You For Eternity

Chapter 231: Whatever she does!

The next day, when Ji Xuan got up, she found that the living room was empty, with only one quilt left. Qiantao was missing, and she didn't find it.


Earlier, she had already left Xiangshuiwan.

But she doesn't have a car, so she doesn't necessarily get the car so early, so she can go?

Soon, Li Hengzhi also got up, dressed in a formal suit, with no expression or a tendency to be cold.

He came downstairs and only glanced in the direction of the living room. The mess of last night had already been cleaned up, as if nothing had happened.

The mouth that wanted to open still said nothing in the end.

But Ji Xuan, when he came out of the kitchen with breakfast, hesitated to say hello: "Brother Li..."

After what happened last night, she didn't know how to face the person she had always liked.

She hesitated for a moment and still said: "Brother Li, young grandma she—"

"Shut up." No matter what she was going to say, he didn't want to listen.

But Ji Xuan boldly continued: " seems to have already left."

"Whatever!" Li Hengzhi didn't say anything, as if he didn't hear anything, just eat his own breakfast.

Ji Xuan finally closed her mouth, because she felt that she didn't need to say more.

The contradictions and misunderstandings between the two of them cannot be eliminated by her.

It was also today that she really felt a feeling, she would rather they be loving Wushuang, than seeing him like this, making her feel more uncomfortable.


Qiantao left too early to get a taxi, and was unwilling to wait. She walked out in high heels for fear of meeting someone.

Without a mobile phone, she didn't know how long she had been away. It seemed to be an hour or longer...

Pain from all parts of the body keeps coming, and I stop and go, and the road I usually walk takes twice as long today.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar car whizzing past her, and she vaguely saw a license plate number.

That is……

Li Hengzhi's car.

I don't know how long it took before I stopped a Taxi halfway and took a taxi to the city center.

Brother Wang glanced at the rearview mirror, and saw her pale face, band-aids, crusted lips, and suspicious marks on her neck. Her entire face was haggard, a pair of...

Anxiously asked: "Girl, are you okay?" Could it be that...

"It's okay," Qiantao smiled, then looked out the window, "Don't care about me."

She didn't dare to go back to the apartment to see Qianyi. The phone was smashed and there was no number. She left temporarily last night. I asked Tongtong to take her handbag back. Now she is penniless. Apart from going to the TV station to pay for Tongtong, she There is really no second way.

Whenever there is money for a taxi, she would not go to Tongtong.

When she saw her like this, she should be worried again.

Qiantao Rang’s brother accompanies her to go up with her, lest he thinks he is going to escape, but his brother softly says that it’s okay. He believes her and just waits in the car.

Qiantao was stunned and laughed.

Believe her? Does she have an easy-to-believable face?

Qiantao entered the TV station like this, and everyone who saw her stared. Everyone knew what she did last night.

Unfortunately, I met Li Shan on the road, the new female anchor who mocked her.

"Oh, who is this? Niang Jixiang," Li Shan looked at her all over, "was the card flopped yesterday? Was she called to sleep in."

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