You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2369:

Among the missed calls, there were a few of Song Yizhi's, and the rest were all unfamiliar numbers.

Gu Zhige felt that something went wrong.

He clicked on WeChat, Xiaoyuan still did not reply to him, the top was the message from Song Yizhi.

After he clicked on it, his face instantly became gloomy when he saw the news.

Song Yizhi: Old Gu, there may be something wrong with Xiaoyuan. She sent a message to Lan Lan at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon to find her, but Lan Lan said that she waited until the children were over and Xiaoyuan had not arrived yet.

Moreover, when you called her, she couldn't get through and she was suspected of losing contact. After you see the news, call me back quickly. I will first help Lan Lan find someone.

Gu Zhige immediately called Xiaoyuan, but as expected, no connection could be made.

He suddenly remembered a phone call from Madoka on the way to the airport.

Gu Zhige had a bad premonition in his heart. It was a little over 7 o'clock in the evening. If the person still couldn't be found, could it be... something really happened.

Gu Zhige quickly dialed Song Yizhi's number.

"I just came out of the operating room, what's the situation now, anyone has news?"

Song Yizhi's voice was very anxious. He said, "No, we have found all the places we can find, and there is no news of Madoka... Have you contacted Madoka today?"

Qiao Lanlan next to Song Yizhi pulled his sleeve: "Call me, I have something to tell him."

Song Yizhi said, "Lan Lan said, if I have something to tell you, I will call her."

After Qiao Lanlan answered the phone, he said, "Dr. Gu, I finally received a message from Lan Lan. She said that she was going to kindergarten soon and said... I met Dr. Zhong, a friend of your hospital, and he sent Lanlan went to me..."

Gu Zhige squinted his eyes and called on the doctor?

Why didn't he know that the hospital had a doctor?

Qiao Lanlan said: "Doctor Gu, I'm a bit worried. The last person Lan Lan contacted should be the Zhong doctor she said. I asked Yizhi and he said... He didn't even know that the hospital had a surname Zhong. Yuan said, that person claims to be your friend, can you...can you help me find more? You first agree to my friend's application, and I will send you a screenshot of our chat."

Gu Zhige: "Okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, he clicked on WeChat friend application and added Qiao Lanlan as a friend.

Qiao Lanlan immediately sent a screenshot of her last chat with Madoka.

Staring at the "heavy doctor" above, Gu Zhige's eyes suddenly became murderous.

Gu Zhige directly sent a WeChat message to Song Yizhi: I will deal with this matter, where are you now?

Now, Gu Zhige can be 100% sure that something happened to Xiaoyuan and he was involved.

This heavy doctor, regardless of whether it is heavy nine or not, is definitely the killer.

Gu Zhige didn't expect that those assassins would attack the people around him.

Therefore, when he gets along with Madoka, he is already very sensible, even a little alienated.

Unexpectedly, he was still targeted.

Since he was involved, he couldn't ignore this matter.

Madoka must be rescued safely.

Gu Zhige quickly walked out of the office with his mobile phone, and called Gu Jingyuan as he walked: "I'm in trouble now, you have to help me."

Gu Jingyuan: "Say."

Gu Zhige quickly said: "Little Yuan disappeared this afternoon and has not been found. Before she disappeared, she met a person who claimed to be my friend. I suspect he was kidnapped by the killer..."


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