You For Eternity

Chapter 431: I am Qianyi's mother (8)

It was actually hot, but Li Nianxin didn't nod his head, and smiled at Lan Fei, telling her not to care.

Although she has been his fiancée since yesterday, she has no ill will towards Lan Fei.

They can't be together, it has nothing to do with Lan Fei.

When Bai Yujing said that, Lan Fei's expression was actually a bit embarrassing, but it was true that she was so hot to Li Nianxin, so she didn't say anything, and hurriedly apologized.

She pulled a few tissues to help her wipe it, but was also cut off by Bai Yujing: "I'll do it."

Bai Yujing may not have thought much at the time, but Lan Fei’s sight fell on the place where Li Nianxin was soiled, close to his chest. In any case, even if he was her uncle, she is no longer a child. , He helped her wipe it, right?

Li Nianxin raised his hand to block it, "Let the little aunt come, I'm no longer a kid, don't you know whether a man or a woman is married?"

Bai Yujing paused for a moment, didn't care, and said indifferently, "Aren't you just a child in my eyes?"


Li Nian thought blankly, without saying a word.

What she heard in his mouth was always the word "child"-even if she now has the posture of a woman, he still regards her as a child without gender.

Child... This is probably her sorrow.

Hearing these words, although Lan Fei felt that Bai Yujing was too indulgent to Li Nianxin, the same example was indeed not absent.

He has no children himself, and Li Nianxin is now the only junior in their Bai family, and it is not surprising that they all pet her.

Besides, Mr. Bai also liked this great-grandaughter very much. As her brother-in-law, Bai Yujing naturally wanted to spoil her.

Furthermore, after hearing his description, my child, Lan Fei felt that she was indeed too sensitive.

"Auntie, you can marry me soon, and give birth to a child for my uncle as soon as possible. If my uncle has his own child, he won't care about me."

Lan Fei didn't know what Li Nianxin said with a smile, what kind of torment he was inside, and smiled with a low eyebrow. The doubts just disappeared: "This...It's not my decision."

"Children don't worry about so much," Bai Yujing said, startled for a moment, "Hurry up and drink the ginseng soup."

He took the ginseng soup from Lan Fei and fed her mouthfuls.

Knowing that Li Nianxin was awake, Li Hengzhi came to see her with Qiantao after breakfast.

She changed the medicine and lay on the bed obediently without making any noise, she looked very well-behaved.

Seeing them coming, Nianxin also woke up, Bai Yujing temporarily left the ward, leaving them a little space.

"It's okay?" Li Hengzhi didn't have a good tone, his face was cold, and he looked terrible, "Bai Yujing wants you to come to the rescue? What are you doing! I almost lost my life!"

Li Nianxin made no effort to say: "It's so easy for people to come back from the ghost door, you are still so fierce..."

Qiantao smiled and said, "Don't look at him like this. Yesterday when you were rescued, they both went crazy outside. I have never seen him like this."

Li Hengzhi raised his hand and squeezed her cheek: "You two have been together for a long time, and have begun to look alike? Talk like her!"

Qiantao smiled.

People are afraid of him, but she is not afraid now!

Knife mouth tofu heart, duplicity! Obviously worried, it doesn't matter what you pretend now? I don't know who is doing it!

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