You For Eternity

Chapter 959: Have me with you (2)

"What?" Nianxin concentrated on cleaning the room, her attention a little bit off.

"Do you only have so few clothes to wear?"

Nianxin suddenly turned around and looked at Bai Yujing with a smile and said, "How do you know? Do you want to buy me clothes?"

How could I not know.

Before Bai Yujing could answer, Nianxin replied: "No, it's winter anyway. After I go out, I can't see it in my coat."

She turned back, and said in a strange tone: "Hey, how come you notice my clothes, my uncle? Didn't you mean that men never care what clothes women wear?"

"Woman", these two words came out of her mouth. He frowned and said, "You are a girl."

"Girl? Uncle, are you serious? Me as the mother of a three-year-old child?" Nianxin said with a clear laugh. "Uncle, I am 22 years old, not a three-year-old daughter."

"I am older than you--"

"How old I am will not change the fact that I am an unmarried mother. If your eldest brother knew that I had a child out of wedlock, he would definitely choke me to death for the sake of your family's reputation."

"I'm not dead yet."

This means that even if the eldest brother wants to strangle you by himself, he will stop him.

Sometimes he doesn't correct her anymore.

What your eldest brother, your Bai family, this child, the more you correct, the more you will do the opposite. The road to education is very long, but she is not unreasonable. It may be just an opportunity to change her mind.

Zhan Yan said, no special correction is needed, because this may be a unique way of expression for children at the age of Nianxin.

Zhan Yan made sense, but Bai Yujing didn't understand.

He and Nianxin are also separated by a generation. There is a generation gap, and it is not unusual for him to not understand each other.

Zhan Yan is a round younger than him and as big as his mind. He may understand, so he just listened to what he said.

Without a word, I thought, it's not long since I was discovered.

She is still very open to this matter, and the master of the Bai family will not tolerate her faults like the uncle. If found...

"I've already asked Lan Fei," Bai Yujing said, "Lan Ye, she said she will tell them. The news shouldn't be heard from them. Jiang Chuan will not receive news yet. So just relax."

Nianxin was actually not worried, she had already looked away. Even if it disappoints the Bai family, she has already walked down this path and can't look back long ago.

But after hearing this, he smiled at Bai Yujing and said, "Uncle still knows that I feel sorry for me."

After a while, Nianxin took out a pear from the fruit basket and sat on the sofa peeling it. "Uncle, do you want to cut into pieces—"

Nianxin raised her head and saw that Bai Yujing was a little uncomfortable, and she hurriedly put down Li, "What's wrong with you, uncle? Is it uncomfortable somewhere?"


"But your face is not good."

"It's a little itchy behind," he frowned.

He is now so wasteful that he can't even scratch his back. He just tried to turn his hand upside down to touch the itchy place, but he failed. After several attempts, he couldn't even bend his arm.

"Itching, call me," Nianxin was already standing on the bedside, "Am I there?"

Now that she had come, he said no, it was too late. But seeing her about to lift his medical suit, she still felt something was wrong and grabbed her hand.

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