You Are My Gravity

Chapter 2421:

Zhou Ping rubbed her forehead, how could she always feel that Xu Mu had taken the rhythm.

Xu Mu quickly said: "Okay, don't think about it, we have decided to be together for a long time, don't you know who I am, do you have any doubts about me? My salary card, I can I've given it all to you, my financial lifeline is all in your hand, dear, you are the one who controls my life and death."

Last night, the bank card in the red envelope Xu Mu gave Zhou Ping was the card that he divided into filming remuneration and endorsement fees. The money in it was huge!

In addition to some of his private real estate, there are also some investment stocks, which are still in his own, and all the money in his own account is put in Zhou Ping's.

Zhou Ping thinks about it, too, everyone's salary card is with her, but getting married still feels... so suddenly, I haven't fully considered it.

While Zhou Ping was thinking about it, Xu Mu had pulled her out of the car, holding the two household registration books, half-cuddling and half-cuddling, and led the person into the lobby of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

At this time, the Civil Affairs Bureau is about to get off work, and there are only a few scattered citizens who come to work.

Someone saw Xu Mu and came in without wearing a mask, and exclaimed, "Wow, Xu Mu..."

Those citizens ran over and said excitedly: "Mr. Xu, I have liked you for a long time. I am really excited to see you. Can you sign me..."

"Me too, me too, Teacher Xu, can you please sign me..."

Xu Mu guarded Zhou Ping to prevent her from being crowded. He said: "Sorry, sorry, it's not open now. I will be busy with my lifelong events. I hope everyone can forgive me and understand that I am a single person for more than 40 years. The eager mood at the moment."

Zhou Ping's face was flushed with Xu Mu's words, she directly covered her face for fear of being photographed.

After Xu Mu finished speaking, everyone exclaimed.

"Wow, my goodness, Teacher Xu is going to get a certificate from her husband's wife..."

Xu Mu nodded: "Yes, just to get the certificate, please don't delay me at this time, okay, you have time in the future, you can sign as many as you want."

He said so, and naturally everyone would not surround him again.

Xu Mu quickly took Zhou Ping to the window for the marriage certificate.

As soon as they left, a girl in the crowd cheered and said, "Oh my god, I actually witnessed Lao Xu and the shepherd's wife getting the certificate. What day is it today... It's great!"

Such good news must be shared quickly.

The two found the staff who issued the marriage certificate, and Xu Mu asked directly: "Hello, I want to get married. Can I still apply for it now?"

The staff was about to clean up and get off work. After seeing Xu Mu, he was stunned for a while before speaking. He said in a daze, "But...we're work..."

Zhou Ping suddenly felt relieved, and hurriedly pulled Xu Mu and said, "It's off work, let's go quickly..."

But she didn't expect that the staff member suddenly said: "But, I can work overtime for you..."

Xu Mu immediately pressed Zhou Ping who had gotten up: "Really, thank you so much."

He knows that he is brushing his face, but...just useful at the critical moment, whatever he brushes!

The staff member embarrassed and said: "It's...that's, Mr. Xu, I...I'm your super fan...I..."

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