You For Eternity

Chapter 1230: One twin for a lifetime (209)


Qianyi sat on the warm blanket alone, playing games that belonged to him.

There are many bodyguards standing guard inside and outside the lounge.

The outside is more comfortable, and the people standing inside are all worried about "what game is this kid playing and can't understand?"

Always felt……

Everyone's IQ is not on the same level.

"Mayor Qian."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard."

Chu Chu and Qian Chenghai entered inside, Qianyi raised his head to look at them, "Going home?"

"Yes," Chu Chu went over and hugged him well, "My little baby, I'm going home!"

Qianyi's head is small, and Chu Chu can still hold it. Under such circumstances, Qianyi didn't resist and just hugged her.

"There are surprises outside!"

Qianyi blinked those ice blue eyes without asking.

Chu Chu went out holding Qianyi and made a big surprise expression: "Daddy is back!"

Thousand One: "..."

Qianyi and Li Hengzhi face each other, speechless.

Li Hengzhi stretched out his hand: "Son, it's been a long time since I saw you, take one."

Qianyi did not reach out to him, but said lightly, "It's only ten minutes."

"Huh?" Chu Chu was taken aback.

What ten minutes?

"you guys……"

"You made up?" Qianyi looked at Li Hengzhi, then at Chu Chu, "You forgave him like this? Qian Xiaotao, you will suffer like this."

Li Hengzhi explained: "We have already seen it."


She also solemnly wanted to give her son a big surprise! Dare to love them, the father and son have already met, and she was still there worrying about Li Hengzhi, Qianyi would not forgive him!

The results of it? But Qianyi was still worried about whether she would forgive him.

Thinking of this, Chu Chu stuffed Qianyi into Li Hengzhi's arms: "You can play by yourself!"

After speaking, go out first.

Qianyi looked at Li Hengzhi ignorantly: "Why am I lying down with the gun?"

Li Hengzhi didn't pay attention, and walked out happily holding Qianyi: "Don't worry, I will coax her well."

"I thought you were going to get a divorce this time. I started to help Qian Xiaotao find a good candidate."

"...Son, my dad just didn't come back because of a delay, don't you need to pay the stepdad's exaggeration?" Li Hengzhizhen.

"see your performance."

Qian Chenghai just laughed when watching their family of three playing and making trouble, and didn't care at all: "Then I won't be with you. I will go home first. See you next year."

Josie didn't see anything wrong with herself, "The boss, madam, there is nothing wrong with me, I'm leaving too!"

"Well, he will ask you, don't let him mess around."

Listening to their conversation, Qianyi didn't understand who this "he" was referring to, but he didn't really want to know what he looked like.

"I know," Josie gave an "OK" gesture and smiled at Qianyi again, "Fourth Master, Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year." Qianyi replied very politely.

In the car.

The driver was driving quietly. All three of Chu Chu's family were sitting in the back seats, and Qianyi was sitting in the child seat between the two.

He first said: "Grandpa said, bad things can't be brought to next year, so if you have anything, you have to say it as soon as possible, it's almost zero."

Qianyi opened this mouth first, and the two adults stared at each other.

They knew that they would definitely have a showdown when they got home.

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