You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2291:

Qin Se: That’s right, the moonlight is pretty good tonight. You can have a supper with the girl and talk to each other, maybe you can make a qualitative leap...

Zhen Baoer: I suspect that you are driving. Pay attention, there are still minors in the group.

Qin Se: Uh... I didn't say anything!

Zhen Baoer: However, I agree with your point of view @顾止戈, at the critical moment, it should be good, don't be bothered.

Gu Zhige saw that the more they talked, the more outrageous they were. He silently returned to the homepage and clicked on the dialog box with Xiaoyuan.

After hesitating for a while, he sent her a message.

Gu Zhige: I spent the whole day in the operating room for the four operations today. I just finished the last operation...

Gu Zhige: I haven't had time to eat...

Two messages from Gu Zhige were sent, and Xiao Yuan responded quickly.

Madoka: (*@ο@*) Ah, so hard, are you particularly tired now?

Gu Zhige typed a line: okay, not very tired...

He was about to send it, but hesitated for a moment, and after thinking about it, he deleted the line.

He also wrote:’s still quite tiring. The main reason is that I’ve been standing for too long, and I’ve been concentrated for so long. I suddenly relax and feel a little dizzy. I am about to go home. I just want to fall down and rest... …

Gu Zhige didn't make the girl feel sorry for him, he was worried. If he said he was not very tired, what if Xiaoyuan said she came to see him?

Gu Zhige felt that this was not good. He was very tired. He wanted to eat and then fell asleep. He really didn't want to deal with too much.

Madoka sent an emoticon that hurts you.

Madoka: Then you go home and rest. It's too hard. Do you still have to drive? Or call it a substitute driving?

Gu Zhige: No, I can still hold it. I'm going to pick up the car. Let's do this first. You should rest early today.

Xiaoyuan: Hmm, I see, I must go to bed early today, and Dr. Gu must be safe on the way.

Gu Zhige: Okay...

After sending these two words, Gu Zhige breathed a long sigh of relief.

Oh my god, I'm so tired, talking about these few words, it's faster than the last operation.

Gu Zhige put on his clothes and left with his mobile phone and car key.

Passing by the nurse's station, the nurse said to him: "Goodbye Doctor Gu..."

Gu Zhige nodded: "See you tomorrow."

After walking a few steps, Gu Zhige heard the nurse underestimate: "Have you noticed that our doctor Gu is a little more handsome..."

Another said: "Nonsense, we Doctor Gu, have always been handsome, okay?"

Gu Zhige couldn't help laughing when he heard the conversation.

Look, how cute their colleagues in the hospital are.

He really likes this job. Although he is very tired, is also fulfilling!


When he arrived at the parking lot, Gu Zhige found his car. After unlocking, he was about to open the door and get on the car. Suddenly... Gu Zhige turned around abruptly and flew out with one foot, bringing the dark shadow that came close behind him quietly. Kick and fly.

The whole movement has perfect fluency.

The shadow fell to the ground and let out a scream of pain.

Gu Zhige walked two steps quickly, raising his foot to prepare to give it again, only to hear the dark shadow shouting: "No, it's me... it's me..."

This voice made Gu Zhige stunned...

He retracted his foot, took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and shone it at the opponent's face, only then did he recognize who the dark shadow was.

The expression on Gu Zhige's face became a little subtle: "It's you..."

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