You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 191 June schedule, twilight is coming! (3, both ordered 4700)

"What, you're actually with her!"

Wang Quan was surprised, but not surprised.

Dorothy, "I feel like this is true love."

"How have you ever not been in true love!" Wang Quan couldn't help but ridicule, "Has anyone persisted for more than a year?"

Dorothy, "Just watch, it will definitely last more than a year this time!"

Wang Quan is not optimistic. From the reviews about Kristen Stewart in the film and television library, she can be either male or female, her style is bold, and she is simply a bitch.

But he didn't say anything else. Interfering too much in emotional matters could easily hurt the friendship.

"It's good that you are happy, but you seem to have said that you should let the male and female protagonists speculate on CP, right? Are you willing to do so?"

"What's the point? It's nothing more than being photographed holding hands on the street," Dorothy said. "The two of them are also willing. As long as the fans are happy slapping each other, the box office will be high, and the box office will be high. They can become famous, and when they become famous, they can shoot what they want to shoot.”

Having had many contacts with these two male protagonists, Wang Quan also knows that both of them are a bit young in the arts. I guess filming Twilight is just for Wang Quan's Midas touch, to gild the golden body of a popular star.

Dorothy, the real protagonist, was not afraid of Jin Lian and Qingzi pretending to be real, so Wang Erlang let them go. Anyway, this situation would indeed help the topic and box office.

"Okay, I will be more polite to my sister-in-law after the new drama starts filming, and try not to scold her." Wang Quan promised.

Dorothy chuckled. Regarding the plan to fire CP, she actually considered King Power at first, but after many arguments, fans still objected to the male and female protagonists even more, even if the director was more handsome, so she gave up. She expressed her feelings towards Robert Pattinson. It is true that he is not so confident in the royal power.

After the frank conversation, Wang Quan was about to go to bed, but Dorothy said, "By the way, who are you going to invite to the Twilight premiere?"

As a high-cost commercial film with a sufficient publicity budget, "The Twilight Saga" will be the first of its kind to hold its premiere in Los Angeles. To make it more lively, of course some stars will be invited.

The royal power is in a difficult position, how can I not invite him?

As soon as "Juno" came out, Wang Quan gave people the impression that he was a thoughtful, connotative, and artistic quasi-Oscar-level director, but he ended up spending a lot of money to make a "Twilight". I'm really embarrassed to let my friends Come and see.

Although compared to the original version, King Power has optimized the lens, editing, music, action scenes, and some performances, and the cast is more attractive, the story has basically remained unchanged. This is also the core that attracts teenagers the most and is the most popular. What adults dislike about him cannot be changed, so those colleagues who have high expectations for him may be disappointed.

But people have to be invited, so Wang Quan thought of inviting younger friends, such as Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Lily Collins, Wang Keying, Andrew Garfield and so on.

Oh, by the way, you can also invite the singer Taylor Swift. She has been a little popular recently. When she was idle last year, Wang Quan took on a lot of MV work, including her first single "Tim McGraw" MV is also the starting point of her fame.

They are all young people, so they may fall into this trap.

After saying this, Wang Quan really went to bed, and Dorothy also returned to her little nest next door.



After Wang Quan's article was published, it was recognized by many people because of his sincere emotions, years of friendship, and sharing weal and woe. In addition, Boss Tao is indeed a beautiful woman, and her appearance is justice. Dorothy's reputation Things have gotten better, and at the same time, there are a lot more CP fans of her and Wang Quan.

Of course, those who are skeptical will still doubt and feel that the royal power has been controlled and that there is no freedom of speech or personal freedom. There is nothing that can be done if some extreme people think so.

When Wang Quan woke up the next day, he saw Liu Yifei's message, and Wang Quan called her back immediately.

"What good happened to you?"

Liu Yifei giggled, "The Stewardess has been shortlisted for this year's Magnolia Award!"

The deadline for this year's Magnolia was March. "The Stewardess" was broadcast at the beginning of the year and met the requirements. Lao Wang applied with the attitude of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, he was actually shortlisted. The shortlisted projects included Best TV Series, Best Director and Best Actress.

This is the first time Liu Yifei has been shortlisted for such an authoritative heavyweight award, and she is so beautiful.

Wang Quan asked who else was shortlisted at the same time, and she said, "Oh, there are Sun Li (New Shanghai Beach), Liu Ruoying (New Marriage Era), Chen Xiaoyi (Halfway Couple), and Teacher Zheng Zhenyao (Hongban) )."

After hearing this lineup, Wang Quan sent his blessing, "Then I hope you don't win this award."

Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment and then said with a straight face, "Why are you like this? You thought you could wish me a prize."

Wang Quan said, "This is the lineup. I wish you the best. It will hurt you. Which of the four teachers above do you think you are sure to win?"

Liu Yifei thought about it for a moment, and finally sighed. She seemed to finally have a clear understanding of herself.

Wang Quan said, "When the time comes, dress up beautifully and go to receive the award, and help the organizer increase ratings and attention. Just smile and applaud more when people receive the award, and that's it."

"Oh~" the girl said in a depressed mood.

"It's a good thing to want to win awards, it shows that you are motivated, but if you win awards with inappropriate acting skills in inappropriate works, it can easily backfire. Take Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth, who defeated Kate... Blanchett, Meryl Streep and others, but she has been called the Queen for so many years. If her family background was not too powerful, she would have been out of business in these years."

Liu Yifei said, "Actually, when I look back at "The Stewardess" now, I feel that some of the acting was not very good, and I couldn't take on the role of Brother Lei Zi. If I were to act now, the effect would definitely be better."

"Oh, let's wait and see your performance in "The King of Kung Fu"."

"Oh, King of Kung Fu doesn't count. Action movies don't have much room for acting. Let's wait for the next one..."

The two chatted for an hour, and it was just before she went to bed in China.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Quan did not go to the company. He went to the University of Southern California, attended his second graduation ceremony, and spoke on stage as an outstanding student representative.

Since I have obtained degrees from two universities, it is reasonable to suffer the sin of graduating twice.

And not only must you attend the graduation ceremony, but you must also donate money.

It's just not now. It has to wait until the company goes public and has more money. Moreover, Wang Quan is not the only one. When the time comes, he and Dorothy will make donations together in the name of Long Toutou.

As a successful representative in Hollywood and a celebrity, if you don't give back to your alma mater, you will be stabbed in the back. Spielberg didn't even graduate from the University of Southern California, so he donated a lot of money and became an honorary alumnus.

At the graduation ceremony, Wang Quan met Lily Collins, who acted as a guide at the scene. As she wished, she was admitted to the journalism and media major at the University of Southern California and would enroll when school started.

It's a pity that Wang Quan had already graduated when he entered school.

After the graduation ceremony, Wang Quan finally got away and found the little girl in a short skirt who looked like a cheerleader after dealing with the photo requests from teachers and classmates.

Well, she's not a little girl anymore. The night she visited the set of "Twilight", Lily also grew up.

Wang Quan suddenly realized that Dorothy also came that time. She wouldn't have stayed in Little K's room that night, right?

Wang Quan and Lily had a meal outside and talked about their recent experiences. At the same time, Wang Quan extended an invitation to Lily. She, the little Juno, still had her power and was still a hot topic in the entertainment industry.

Lily readily agreed, and then Wang Quan returned to the company to see if there was anything he needed help with.

Dorothy asked him, "The Twilight sequel will be filmed at the end of June. Are you ready for both scripts?"

Wang Quan opened the password box in his office, "I finished writing the first part when I was doing post-production."

The reputation of the subsequent films of the original version is getting worse and worse, which is also the key to limiting the final box office and influence of the film. Therefore, Wang Quan made some changes to the subsequent plots, maintaining the bloody plot that is attractive to teenagers while avoiding the female protagonist. The character of Lord Bella collapsed.

A love triangle is not impossible, but the original Bella's operation was too lame. If you don't like him, why would you kiss him?

In order to modify the plot, King Quan spent a lot of effort, and even invited Lily, Julie and their high school classmates to have dinner several times, trying to understand the thoughts of the youth group.

In addition, he also added many visual wonders. Wang Quan felt that the visual effects of the Twilight series were too far behind Harry Potter to be called a blockbuster.

This is not because the investors are unwilling to spend money, but because the original work is just Xiaoqing Xiaoai, there is no room for that aspect. Wang Quan must explore the possibility of this aspect if he wants to expand the audience for the movie.

Dorothy flipped through it briefly and found a few hand-drawn drawings. "It's really fast enough. That's no problem. Why don't you go take photos with them?"

"Taking photos?"

"Well, this is a collaboration with a fashion magazine, to take photos of the main characters in the film. I think I can add you. Many movie fans admire your looks."

Wang Quan sighed, "I have to show off my face again."

Wang Quan finally agreed, and the photo was divided into two camps. On one side was the vampire Cullen family, with the same black clothes, stern look, and pale face. On the other side was Bella and her classmates, with the little werewolf also there, just pure Pure campus style.

