You For Eternity

Chapter 804: Never let you go again (2)

Ye Yunshen's expression didn't seem to be joking, he used a very serious emotion to tell the most true thoughts in his heart.

"I don't want any more... I don't want anything! I don't want any rights and money, I just want you, Chu Chu!"

"Don't do this..." Chu Chu pushed with his other hand.

"Eight years ago, you had to wait for your sister to come back and refused to follow me..." Ye Yunshen's eyes sank, and the deepness of his eyes is not visible. "If you were willing to go with me at that time, it would be great! We don't want anything. After leaving Linshui, those things will not happen again!"

He regrets so much.

If they can hold on a little longer and persuade Chu Chu, they would have left Linshui long ago and are not disturbed by the world. Today, the children may be six or seven years old, they are their children! Instead of her and Li Hengzhi...

In eight years, how many eight years can a person's life have?

These eight years have been too cruel for Ye Yunshen. He has been suffering from invisible torture, and now, after eight years of missing him, the living Chu Chu is right in front of him! Do you want him to watch her leave him again?

Chu Chu didn't want to irritate him.

The previous method on the TV station has no effect. No matter how harsh she says to him, he can't care.

He obsessed too deeply, still living in the gloom of eight years ago and refused to come out.

Looking at Ye Yunshen like this, she had no other thoughts, only that he was so painful now because of herself. Now that he has achieved happiness, I hope he can forget the past as soon as possible and start again.

Therefore, Chu Chu gave up breaking free, sighed and said, "Yunshen, why bother? Let alone eight years and eight months, we all have our own lives. I have Li Hengzhi. He Qianyi, you have Mu Qinxin and live your life well, okay?"

"Okay?" Ye Yunshen sneered, but also a self-deprecating smile, "Do you think I'm doing well? You thought you were dead, or you were killed by the joint Ye Mu two families. Do you think I am alive between these two. Can it be alright? They have hurt you many times and threatened me with your safety. I don't know what my life is! Are they still my parents?

"I have asked them countless times what they are going to push me to! How can you let me go! There is no answer...because they are my parents, I will be hurt by them again and again, even The life of the person I love?

"Chu know how hateful they are! Trying to buy you away with money; insulting you and driving you away; when I am unconscious, I can send you, whom I protect with my life, to the juvenile management office and let you I suffered all the torture in it, and almost consumed my will to survive! You can calculate that I caused you to be hurt and discouraged, so that I involved so many things!"

There was a hint of surprise in Chu Chu's eyes.

Does he already know about his mother taking money to let her leave? Did he know about Mu Qinxin insulting her?

Also calculate him...

The front has already turned into a green light. Ye Yunshen didn't move no matter how the car behind honked the horn. He leaned on the steering wheel, two rows of tears dripping down his legs.

In Chu Chu's mind, there are memories, thoughts, and guesses.

The days in the juvenile office are something she never wants to recall in her entire life.

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