You For Eternity

Chapter 776: Xiaobai, marry me! (5)

In the second month, before returning to Jiangchuan, he made a special transfer to Mohai and stayed for a few hours, but Nianxin refused to leave school because he was about to take the exam and did not want to be distracted.

One month, two months, three months, six year...four years.

For four full years, she had not contacted him, as if she had really disappeared from his life.

Encountered again on the streets of Haicheng. She treated him as an enemy and was full of hostility. He didn't believe it just because he hadn't arrived, which would make her angry for four years.

Since then, the naive and innocent girl a few years ago seems to have disappeared, and she has become depressed, as if she has more obsession.

He thought that his previous thoughts would never come back, but after that time she was shielded from the knife, she seemed to be born again after nine deaths, and she became smiling again, as if...their relationship has returned. Same as years ago.

At this time, Nian Xin had already gone back.

Only this time, even he couldn't tell, was she really joking just now, or...


Nianxin didn't actually go to the hospital, but went back to the mansion.

Aunt Qin was surprised and delighted when she saw her: "Miss Nianxin! You can count as coming back! I heard Xuan'er said that you came back to Haicheng, but I didn't see you back here, but why didn't you come here during the day? How dangerous it is for people to come back!"

"Hey, it's cold outside, but it's still warm inside!"

Aunt Qin took her coat over, “It’s winter now, can’t it be cold? When the heating is turned on in the house, it will naturally be warm. Miss Nianxin, please sit down for a while. There is hot soup stewed in my pot. You serve a bowl!"

"Thank you Aunt Qin!"

Aunt Qin brought out a bowl and shouted to the bedroom on the first floor: "Xuan'er, come out, the soup is ready."

Nianxin took a sip of the hot soup, and suddenly felt a lot of warmth in her stomach. She held the bowl in her hands to warm her hands well.

Ji Xuan sneezed out of the house, several in succession, and Nianxin cared: "What's wrong with Xuan'er? Have you caught a cold?"

"She," Aunt Qin said as she came out with soup, "I got a job in a hotel, and this hotel is really good... in the winter, let the little girls stand outside and blow the cold wind. Don’t you catch a cold?"

Ji Xuan didn't say which hotel she was looking for. She was afraid that her mother would feel bad, so she ran to find brother Li to intercede.

"What hotel is so inhumane? Quit it," Nianxin said without knowing anything, "Doesn't my brother also have a hotel in Haicheng? If you really want to go out to work, just let him arrange a leisure trip for you. ."

"Oh, yes! Why did I forget about this!"

"Mom!" Ji Xuan was wrapped in a blanket and sat down on the sofa, "Can we rely on Brother Li for the rest of our lives? I just tried to go out and find a job without me."

It was just a coincidence that it happened to be the one who notified her to go to work.

"Then we are not eating rice."

"Yes," Nian Xin said, "you have done so many things for our family, even if you rely on my brother for a lifetime? My brother is pleased, he has always treated you like a goddess. ."

"Just think I’m going out to practice, I’ve been in Li’s family since I was a child, my wife, brother Li, and you, I have treated me very well. I have not suffered anything. Look, I’ve just gone out to have a good night , Just like this, just like Lin Daiyu."

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