You For Eternity

Chapter 820: You are the best memory in my youth (1)

Ye Yunshen was just at the age of Fang Gang, and he liked Chu Chu so much that he almost couldn't hold it back several times.

But considering Chu Chu's age, he couldn't really start.

Too small, it is almost a crime!

That night was very tormenting for him. Later, it really didn't work. He was worried about Chu Chu's health, so he escaped after smashing the window and was sent to the hospital for treatment.

Afterwards, Chu Chu thought that what Cui Chenghua wanted to do was nothing more than two possibilities: first, it would be best if she could marry the Ye family, and the Ye family would become his long-term meal ticket; second, it didn’t matter if she could not marry, like the Ye family How can a scandal break out in such a big family? Ye Yun deeply moved their minor|aged daughter. He just needs to bring a few scumbags who are usually with him, go to the door of Ye's house to gather people to make trouble, the bigger the trouble, the better, the Ye family will definitely give him a fortune in order to calm down the trouble. The money made him shut up.

No matter how he thought about it, he didn't lose money in this transaction.

He had a thousand fortunes, but he didn't know that Ye Yunshen didn't touch her in the end, which defeated his wishful thinking.

Later, the people of the Ye family knew that Chu Chu existed, which was also a masterpiece of Cui Chenghua. After losing the bet, they were almost cut off by someone, and moved out of the Ye family in a hurry.


Chu Chu didn't know what medicine Ye Yunshen had given her. It could also be the medicine injected. There was a small bruise on the back of his left hand. After eating food, the strength of the limbs did not recover.

Then he fell asleep again, and it was night when he woke up again, and it was dark outside.

It should be that sleeping pills were put in the food she ate, and she slept very deep.

She opened her eyes, her eyes slowly focused, and she blinked when she saw Ye Yunshen standing in front of the French window.

Perhaps it was a coincidence, he turned around at this moment, Chu Chu avoided it, and ran into his eyes.

She had a dream. Many years ago, they were nesting together in the small broken house of Cui Chenghua, eating the food she made by herself.

In the dream, the dream is beautiful. With the vision of a third person, she watched the young and young them laugh and laugh, and once hoped that "they" could go to the palace of happy marriage.

But the dream soon collapsed, probably because of her own thoughts, like the end of the world, all the pictures were broken into tens of millions, collapsed, and the pictures became her, Li Hengzhi and Qianyi together. The dining scene, a family of three, is harmonious.

Then she woke up.

In a daze, she looked at Ye Yunshen and remembered that dream.

She told him about this dream.

Ye Yunshen's brows frowned, as if he didn't want to listen to this.

"Yun Shen...send me back," Chu Chu's eyes moistened suddenly, with tears in his eyes. "That dream can explain everything, it's impossible between us. The past is really gone. My present is Li Hengzhi and Qianyi. I promised Qianyi that I will spend time with him on Christmas Eve."

In the past, Chu Chu didn't shed tears easily. She would be strong if she hurts or hurts.

One day, she was not angry with him, but in the end, she cried.

Ye Yunshen walked over and wiped away her tears: "Don't cry, I don't like seeing you cry."

"Do you know why I am sad?"

Ye Yun said nothing.

Those tearful eyes stared at him, and the words were full of appeals: "I don't want to see our ending like this... I don't want... You are the best memory in my youth, please, don't destroy it, OK? ..."

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