You For Eternity

Chapter 764: The bitter man (2)

How could it be Jiang Wan?

Chu Chu did not understand.

They obviously came to Li Hengzhi...

She looked at Josie suspiciously, and the other party just smiled mysteriously at her, putting her index finger on her lips to keep her silent.

At night, the place where they were hiding was pitch black, and their behavior itself was a bit shameless, which added a bit of tension to the atmosphere on the scene.

Chu Chu didn't dare to say anything, and nodded to show that he knew.

Then... just watch it?

The wind was biting tonight and there was no heating where they were, Josie hugged Chu Chu tightly to make her warmer.

It's still cold inside. Jiang Wan wears this a little and stands outside the hotel, isn't it cold?

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps started. It was not the sound of a person's footsteps. It was very fine, and it sounded a lot of people. In the dim hall, a tall figure appeared first.

I don't know why, Chu Chu only felt that the surrounding area became colder in an instant. What happened to this sudden coldness?

There were two rows of people behind the attacking figure. At first glance, there were a dozen people, and the show was very big.

When the man walked to a slightly bright place, he could see that he was wearing a black trench coat. There were two dim night lights at the door, and the light was dim. Only when the man pushed the door out and the moonlight hit his face, Chu Chu could see clearly.

The bright and soft white moonlight did not add any softness to his profile. Resolute and indifferent on the face like the Arctic ice, handsome eyes, impeccable facial features, three-dimensional and cold, the whole person's aura is too oppressive.

Chu Chu finally understood where the icy feeling just now came from!

It was caused by an invisible aura pressure emanating from this man.

Who is he?

She has no impression of this face...

Looking at Josie again, her face is rare and serious, her index finger is still pressed against her lips, and she is silent.

It can be seen that this man seemed to be something Josie did not dare to treat casually.

Turning back again, Chu Chu was a little surprised by that scene.

The man took off his windbreaker and put it on Jiang Wan.


"Isn't it cold?" The man said, his voice was the same as his facial expression, without temperature.

"It's okay." Jiang Wan turned his back to him, as if he didn't need to turn around. It was no surprise that he had known it was him.

No matter how cold it is, it can't be cold enough.

The man turned to his side, the skeleton of his hand was big, but he still looked extremely slender, and slightly raised Jiang Wan's jaw, the two kneaded and lifted, bowed his head, and kissed him.

A dozen people behind them turned to each other when they saw it, and it became an unwritten rule to look at the person across from them.

Jiang Wan released his hand, raised his shoulder, and the windbreaker on his shoulder fell and fell at her feet.

The kiss was short and shallow. The man lowered his eyes to look at the person in front of him, and stroked the strands of hair on her face that had been blown by the cold wind. His voice was calm and steady: "Aning is too naughty."

"No," Jiang Wan saw his face clearly through the moonlight, "he has passed his naughty age, he is just mad at you."

Jiang Wan thought, he hadn't seen this man for a long time, but the sky would not have a second expression when the sky fell, but it hadn't changed at all.

In this world, probably only that person can stir a little ripple in his heart.

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