When the time comes, add Wang Quan and let him sit in the middle, a vampire on the left and a high school student on the right.

The photographer was very professional and completely captured the essence of vampires. Wang Quan quietly watched them work and chatted with the group of high school students next to them.

Dou Xiao also just came back. He was already optimistic about the school and said to Wang Quan, "Director Wang, I want to take the Nortel exam!"

He wants to be Wang Quan's apprentice. There are too few opportunities in Hollywood. Even if Wang Quan takes care of the Chinese, he will not be left alone to take care of them. Therefore, there are many opportunities in China. He has participated in "Twilight" and has a high starting point. , maybe she can become the male version of Liu Yifei.

Not to mention how good-looking the young man is, but what he thinks about is true beauty. Wang Quan also encouraged him. I hope he can still meet "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree".

After shooting for the magazine, Wang Quan guessed that it would be dawn in the country, so he called Lao Wang and reminded him not to give awards to Liu Yifei and asked him to convey it to Aunt Liu.

Lao Wang laughed and said, "Do you think that I was the one who managed the shortlisting? It's really not true. This is because "The Stewardess" is Dragon TV's highest-rated TV series so far this year, and it has exceeded last year's highest rating. Magnolia is in It is held in the Magic City, and Dragon TV is one of the organizers. We have a very close relationship, so it is just a routine operation to be shortlisted."

Later, Lao Wang told Wang Quan some good news, "The Kimchi Country copyright of "The Stewardess" has been sold."

However, this is because the adaptation rights of the novel have been sold, and it has nothing to do with their TV series.

"It can't be said that it has nothing to do with it. Bangzi must have seen the popularity of "The Stewardess", so he wanted to film the same story. Unfortunately, we are not an original script, but I am thinking of going to Kimchi Country to try to sell this drama. ." Lao Wang didn't even miss the kimchi market.

Wang Quan didn't know much about the situation there, but several classmates in his class were students from Kimchi Country. Wang Quan gave Lao Wang some contact information, maybe he could help at a critical moment.

A few days later, "Figaro" magazine was released. Twilight Man and Twilight Woman appeared on the cover. In the large foldout inside, the Twilight Army appeared. Among all the handsome men and beauties, King Power ranked C. , the title reads "True love lasts, twilight falls!"

On the same day, Warner's "Ocean's Thirteen" was officially released.

The director of this series has always been Hollywood prodigy Steven Soderbergh. Spielberg is also called Steven. It seems that it is not easy for people named Steven to make movies.

Of course, people named David are also good, right? Finch, Lynch, Wang.

Soderbergh is such a weird guy. At the age of 26, he won the Cannes Palme d'Or for Best Picture, which is coveted by countless art film directors, with his debut film "Sex, Lies, and Videotape."

Later, at the age of 37, he was nominated for Best Picture and Best Director at the 73rd Academy Awards with "Never Compromise" and "Dupin Network", and finally won these two awards with "Dupin Network" In the bag, it's the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" class.

Later, he remake the classic old film "Ocean's Eleven", which had a global box office of over 400 million and was once again a great success.

Whenever a young talented director emerges in Hollywood, he or she will always be compared with Soderbergh by the media, and King Power is no exception.

It’s hard to say which one is better, but it’s clear that Thrones is on the rise, while Soderbergh is already on the decline.

After that, Ocean's Twelve was not as good as Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Thirteen was not as good as Ocean's Twelve, and finally he was reduced to filming gigolo movies like "Magic Mike 3".

Dorothy attended the other party's premiere, and when she came back she said she was not afraid at all and would not threaten the next week's new film.

So now the only opponent left is "Fantastic Four 2".

"Fantastic Four 2" is a work of 20th Century Fox. They originally bought the rights to "Fantastic Four" and "X-Men" from Marvel, but "Fantastic Four" obviously does not have "X-Men" So hot.

Previously, Wendy Deng also wanted to win the overseas distribution rights of "The Twilight Saga", but because it conflicted with their "Fantastic Four 2", King Quan did not accept the delay and change of schedule, so she had no choice but to give up.

How could it be possible to change the schedule? I was playing "Fantastic Four 2". Naturally, it was impossible to hand it over to Fox. In the end, the overseas distribution partner was Disney's Bu Wei.

The 11th is the premiere of "Fantastic Four 2". Wang Quan received an invitation from Wendy Deng. Dorothy asked Wang Quan to take his new sister-in-law, Little K, with him~

(Okay, Boss Tao’s character card has been released. Remember to like and be careful, and vote monthly~)

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