You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 5 Please show some respect to this corpse! (Two in one)

Brian felt like he was having a dream.

Scenes of memories that I want to forget are constantly replaying in my mind like a movie: the flames of the children's home, the previous adoptive parents, their eyes wide open in death after various accidents, the broken corpses on the autopsy bed. .

These deliberately forgotten scenes resurfaced in his mind again, like hallucinations from the past, constantly impacting Brian's mind.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Brian opened his eyes blankly.

A blood moon slowly dissipated from the depths of his eyes.

Brian touched his stiff and raised neck uncomfortably, and said strangely: "I seemed to have had a dream just now, and I dreamed of frequent hallucinations. My neck feels sore."

After stretching his neck for a while, he took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. He was shocked to find that it was already past midnight.

However, Brian clearly remembered that when he looked at the time, it was only after eleven o'clock!

No wonder my neck feels sore.

But, why did an hour pass suddenly?

Did his consciousness just become fragmented?

Brian frowned as he thought about that recurring hallucination.

There is really something wrong with this blood moon that the uncle attaches great importance to!

Brian immediately used professional techniques to check his body.

Soreness and weakness in waist and legs, kidney deficiency, muscle weakness

Nothing has changed at all.

He began to look at his surroundings again.

The silver moon hung high above his head, and there was deathly silence all around.

There were vague sounds of police car chase sirens coming from the distant streets, and from time to time there were women's screams and men's strange howls like wild beasts.

"Both the body and the surrounding environment have not changed..."

Brian shook his head and turned back to the room.

A few streets away from his apartment were several homeless encampments.

There were sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling outside.

He has long been used to it.

"I must have been sick again just now."

Brian was always a little uneasy and couldn't figure out the reason. In order to avoid internal conflict, he had to forcefully find a reason to comfort himself.

He was going to take a bath and relax.

In order to stabilize his mental state.

He never bothered with things he couldn't figure out.

Half an hour later.

Brian was wearing pajamas, drinking hot milk, and stretched out comfortably, preparing to go to bed early today.

Jingle bell bell~

at this time.

The rapid ringing of the cell phone interrupted Brian's movements.

He frowned and put down the water glass in his hand, took out his mobile phone, and after seeing the call notification, reluctantly chose to answer the call: "Tom, I."

"Thank God someone finally answered the phone!"

A wilted, high-pitched voice interrupted Brian: "Brian, man, listen, I need your help now. Please rush to the forensic bureau as quickly as possible. I'm not kidding, as fast as possible." !”


Looking at the hung up phone, Brian rolled his eyes.

Thom is his colleague.

However, the other party is a forensic scene investigator, the kind who follows the car to carry the body. Sometimes he will help take some photos at some murder scenes, collect some scene traces and leftover evidence, and work with the Robbery and Murder Division of the Police Detective Bureau. (Crime Unit) also has the most dealings.

The other party should be on duty today.

It is estimated that many bodies were suddenly discovered somewhere and they were short of manpower, so they called for help.

The current security situation in Los Angeles is not very good.

Such emergencies are quite common.

Brian changed his clothes, thought about it, took out a special pistol the size of an ordinary person's palm from the secret compartment under the bed, filled it with bullets, and hid it on his body. He also took two homemade detonators with pull-string detonators and inserted them into them. in the custom strip pocket on the inside of the suit before leaving the apartment.

The community where he currently rents is a middle-to-high-end community with a sense of age.

It's close to downtown Los Angeles.

The community environment looks average and the public facilities are a bit old, but overall it is clean and orderly.

There is a police station next to it.

The surrounding police patrols are also very diligent, and the security of several nearby streets is very good.

It's a completely different world from the homeless camp a few streets away.

The residents here are basically the same as Brian, they are all tenants with ordinary backgrounds but relying on their own efforts to earn a decent income.

There are very few real homeowners.

the reason is simple.

As more and more black households and homeless people gathered in this metropolis, Government Z set up several homeless gathering places a few streets away from Brian's community in order to control these unstable factors.

The surrounding streets are full of tents and garbage, and you can often see some drug addicts who look like walking zombies, standing in the corner in a daze.

This affects the mood of wealthy people.

So they started running to the suburbs and nearby towns.

It’s been a long time.

Here, there are high-end companies, communities, and commercial streets on one side, and on the other side, there are slovenly homeless people, tents occupying street corners, and other strange downtown scenes.

