The rain of arrows covered the sky, countless fireballs fell from the sky, forming a blazing sea of ​​fire, burning and distorting the void.

A huge explosion suddenly sounded, and a huge mushroom cloud rose to the sky. Changshan was hit by the players' attacks, and his primitive ferocity was aroused, and he couldn't help but roar.

The fog dissipated, and its figure reappeared. Its body was full of arrows, and the mane on its neck was burned out. Its body was black, and its big copper bell eyes were full of anger.

Its huge body shook, forcing out the arrows that were not deeply pierced into its body, and the wings behind it fluttered, forming two strong tornadoes that attacked the surroundings.

The players were shocked and quickly retreated to avoid it, but some players were too close to the wind source and were swept into the sky before they had time to escape, and finally fell to the ground and died tragically.

"Disperse, disperse immediately! Don't gather together, it's easy to be killed by the group!"

"Archers, don't rush forward, do you think you are a tank? Roam, roam, understand?"

"Can the mage attack be accurate! Don't throw it at your own brothers!"

"Damn dog planner, character skills can only be unlocked at level 5, are you asking us to attack the boss with a flat attack?"

"I bloom in the killing, just like a flower blooming at dawn."

"Brother, stop pretending, the boss is chasing us, run!"


The players retreated and fought back, the warrior player held a big sword in the front row, and kept slashing around the mountain-like Changshan, and the sound of "clang clang clang" rang continuously.

Changshan's level is too high, up to level 29, 27 levels higher than the average player, and its skin is thick. If you want to cause substantial damage to a part of its body, a level 2 player must attack at least four or five times in a row, and as for the level 1, it will be even more.

However, although the damage caused by each attack was insignificant, due to the advantage in the number of players, the damage accumulated little by little, and many small wounds gradually appeared on Changshan's body.

Changshan felt a slight pain, waved his sharp claws to fight back, the earth and rocks collapsed, and large groups of players were harvested like straw, with heavy casualties.

Chen Hao also participated in this boss battle. At this moment, he was hiding outside with an ugly face and observing the battle situation, holding a half-broken sword in his hand.

He had just withdrawn from the front line and was lucky not to die under Changshan's terrifying claws, but the twenty or so brothers who followed him all received box lunches.

"Damn it! If this goes on, the casualties will be too high. If we die, we still have time to revive. It's not worth it!"

He punched the tree next to him, his face trembled, and he stretched back his hand and blew a few breaths.

"I don't know where Sister Li went? I haven't met her in the game. It would be great if she was here. I could plan some tactics."

Chen Hao stared at the battlefield, watching groups of players rushing to the front line one after another, and then being harvested in large numbers, his teeth clacking.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind, and he suddenly thought of a way and grinned.

He quickly opened the world channel and spent 1 million RMB to buy 10 loudspeakers in one go.

The loudspeakers came out after the public beta of "Star", and the unit price was ridiculously high, but the effect was still very good.

It allows everyone in a certain area to hear their speech. Of course, those who don't want to hear can choose to block it.

Next, Chen Hao began to speak.

"Attention, players. I am Chen Hao. Please listen to my command now. Don't ask why. If you ask, I have a loud speaker and you don't.

Next, we will get on track. Warrior players, please evacuate the battlefield quickly and don't go up to die. Archers, gather and divide into different teams to focus on restraining the boss.

The mage immediately went around to the cave and attacked the entire cave."

The players were stunned when they received this inexplicable prompt, but their eyes suddenly brightened. They were all people who had played many games, so they naturally understood what Chen Hao wanted to do.

Use the cave to crush Changshan!

However, some players were very upset and thought that Chen Hao was pretending to be cool. They sneered and mocked him.

Soon, the players began to act and changed their formations.

The warriors stopped fighting in close combat and began to evacuate quickly. The archers gathered and attacked the top output, and the mages hurried to the cave.

Changshan watched the players who were besieging him at his feet evacuate and let out a puzzled roar.

Is this because you can't beat me and run away?

But it soon denied this stupid idea, because countless arrows rained down from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a hedgehog before it could defend itself.

The effect of this attack was surprisingly good. Changshan was bleeding all over, and even one of his eyes was shot blind.

And this is not surprising, because the players' attacks earlier had already consumed Changshan's defense, which was equivalent to wearing off its protective shield.

Changshan is at the peak of the middle stage of the Heavenly Spirit Realm (lv29). His body is strong and can use spiritual power. His body is not easily injured by ordinary swords.

But not easy does not mean impossible!

Changshan suffered a heavy blow. For the first time, he felt a life-threatening attack. His roar was stronger than ever before. The murderous aura emanating from his body impacted the four fields, and the forest was like a rippling green wave.

"The boss is at high health! Watch your position and don't get too close."

"Archer, fly the kite and lead the boss to the cave."

"Mage, you can start now. Why are you still standing there? Are you going to die?"

"Warrior...Warrior, go chop down some trees, sharpen them and poke the boss!"


Chen Hao continued to issue orders, but his thinking was a little behind, and his words were irrelevant.

But at this time, something strange happened, Changshan actually flapped his wings and flew up, the players' hearts sank, thinking that it was not good.

If Changshan flew up, then their plan would be in vain, and maybe it would escape.


A golden beam of light penetrated the void, dragging a dazzling tail flame from a hundred meters away, as fast as a lightning, and arrived at the battlefield in an instant.


The beam easily penetrated Changshan's wings, Changshan screamed, and his huge body fell to the ground again.

"Your wings are hard and you want to fly. Have you asked my arrow?"

On the top of a mountain in the distance, Annihilation silently put away the bow and turned away.


The players stared at this scene in amazement, their hearts were extremely confused.

What's going on? Which big guy just did it? This injury is too abnormal, right? !

Chen Hao was also confused, but when he saw a glowing bow and arrow stuck in the battlefield, he suddenly understood.

"Brother Mie, awesome!"

He admired Animie from the bottom of his heart. He was the best player in the game and he really deserved the title.

"Brothers, the boss's wings are broken, let's continue our plan!"

The players were confident and took action again.

Changshan got up from the ground, his wings drooping, and he looked extremely miserable.

It felt that its life was gradually fading away, and it went completely crazy, rushing towards the archer player who kept attacking it.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the players put away their weapons and ran away. As for where to run? Of course, it was the cave.

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