You Are My Gravity

Chapter 980: Hurt you

Wei Hongsheng's arm trembled fiercely, but the bitter cold calmed him down.

He knew he couldn't escape no matter how hard he struggled.

Pushed away by the police, Wei Hongsheng turned his head to look at Zhang Qing: "Sorry wife...I made you tired..."

Zhang Qing shook his head with tears on his face: "I...I will help you hire the best lawyer..."

Wei Hongsheng shook his head: "No need."

Before getting into the car, he glanced at Wei Pingan on the ground one last time.

Wei Ping'an's body has returned to normal at some point.

Seeing Wei Hongsheng being taken away by the police, Qin Se remembered four words in his heart-the dust settled!

The rain is still falling, even bigger than before, but Qin Se feels that he finally has a touch of warmth.

Zhang Qing knelt and looked at Zhou Ping: "Master, Hongsheng... will get his due punishment. I hope you it..."

Zhou Ping said to Xiang Qiuchi: "Come in."

Nodded to Qiuchi, bent over to hug Wei Ping An into the house.

Zhang Qing hesitated for a moment and followed in.

Same as last time, Zhou Ping took off all the clothes on Wei Ping'an.

The child was lying naked on the sofa.

Zhou Ping took a pen and painted some invisible symbols on his palm and his belly button, as well as on his forehead and chest.

Then he took three clearing bells and shook Wei Pingan's head three times.

Afterwards, he took a few talisman and stuck it on Wei Pingan, turned his head and said to Gu Jingyuan: "Xiao Gu, come, you come and give him some..."

This kind of thing is of course the more masculine the better.

Zhang Qing watched the flames jump on her son, and she was so frightened that she wanted to step forward, but Bailu stopped her.

The paper talisman burned quickly, after a while, but after a while, it went out.

The ashes that fell from the burning of the paper talisman fell on Wei Pingan's body, and then, at a speed that the naked eye could discern, the black ashes gradually turned into grayish white, Wei Pingan's body...

Finally, Zhou Ping took a dagger and cut it at her fingertips, with blood dripping on Wei Ping's lips.

Zhou Ping said to Zhang Qing: "In two days, I can only save your son's life for two days. His body has been eroded by that ghost. If that spirit fails to return after two days, even the gods cannot save him. ."

Zhang Qing nodded again and again: "Okay...I see, thank you Master, thank you, I must go back and tell Wei Hongsheng to let him explain all the sins clearly..."

Zhang Qing held his son's hand, his previously stiff arm had slowly begun to soften and began to warm up.

It was very late, and it was still raining outside. Zhou Ping did not drive Zhang Qing and Wei Ping away, and asked them to stay here for one night before leaving at dawn.

Zhang Qing repeatedly thanked...

Everyone went upstairs to sleep, and Xiang Qiuchi couldn't help but ask: "Qin Se, are were really possessed just now, or are you...pretending?"

Qin Se smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"I..." Xiang Qiuchi thought about it: "I think you are leaned over, and you seem to be pretending."

Qin Se smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Ping said to Qin Se: "Shanshan, I'll come to my room first..."

Qin Se stopped, made a mischievous face at Gu Jingyuan, turned around and said, "Oh, good."

Zhou Ping took Qin Se back to the room.

Xiang Qiuchi quickly asked Bai Lu: "Is she possessed in the end?"

Bai Lu rolled his eyes and said, "Aren't you talking nonsense, how you used to be a killer, you don't have any brains at all, but you are ashamed to say that you are the trump card. I really convinced you."

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