It's fine during the day.

At night, there are demons dancing around.

So the really wealthy people either ran away or lived in higher-end communities with single-family villas, manors, and independent security guards patrolling day and night.

Brian cautiously passed through the most chaotic blocks before slowing down and driving towards the Medical Examiner's Bureau.

Half an hour later.

A dilapidated building similar to a factory appeared in front of Brian.

This is the Bureau of Medical Examiner's headquarters in Los Angeles.

The Medical Examiner's Bureau, the full name of the Los Angeles County (County) Medical Examiner's Bureau, is the only official forensic examination agency of the Los Angeles County government. It is responsible for death cases and forensic examinations in the entire Los Angeles County area (88 cities). It is also the largest medical examiner's bureau in the United States.

The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Bureau is a functional department under the county government. It is independent of the police department, search department, courts and other judicial agencies. Compared with the police department, it is a department at the same level.

But there are not many employees here.

There are only a few hundred people in the five major departments combined.

Among them, there are only 23 front-line forensic doctors, and their daily workload is very heavy.

As for Brian.

He is just an inconspicuous little Karami among the five major departments of the Forensic Bureau.

Park the car.

Brian said hello to the doorman who was watching the midnight pay-per-view channel, and walked directly to the autopsy room.

As the largest autopsy center in Los Angeles County (County).

There are 2 large dissecting rooms and 1 small dissecting room.

Among them, the large autopsy room can perform 11 autopsies at the same time and is mainly used for general autopsies.

The small autopsy room can perform 3 autopsies at the same time, and is mainly used for surface examination of corpses and the dissection of decomposed corpses and infectious disease corpses.

Not all deceased people require an autopsy.

There were 19,039 deaths in Los Angeles last year.

Eliminate those who died who were not involved in criminal cases.

Last year, the Medical Examiner's Bureau accepted only about 9,500 cases requiring autopsies.

Exclude rest days and holidays.

More than 20-40 corpses are dissected here every day.

That is to say.

Each forensic doctor's daily workload is probably one or two corpses.

In fact, unless the work content is too disgusting.

The treatment here is still very good.

In fact, if there is no incident at night, the on-site surveyor on duty can drive the on-site survey vehicle at around two o'clock in the morning and go home directly to sleep.

If there is an on-site case, just drive there directly from home.

Apparently, Brian's colleague Thom was not having much luck today.

Just arrived at the autopsy room.

Brian saw a tall, thin middle-aged man wearing a work hat, leaning tiredly against the white wall of the corridor, smoking a cigarette with his head lowered.

"Man, you don't look like you're in a good mood."

Brian came forward and said hello.

When the tall and thin man heard the noise, he turned his head and forced a smile on his ugly face: "Hi, Brian, you're here."

This person is Thom.

This guy, who used to be a detective in the police detective bureau, was shot several times during an operation, and one of the bullets almost pierced his throat.

Although Thom survived in the end, his health became very poor, he looked like a drug addict, and his voice became high-pitched and deep.

Due to changes in body shape, Thom was often stopped and checked by patrolmen when he went out, which made him increasingly withdrawn and didn't like to go out. He only became more acquainted with Brian through some conversations about certain arts.

Thom took out a cigarette from his pocket, threw it to Brian, and then rubbed his sunken eye sockets:

"There's some trouble today.

There were two cases in total.

The deceased were two women.

The two were neighbors. Their residences were only separated by a fence. They died at about the same time. They were both killed by the murderer in their own house. It should be the same person who committed the crime. "


Brian understood the subtext of Thom's words.

Homicide is very troublesome.

According to the procedure, a cumbersome corpse examination needs to be carried out based on the injuries.

In addition, he also has to deal with the requests and assistance from the Police Detective Bureau. He has to take responsibility for any mistakes, which is often thankless.

This also leads to facing such cases.

The people in the Forensic Medical Bureau should be as slow as possible in producing the results. It is best for the police to solve the case and issue an autopsy report based on the results to avoid liability.

Also for this reason.

The detective bureau was unhappy with the medical examiner's bureau.

It has been proposed many times to imitate the one in New York and form more "criminal experimental teams" to share the power of the Medical Examiner's Bureau.

Of course, this kind of proposal that costs money but has no benefits has never been taken seriously by the higher-ups.

I know it was two homicides.

