You For Eternity

Chapter 851: I died once? (2)

Even if he saw it, he couldn't bear it. If the second master woke up and saw Miss Nianxin like this, he would be distressed, right?

He didn't know anything else, but in the entire Bai family, he hadn't seen the second master to whom he was so good, not even the previous Master Bai Xi.

Apart from Miss Nianxin in this family, no one can make Erye so caring and loving.

After Nianxin had dinner, she fell asleep on the bedside without knowing it.

She hasn't slept well these days, and she often slept directly on her stomach like this, and it was useless to persuade Zhan Yan. Unless Li Hengzhi came, forcibly carried her to the bed.

She had a dream, dreaming that in those days at Bai's house many years ago, she always went to make trouble with Xiaobai.

Everyone in the Bai family was afraid of him, including Bai Xi, the young master Bai Xi, who was especially troublesome before and after, when he saw Bai Yujing, he would immediately turn into a obedient kitten, but he was not afraid of it alone.

Sometimes the servants will feel that this "Miss Bai Family" who has not been formally declared as a bad name is really bold, so how can he have the guts to provoke the least ought to?

But it happened that after a long time, they never heard how the second master was impatient with her, and they also knew that when Young Master Bai Xi bullied Miss Nianxin, as long as it was passed to the second master’s ears, what a serious matter. Will let go and deal with housework first.

To put it bluntly, the second master seems to be fine with Miss Nianxin.

Therefore, even the servants felt that Erye's tolerance for Miss Nianxin far exceeded their cognition.

Later, Bai Xi didn't dare to think about ways to torture Nianxin with unbridled way like before.

Dreams are beautiful, and Nianxin’s dreams are full of Xiaobai, all kinds of Xiaobai, smiling happily.

The memories of the past are wonderful for her as long as Xiaobai is there.

Those days were particularly happy. She didn’t know that she actually fell in love with him. She only knew that she liked this man very much, she liked to be with him, she liked to behave like a baby with him, she liked him to frown at her impatiently. He even drove her away, but never once was really angry with her.

Every day after school, I ran home. She wanted to see him every minute and every second. She thought she was crazy. It wasn't until her friends at school mentioned how she had seen her beloved that she realized that her feelings for him had already happened. Mutations.

However, even so, she still didn't want to put away this feeling. She liked Xiao Bai so much. He satisfied all her girlish love illusions-except for their nephew and uncle.


She called his name in her dream.

Bai Yujing looked at Nianxin's face, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, as if she had a dream.

I kind of want to know what good dreams she had, but I couldn't bear to look at her tired face.

He looked at Nianxin's face and her intact appearance, and he was relieved.

He had a nightmare, a very long nightmare.

It was probably the loud noise I heard before losing consciousness, so explosions also appeared repeatedly in my dreams. Mindfulness fell to pieces in a pool of blood every time, and he could do nothing but scream.

He was locked in a dark nightmare, as if a century had passed.

And now, he finally returned to the real world. It's just that he doesn't know, what number is it already today? It seems to have slept for a long time.

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