You For Eternity

Chapter 1298: One double for a lifetime (281)



"Can we go to Jiangchuan to see her? Sister-in-law is not by her side, she must be missed. She doesn't know anyone there."

"Alright?" Chu Chu turned to look at Li Hengzhi, "Anyway, it's a holiday now. Qianyi doesn't need to go to kindergarten, so she sends Qianyi to Jiangchuan and stays at the Bai's house for a while, so why not be a company for Weiyang? This looks so lifeless, in fact...I can't bear it either. Although Master Bai's fault accounts for most of it...well."

Seeing Chu Chu's distressed look, Li Hengzhi touched her head: "How come my wife is so kind."

"Well, you...what does it have to do with kindness," Chu Chu looked at him helplessly, "Why do you always praise me, I will be proud."

"Give you 101 points, not afraid of you being proud."

After eating breakfast, Qianyi climbed down the chair and suddenly looked back at them: "Are you going out?"

"Yes, mom and dad are going out, are you going?"

"Well... don't disturb the world of both of you, I'm going to read a book."

", mom is not going to work today, so should I take you out for a while?"

This kid... why is staying at home and reading?

If this continues, all the books in the study will be eaten up by him!

"I'm not a three-year-old kid anymore. How can I play all day and waste time?"

"Cough..." Li Hengzhi coughed, "Well, you are four and a half years old, and you are indeed not a three-year-old kid anymore. Son, let's go together? Let's go to the hospital, and then let your mummy carry you out , Eat together at noon?"

Qianyi frowned before answering, and was hugged by Chu Chu, "Okay, let's go together! You usually go to work and don't have time at home, so you should be with your mother."

"Well, then I will accompany you reluctantly."

Chu Chu smiled, this kid...

She knew it would be okay to change her words.

"Master, grandma, are you going out to play today?" Aunt Qin asked after packing up her things and coming out.

"Yes, Aunt Qin, I won't come back to eat at noon, so I don't have to make our portion."


Chu Chu fixed Qianyi on the child safety seat, and Li Hengzhi drove towards the city center.

Qianyi sat obediently, and after a while, he asked strangely, "Hey...we are going to the hospital? Who is in the hospital?"

"Your Auntie Yu."

"Oh...?" Qianyi's little brow picked up and smiled, "Auntie Yu? Isn't that Dadbi's first girlfriend?"

"..." Li Hengzhi shed sweat, "It's not a girlfriend, I haven't dated, didn't I explain it to you."

"Oh..." Qianyi nodded like a small adult, "Isn't it a girlfriend... It's been a long time, forgot, I thought it was a girlfriend."

"..." Li Hengzhi always felt that Qianyi, this stinky kid, was deliberate.

He has such a good memory, how could he forget this?

Ba% mentioned it deliberately...

What do you want to do for fear that the world will not be chaotic?

"Yes," Chu Chu touched his face, "it's not a girlfriend, they haven't dated."

"Mummy," Qianyi suddenly turned his head, looked at Chu Chu and said, "Are you sure that Dadbi is telling the truth? We only heard the answer from Dadbi's side, one-sided words, how can we just Believe him?"

"Cough!" Li Hengzhi coughed angrily, "Li Qianyi, what do you want to do? Don't you want pocket money?"

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