Brian put a mask of pain on his face.

This kind of autopsy is a corpse, corresponding to a case number.

The person handling each step cannot be changed easily.

Brian isn't really a forensic scientist though.

But he is now responsible for temporarily collecting the two corpses, and the follow-up work will also be handled by him and the arranged forensic doctor.

Of course, forensic doctors are only responsible for describing and recording injuries and normal organs, drawing autopsy sketches, and extracting organs, blood and other related test materials.

As for the hard work of dissecting corpses and taking photos.

It was carried out by Brian under the guidance of the medical examiner.

The subsequent handover of various departments in the Forensic Bureau was also the responsibility of Brian, a hardworking boy.

The whole process is very cumbersome.

Thom also knew that he had tricked Brian, and he showed an apology on his face: "I heard that a new department seems to be established recently, and there is a shortage of experienced anatomists. You should just act as if you are familiar with the business."

When Brian heard this, his heart moved.

New department?

Could it be the ‘criminal experiment team’ that Uncle Billy mentioned?

He lit a cigarette and pretended to be casual: "What new department?"

Thom shook his head: "My former colleague in the Robbery and Murder Division told me the news. I don't know the details, but the treatment is definitely better than those marginal figures in the Forensic Bureau. I should sign up when the time comes."

Seeing this, Brian had to give up asking questions.

A cigarette was finished.

The two began to get busy.

Thom's job is mainly to prepare on-site investigation reports and information investigation reports on the deceased.

This is actually a very strange thing.

Because normally, these are the responsibility of the detectives in charge of homicide cases, and the detective bureau also has on-site investigators who specialize in on-site investigations.

The strange part is here.

According to the regulations in Los Angeles.

At the homicide scene, the forensic on-site investigator must conduct on-site investigations of the murder scene together with the police.

At the same time, the on-site investigators on the police side can only be responsible for on-site investigations other than corpses, and do not have the authority to investigate corpses on the scene.

The corpse investigation can only be done by the on-site investigators of the Forensic Bureau.

So when can the detective bureau take over the case investigation?

This had to wait until dawn. After the forensic doctor on duty read the on-site investigation report and the deceased's information investigation report provided by the forensic on-site investigator, he determined that it was a homicide case and issued a written identification report to the detective bureau.

Only then could they officially take over the case investigation.

In short, it was very tedious.

Brian's job tonight was to temporarily gather and describe the characteristics of the corpse.

Before Brian came, Tom had already prepared the report materials, so he took Brian to the two morgues and shrank into the small room next door to write the report.

Looking at the two bodies wrapped in body bags.

Brian took a deep breath of the air with a strong smell of disinfectant and formalin, changed his clothes, turned on the camera, inserted an unnumbered card, and prepared to start work.


Accompanied by the chains being pulled open.

Two unrecognizable female corpses with miserable deaths appeared in front of Brian.

Although Brian is a scoundrel, he has handled more than a thousand corpses in more than two years. He has a basic eye for the scene.

This is a clear blunt instrument-induced fatal injury.

The murderer is most likely a strong man, and he should have been in a very excited state at the time, and he hit the cheekbones of the two victims so hard that they were sunken.

"It's a bit like a crime of passion."

Brian looked at it numbly for a few times, walked to the corpse on the right, and prepared to make a simple record.

At this moment.

The incandescent light in the morgue flickered slightly.

Brian subconsciously looked up, but found that everything was normal. When he was about to continue his work, a cold touch suddenly wrapped around his right hand near the morgue.

Someone grabbed my right hand! ! !

Brian was startled, and almost instinctively broke free from the cold wrap, pulled out his pistol, and stepped back suddenly, but bumped into another morgue.

The next moment.

The same cold and piercing touch appeared in another part of Brian's body.

Brian lowered his head suddenly, and saw a pale and stiff slender arm, grabbing him rudely where the pants were connected, making him almost unconscious.

What the hell!

I am a living person, how can I be bullied by a corpse?

A wave of anger surged in my heart!

A series of unknown changes.

Not only did it not scare Brian, but it aroused his long-suppressed emotions.

He showed a crazy smile on his face, pulled out the detonator on his body, pulled the fuse, and grinned: "Please respect this corpse, otherwise I will stuff them into your cute little mouth."

Counties and counties are mentioned in the thesis, but the mainstream translation is based on counties. I am used to writing counties here.

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