You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 53 Skinless Monster (Please read on!)

Chapter 54 Skinless Monster

Because of a bloody murder.

The motel is temporarily closed.

Back to the motel.

Brian walked to the counter and rang the bell.

A moment later.

The shop owner who looked like Dave came down from upstairs with a broom: "Mr. Officer, is there anything I can help you with?"

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Brian felt that the shop owner's rough white face was even whiter.

This whiteness is not the whiteness of the skin color.

It is a kind of paleness after the skin loses blood.

Brian didn't look at it for long, yawned, and said lazily: "Hey, man, what's your name?"

The owner put down the broom, wiped his hands slowly, and then said: "Alba, but my friends call me Dirham."


Brian repeated a sentence a little awkwardly: "This pronunciation doesn't seem to be the American Federal language?"

Alba nodded:

"Yes, this is the French Empire language, which means moron.

I am a French immigrant. I was stupid and slow to react when I was a child, so my friends like to call me Dirham. After a long time, I quite like this nickname. It reminds me of the happy times when I was a child."

Brian shrugged: "Okay, Alba, it's too boring here. I want to practice my shooting skills. Is there a suitable open space? "

"Of course." Alba chuckled and pointed to the back of the hotel: "There is a wood factory more than 2,000 meters away, but it has been abandoned for many years. Not many people go there. I occasionally go there to play with guns, and sometimes I can shoot some birds."

"Sounds good."

Brian's eyes lit up: "Dude, close the door, let's go play together."

"No problem!"

Alba walked to the counter, put on his shotgun, closed the door, hung up a sign of closing, drove a pickup truck, took the lame Brian, turned into the trail, and drove in the opposite direction of Susan and others.

The trail is relatively flat.

But the surrounding weeds are lush.

It can be seen that not many people usually go here.

Brian looked at the outside and it was getting more and more remote, pulled out his pistol, and checked.

Alba, who was driving, glanced at it and said curiously, "This gun looks new."

"Yes, because it was just equipped." Brian opened the safety and aimed outside: "Actually, this is my first time to be equipped with a gun. Strangely enough, my colleagues seem to prefer second-hand guns."

A smile flashed in Alba's eyes when he heard it.

He glanced at Brian's handsome face and said, "New guns need to be run-in, and second-hand guns will have more accurate trajectory."


Brian turned his head and thought, "But, can't new guns still kill people?"


Alba thought he had heard it wrong and looked at Brian in confusion.

The next moment.


A bullet accurately passed through his eye socket and shot into his soft brain tissue without the protection of the skull.

Alba's remaining eye widened, and his body trembled violently like a shiver.

Accompanying his trembling.

Under the skin on Alba's face, there seemed to be countless flesh whiskers wriggling, pushing the thin skin up and down, as if countless flesh worms were drilling in it!

This weird scene.

Even though Brian had expected it, he was still shocked and got goosebumps all over his body!

What kind of monster is this!

He didn't dare to hesitate.

Bang bang bang~

Until the magazine was emptied.

Brian grabbed the steering wheel and stopped the car.

He used a Volkswagen Glock 17 9mm caliber pistol with 17 rounds of ammunition.

Seventeen rounds of bullets!

Alba's face was shot into a hornet's nest.

The weird thing is.

Those wounds didn't see any blood flowing out, but there were dense blood-red granulations, rushing out along the bullet holes, squirming in the air, making people's scalps numb.


"Is he dead or not?"

Brian didn't dare to get close, grabbed his crutches and got out of the car.

Just as he got out of the car.


The crisp sound of the bullet hitting the steering wheel sounded.

Brian, who was changing the magazine, shrank his pupils.

As the red granulations squirmed, they pushed out the bullets that had been shot into his face and head.

Alba's remaining eyeball began to move rapidly again.


"Didn't Susan say that a headshot would kill a highly contaminated mutant with one shot?"

Brian didn't hesitate, raised his pistol, aimed it at Alba's head, and pulled the trigger again.

This time, Alba didn't give Brian a chance. He turned around, letting the bullets pierce his back, and stumbled out of the car. Without even looking, he grabbed the shotgun, followed the car door, and pulled the trigger towards Brian.

Brian reacted very quickly and fell down.


This shotgun was actually loaded with a single-headed bullet!

The powerful single-headed bullet blew a large hole in the pickup truck's door.

A large amount of iron door debris flew around, tearing large pieces of weeds on the path.


"I want you dead!"

Alba let out a frantic wail, tearing off his tattered skin like tearing off clothes, revealing his red body with countless wriggling flesh whiskers, and at the same time, the bullets shot into his body were forcibly squeezed out.

Every bullet that fell on the ground seemed to fall into Brian's heart.


The scene in front of him was completely different from what Susan said!

Expel all the bullets from the body.

Alba, who was red and looked like a skinless man, showed a grim smile on his ferocious face: "Little bug, I will pull your skin off with my own hands, and then use your identity to..."

Before he finished speaking.

A bullet accurately passed through his open mouth and shot into his throat.

After one shot.

Brian immediately lay on the ground again, staring at Alba's feet through the chassis of the car.

This time.

Brian saw it clearly.

After the bullet shot into Alba's throat, the layer of muscle that just penetrated the opponent's mouth was actually blocked by a layer of red mesh under the muscle!

A layer of foreign matter was implanted in the opponent's head!

What kind of cyberpunk mutant is this! ! !

No wonder so many bullets didn't kill the opponent!

Alba was also startled by this bullet.

He didn't dare to hesitate any longer. He grabbed the shotgun in his hand and circled the car body, trying to find Brian to shoot him head-on.

He just took a step.

Alba was horrified to find that his feet were somewhat out of control, like a cerebral palsy patient. He sent out the command, but he staggered and fell to the ground. The remaining one eye just happened to meet Brian's eyes, who was lying on the ground and staring at him.

Brian's face flashed with joy.

He understood!

The first bullet shot into Alba's eye socket was not useless.

The membrane on the inside of the eye bone is closest to the brain.

Even though Alba had a strange grid to resist, the impact of the bullet injured the brain nerves!

Brian showed a grim smile on his face.

He loves to shoot from behind and bully the old, weak and disabled!


Alba didn't expect him to fall.

This fall also dropped the shotgun in his hand to the side.

Just as the countless bloody flesh whiskers on his body were wriggling to push him to the gun beside him, a hand grabbed the butt of the shotgun first.

Brian picked up the shotgun, whistled, and pointed the thick muzzle of the shotgun at Alba.

Alba's one eye flashed with madness, and he supported himself with both hands, his bloody muscles bulged, and he was about to pounce.


The single-headed bullet, as thick as an adult man's thumb, was ejected at close range.

The huge impact force, carrying Alba's body with half of his head missing, flew backwards again and hit the ground heavily.

Thanks to 'Youmeitang Jushi' for the 500 book coins reward, thank you boss!

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