You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2353:

"you guys……"

The driver was so angry that he wanted to breathe fire, and he had never seen such a shameless person.

"You attack me personally, I will remember, but you must pay me the money for repairing the car. If you don't, I will call the police now... Let's wait for the police to deal with it."

"Uncle, what's the hurry... Don't you just want money?"

The other party's tone was very contemptuous, the angry driver rushed to his head, and he said angrily: "Are you bullshit? You hit my car. Of course I want money."

You can be so arrogant if you hit someone's car these years?

"But... we don't have money..."

"I don't care if you have any money, you have to pay if you hit my car..."

The driver was quarreling with the two people, blushing and his neck was thick. Madoka was waiting in the car anxiously. She looked out several times, but the plane didn't seem to stop at all.

Madoka feels a little upset, she can't waste her time on the road.

Xiaoyuan pushed the door and got off, "Master, I will give you the money here first. I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry..."

However, the driver did not hear, and was swearing at the two men.

Xiao Yuan bit her lip and simply scanned the QR code in the car, took a look at the amount of money on the meter, and then sent it to the driver.

Afterwards, Madoka took her bag and left.

However, before going too far, a car drove up from the other side. The car stopped in front of her, and the window dropped, revealing a kind face: "Hey, we met again."

Madoka was surprised when she saw Rui, then smiled: "Ah, it's you...what a coincidence."

Her first reaction was, why did she meet again?

Is it tracking?

Then I quickly denied this idea: No, no, how can you think like this? If you follow, it should be behind, how can you come from the opposite side? It's probably a coincidence.

Rui said with a smile: "Yes, what a coincidence, is this where I am going? Do you want me to see you off?"

Xiaoyuan hesitated for a moment, and shook her head: ", it's not going on, I'll just take a taxi myself."

Rui was very calm at this time. He smiled: "This is not the main road. There are not many taxis. I have nothing to do now. If you are in a hurry, I will see you."

Madoka looked around, yes, there is really no shadow of a taxi. From here to the kindergarten, there are still two to three kilometers, and there is no bus stop nearby, which is a bit of a decline.

Xiao Yuan bit her lip and said, "I don't have any major issues. I just want to go to the kindergarten and find my good friend."

Rui said: "Then you come up, I will send you over."

Madoka is still a little hesitant: "But, it's too much trouble, I think... I don't want it. Actually, I don't have anything important."

Rui said with a smile: "You...are you afraid of me? Don't worry, I'm really not a bad person. I'm a colleague of Doctor Gu. If you don't believe me, you can call and confirm with him now."

When Xiaoyuan heard it, she waved her hand quickly: "No, no, I didn't mean that, I just think... I... I just met you, so I will trouble you..."

Rui is sure, after he said that, Madoka would never call.

"Hey, ah, after you and Doctor Gu are determined, we might see each other often in the future."

Xiao Yuan's face blushed: "Then...Thank you..."


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