In the Planet Development Committee, those special members who stand out will all receive special training in the Gray Leaf Galaxy.

As a ‘Boundary Breaker’ of Blue Star and having a special relationship with Su Yuan, Shangguan Meng naturally received full attention from Kha’Zix.

For this reason, he even personally formulated a detailed training process plan for her.

The first item.

Within a year.

In the Gray Leaf Galaxy, accept cruel and arduous killing tasks and complete six palace expansions. It is best to try to condense the first star ring.

Even though the selected ‘special members’ are generally geniuses among geniuses, the difficulty of this task is still extremely difficult.

However, the current situation is.

Shangguan Meng has completed the task super super super.

One year?

Try to condense a star ring?

No, she only took a few months to complete the condensation of six star rings.

Moreover, this is not the limit. According to the ethereal female voice, she must condense at least 16 star rings... According to the knowledge of the cultivation system she could search, the limit for normal people should be 6 star rings.


16 is 16.

She has accepted her own differences.


A stream of light streaked across the sky.

The spaceship slowly landed.

Shangguan Meng hummed a little tune and boarded the spaceship with a cheerful step.

The ethereal female voice sounded:

"Meet him once, and then you have to fulfill the second agreement between you and me."

At the beginning, the two had made nine agreements.

"Oh." [What occasion and time should it be? ]


The ethereal female voice was silent for a few seconds, a little hesitant, a little hesitant, but in the end, she still spoke:

"It's very difficult for you to have a future."

"Oh." [What about the left side, or the right side? 】

"You don't understand."

"Oh." [What if I get angry? ]


Shangguan Meng lay on the sofa, reading a very interesting comic book, sucking lemon candy gently, but she was thinking about something else.

The ethereal female voice knew that she didn't take her words seriously, and sighed.

That's all. In the future, she will understand.


Silver-blue Central Galaxy.

Silver-blue Star.

The weird scene at the award ceremony should have spread at a very fast speed, but under the manipulation of Kha'Zix, all major media remained silent, and all participants and witnesses chose to keep it secret under satisfactory conditions.

That's it.

The visible and invisible 'Eye of Falsehood' failed to continue to spread into a large-scale panic.

In this way, only a small number of high-ranking people who think Xu Anyan's existence will be a threat are left.

For example, Cao Yunsheng.

He reported everything he saw and heard at the award ceremony, and then explained the pros and cons, pointing out that Xu Anyan's "uncontrollability" needed to be controlled through tough measures, at least, it had to be firmly controlled by the military.


He obviously underestimated Kha'Zix's influence in the military.

Under the influence of the latter, the real decision-maker in the military chose to turn a blind eye to it.

On the one hand, it was for Kha'Zix's benefit.

On the other hand, he didn't want to anger Ling Yu, the crazy woman, lest she really go all out, which would be an unbearable loss for the Silver-Blue Federation.

Cao Yunsheng was furious and personally confronted Kha'Zix:

"Chairman Kha'Zix, aren't you worried that she will pose a threat to you? If she can silently control your shadow, who can ensure that you will not be killed in your sleep?"

Kha'Zix just smiled:

"A knife can kill people even if it is held by a baby, but I am not afraid. I just hope that she can grow up to be a warrior."

Cao Yunsheng's eyes flashed, and suddenly he smiled meaningfully:

"I have heard that the chairman has great magical powers. Could it be that... he has found some means to impose mental imprints?"

Kha'Zix was speechless.

Fuck your mother's immortal board, are you sick?

Do you know what to say and what not to say?

If Su Yuan and Xu Anyan heard this, misunderstandings would arise. How can he still be an angel investor?


His good upbringing prevented him from swearing, and he just smiled and said:

"I'm afraid no one in the entire Eastern Spiritual Region can perform such a trick, not to mention me... Besides, birds of a feather flock together. Su Yuan is a good kid with good character. I believe that with him, Xu Anyan will not go astray."

Cao Yunsheng's face was full of suspicion. He looked up and down at Kha'Zix. As the biggest "fox" in the Federation, is he really so kind?

Or does he know something else?What inside story was not revealed?

In the following time, no matter how Cao Yunsheng tried to probe.

Kha'Zix just fooled around.

In desperation.

Cao Yunsheng could only leave.


"Yes, this is almost the case, but don't worry, it has been resolved. In the Federation, 99.9% of the things, there is nothing that I, your uncle, can't solve... Well, you continue to be busy, and you don't have to worry about Xu Anyan's matter."

If you don't return to your hometown, it's like walking in the night in brocade clothes.

If you don't leave a name for good deeds, then what's the point of me doing it.

Adhering to this concept, Kha'Zix explained the cause and effect of the matter to Su Yuan.

Su Yuan didn't dislike this. This kind of open and aboveboard "exchange of interests" is much easier than intrigue.

Now, you help me settle things.

In the future, I will help you settle things.

How nice.

He hung up the phone.

Su Yuan asked Ling Yu about Xu Anyan's situation.

[The Star Palace has been developed, but I was provoked by you and am also developing the Palace. Really, if something goes wrong, you will be responsible. ]


What a strong empress in her life.

Su Yuan closed his personal terminal and dealt with another matter.

One of the rewards of the ‘Silver Blue Star’ is that the person and his immediate family members can obtain citizenship of the Silver Blue Star.

Although people from level 1 planets can also come to the Silver Blue Star, it is only temporary, and they cannot enjoy many rights of the native citizens of the Silver Blue Star.

This is a real ‘Dragon Man’.

As before, since Su Yuan has no immediate family members, he was replaced with 3 free places.

Xu Anyan doesn’t need his care.

Even if she loses to him, the strength she has shown makes her completely unnecessary to worry about this problem. There are many people willing to rush to register her.

So, 3 places...

Auntie Xu, Xiaomeng, Rujie?

Wait, Xiaomeng seems to be a special member of the Planet Development Committee now, does she not need her own place?

He asked Kha'Zix about it, and the answer he got was 'All special committee members will be given Silver-Blue citizenship'.


Then... Brother vivo?

I don't know how he is doing recently.

Speaking of which, there was originally another alternative, that is Brother Zhang.

However, he felt that Zhang Zhengqing would most likely not stay in Silver-Blue Star peacefully, so forget it.


Brother vivo doesn't have so many opportunities.

He and I are very compatible.

Then, let me be his opportunity.

Su Yuan will choose to upload.



Every once in a while, the Xuyan Divine Stone will emit a circle of ripples.

The ripples sank into Xu Anyan's body, combined with the virtual body of the god, to resolve the impact caused by the detonation of the source orifice.

With the help of the black singularity, Xu Anyan has more time.

In this way, one day later, she completed six palace expansions.

However, because her Star Palace was different from the previous life, the effect of the palace expansion also surprised her.

The twisted tower was a little bigger than before.

But the most important change was that the two Star Palaces, one virtual and one real, twisted and entangled more tightly.

In short.

The degree of distortion of the tower was deeper.


Xu Anyan took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes. Deep in her beautiful eyes, there flashed the desire that could no longer be concealed.

That was the desire to win.

The Star Realm was complete.

Su Yuan.

Let's play again.


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