not have a chief sword, he has other jobs.

After Song Yizhi was free, he quickly called his girlfriend.

As soon as the phone was connected, Song Yizhi called out in a voice that was gentle enough to be bored: "Lanlan..."

Song Yizhi's girlfriend is called Qiao Lanlan, who is a kindergarten teacher, and she is very sweet and cute.

"Aren't you at work now, why do you have time to call me?"

Song Yizhi said: "I'm free for a while now. The friend I told you last time, you remember, it was the man sitting next to me when we first met. He is still single. Economic conditions and personal conditions are very good. Although people are too straight and their mouths are still very poisonous, but... in general, he is still a good person. Is there anyone in your girlfriend who is suitable for him."

Qiao Lanlan smiled and said: "Well, I know, I remember this, you see, tomorrow night happens to be the weekend, let's have a meal together, let my girlfriend, meet your friend?"

Song Yizhi happily said: "Okay, okay, baby, thanks for your hard work!"

"No, I have nothing to do... Then do you have time to eat with me tonight?"

Song Yizhi suddenly felt that he was sorry for his girlfriend. He said, "Sorry, baby, I have a night shift tonight..."

Qiao Lanlan was so busy: "It's okay, can I visit you then?"

"But, you worked so hard..."

"I'm fine, we get off work early, and I have nothing else."

The two chatted for a while again, until someone knocked on the door, and Song Yizhi hung up the phone.


After Gu Zhige got off work in the afternoon, he wanted to go home and was blocked by Song Yizhi.

He collapsed and said: "Why are you here again?"

Song Yizhi cleared his throat: "I'm here to inform you of something."

"what's up?"

"Tomorrow night, my girlfriend and I will invite you to dinner."

Gu Zhige's first reaction was to refuse: "I thank you, no, I will have a rare rest tomorrow and I don't want to go out."

"No, you must come, because you are my girlfriend and my matchmaker. Therefore, we must treat you to this meal. You must come. If you want my brother, I can go smoothly. Li's marriage must come."


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