You For Eternity

Chapter 774: Xiaobai, marry me! (3)

Seeing that she was eating quickly, Bai Yujing said, "I said just now that I don't want to eat, but now I'm gobbled up. No one is robbing you. Eat slowly."

Nianxin's mouth is full of things and can't speak well. While chewing, while looking at him, she muttered: Don't you want to leave early after eating?

In the middle of the night, there were only two of them in this room, and every time he saw his bathrobe, he would think about it.

God, forgive me!

Nianxin prayed in her heart.

I don't know which year it is. After knowing that a man and a woman want to have a good time together, she practiced countless times in her mind to throw Xiaobai's plan.

Even though so many years have passed, she has told herself countless times that they are impossible, but she really can't control this kind of reflexive thoughts.

She can't stay here any longer.

She had to put something in her mouth. Bai Yujing couldn't stand it, and held the plastic box in front of her with one hand: "Swallow it first."

He was wondering, is she forbidden to eat these greasy foods for too long, causing her to rebound now?

"Christmas will be two days later. Lan Ye and the others changed their contracts and plan to spend Christmas here before going to Yinzhou. Do you want to spend Christmas with us, or go out alone with Lan Ye?"


Damn Lan Ye...

He actually has to stay here until the end of Christmas? What does he want to do...

"I don't want anyone."


"I have agreed with my daughter that I will definitely spend this Christmas with her, so I will not go anywhere."


Originally, Lan Fei and the others weren't coming, so he would definitely spend Christmas with his daughter. It's just that, if they can't let them know the existence of the nanny, they can't take the nanny with them.

"What about Lan Ye? You don't need to spend time with him?" Bai Yujing thought for a moment, "Nianxin, if you really want to be with Lan Ye, sooner or later he will know about the existence of the nun, and you don't have to conceal something, true love Your people can accept everything about you."

"So... you can't accept everything about me, including my blood relationship, because you are not the one who really loves me?"

She shouldn't have asked this, but for a moment, she couldn't control herself at all. When she reacted, she had already spoken, and it was too late to take it back.

Bai Yujing was also stunned.

Nianxin hasn't mentioned this matter to him for too long, everything seems to be fine, maybe it's already over, but... she is now mentioning it again.

"Nianxin, these two things are not comparable," he didn't scold her, but hoped that she could patiently listen to his advice, "they are not—"

"Puff......" Nianxin suddenly laughed, with a bright and beautiful smile, "Uncle, I'm joking with you, why are you serious again?"

Bai Yujing looked at Nianxin at this time, his thoughts flying low.

She now has the innocent feeling that she felt many years ago.

At that time, she was still a little girl who didn’t understand anything. She wouldn’t cry at the Baijia banquet and tell such sad things. She only knew that she was happy every day, and then she ran to his study and took it without fear. Putting off his official duties, his eyes were smiling like crescent moons, and he said brightly: Xiaobai, marry me!

Then he would sullenly drink her to say "Don't make a fool of me. With his expression and tone, no one up and down in the Bai family would listen to it as a joke, but she is not afraid of tigers, and she is not afraid of anything, just smile. Take it seriously.

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