This kind of thing seems too rational for a 20-year-old girl. But it fits Su Wei's usual impression of her. She looks soft and cute on the surface, but she is actually strong and a little cold.

Shen Haoyu was a little surprised to hear that Su Wei actually brought someone with him, but with his power, adding an extra chair is just a matter of waving his hand.

Several speakers in the corner gave the private room a stereo surround sound, and the sound was loud but did not affect the conversation between the two. The hot atmosphere of the concert seemed not suitable for talking about business, but neither of them cared about these distractions.

Seeing Su Wei arrive, Shen Haoyu put out his cigarette and handed them a bottle of water.

"I wanted to take you to climb Aojian Peak, but I didn't expect you to arrive now. It seems that I can only find an opportunity next time."

"Forget it, I haven't been in the mood to play recently."

In fact, Su Wei also admires Shen Haoyu, a rich boy.

The current wealth of the Shen family is dozens or hundreds of times that of Su Wei. It stands to reason that Shen Haoyu should be busy all the time. But this guy, while doing business, seems to have never stopped enjoying life.

Maybe it's because there is an old man in the Shen family, so he doesn't need to deal with too many things.

Compared with Shen Haoyu, Su Wei is much more miserable.

He obviously has a plug-in, but he seems to be driven by someone with a whip, and it is difficult to have a moment of leisure.

"Driving here? Are you going back today? Do you want me to arrange it for you?"

Shen Haoyu glanced at Du Xiaoying. Since the two of them started talking, Du Xiaoying consciously sat farther away, and she couldn't hear their conversation at this distance.

With the current economic strength, it is not difficult to get a sports car, but the problem is that Su Wei has no driver's license.

Before the word spirit was unlocked, it was because he had no money. After the word spirit was unlocked, it was really because he had no time.

If you really want to buy a sports car, you have to have a driver. But when have you ever seen a driver driving a sports car?

It's a two-seater car, and you sit in the co-pilot, don't you lose face?

So forget it.

"Okay, two rooms."

After hearing Su Wei's answer, Shen Haoyu couldn't hide the smile on his face.

This is not the first time Su Wei has come to Jingmen. Last time, Su Wei didn't even dare to touch the little celebrity he arranged for him. Shen Haoyu had already seen through his character.

After chatting for a while and exchanging feelings, Shen Haoyu finally got to the point.

"I heard you say a few days ago that there is a way to make money. What's the explanation?"

Why does this sound like a black society? Su Wei couldn't hold it back.

"I have a special medicine in my hand. The effect is very good. Once it is on the market, it can monopolize part of the market."

"Is it the black jade intermittent cream that is very popular recently?"


After Su Wei found Shen Haoyu, Shen Haoyu asked people to pay attention to the recent related news. Although the popularity of the black jade intermittent cream is only slightly out of the circle, people who know Su Wei are likely to know about it, so it is very easy to investigate.

"As far as I know, this drug has not been registered. If it is as magical as advertised, it does have the potential for monopoly. Su Di wants to help me make money, so I have to show my appreciation. Is there any problem that needs to be handled by my brother?"

It is obvious that Su Wei took the initiative to find Shen Haoyu, and he must have something to ask of him. Shen Haoyu simply gave Su Wei a way out.

If Wu Dongsheng had not affirmed Su Wei's fighting ability, Shen Haoyu would definitely not believe that there is a drug that can heal a fracture in just a dozen days.

Even now, he still doesn't believe it. However, he is not a fool, and he can't make any actual promises before seeing the effect of the drug with his own eyes.

Giving a way out is just to let Su Wei perform.

"There are indeed some troubles. My reputation has been a bit bad recently. People on the Internet scolded me for not selling such a good medicine. They said I was a bastard who was unforgivable. I was so worried that I couldn't sleep and my hair fell down in clumps.

But when I thought about it carefully, they were right to scold me. It was indeed selfish of me. Good things should be shared. I wanted to cooperate with you, brother, just to ask if there is a way to quickly launch this medicine on the market. It doesn't matter whether it makes money or not. The main thing is to benefit society."

Su Wei had only said half of his words when Shen Haoyu, who was drinking water, couldn't hold it back and sprayed out a mouthful of salt soda.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen someone as shameless as Su Wei. This is the first time Shen Haoyu has seen someone who can talk about finding a way so high-soundingly.

"Are you really doing this for the benefit of society?"

Shen Haoyu couldn't help but ask back.

Are you kidding me? Zhou Yulong and I are old acquaintances. How could I not know that you borrowed those extras to shoot the advertisement? ? ?

Even if you borrow ten thousand brains from Shen Haoyu, he can't think that what Su Wei said is true.

It doesn't matter whether the Black Jade Ointment can make money or not. What Su Wei wants is its influence. He wants to quickly increase the acceptance of "family-inherited ancient recipes" in this world, so that he can openly introduce more outrageous family-inherited ancient recipes.

"Of course! Do you think I'm the kind of person who is obsessed with money?"

Su Wei is a noble person, a pure person, and a person who has escaped from vulgar tastes...

Shen Haoyu almost believed it.

"Why don't you give me this recipe and I will help you operate it? I guarantee that it will be accepted by all Chinese people in the shortest time."

Before Su Wei responded, Shen Haoyu laughed first: "It's just a joke, don't mind it."


Looking at the astonished expression on Shen Haoyu's face, Su Wei said calmly: "You don't believe it? Here, here, this is the prescription."

Su Wei held a thin piece of paper between his two fingers and handed it to Shen Haoyu. Grandmaster Tai Chi's hand was very steady, not trembling at all.

Shen Haoyu didn't pick it up, he stared into Su Wei's eyes, and Su Wei looked at him without hesitation, without any hint of joking in his eyes.

"I was really kidding."

Shen Haoyu wasn't sure what Su Wei was thinking, but he didn't pick up the prescription after all.

"If you really want to benefit the public, it's not impossible to put this thing on the shelves in a short time."

Su Wei reached out and stuffed the prescription directly into Shen Haoyu's pocket: "Tell me about it."

Young Master Shen was really confused now.

Are there really people with such noble moral character in this world?

Chapter 45 I don’t even need to help you pee, so I just obey you.

"Talk about it."

The prescription is of course real, Su Wei doesn't need to deal with those nonsense.

"Is there any clinical report on this medicine?"

"No. But I can guarantee that the effect is as advertised and there are no side effects."

"That would be more troublesome, but if it's just about sales, there are ways."

Shen Haoyu frowned, and the bohemian smile on his face disappeared.

"If you want to put new drugs on the shelves, you must go through the formal process. It's not that I doubt you, but if you do this, it will be taken advantage of by someone with good intentions. We are in serious business and cannot leave anyone with any clues."

Su Wei nodded, fully agreeing with Shen Haoyu's point of view.

"Is there any way to speed up this review process so that he can complete it within a few days?"

"With the regulations here, it's definitely impossible. But if you want to go public, it doesn't have to be reviewed."

Su Wei felt a little dizzy. Isn't this Shen Haoyu schizophrenic? While saying that formal procedures are inevitable, at the same time saying that review is not necessary?

Shen Haoyu took out a cigarette and continued: "China's drug review is very strict, but the listing requirements for health products are much lower than those for drugs. If it is just for listing, you can take the health product route. Oh, you black jade intermittent The ointment should be a topical medicine and it would be easier to label it as a cosmetic. As long as the harmful ingredients tested do not exceed the prescribed standards, the drug review can be done slowly.”

"Hazardous ingredients..." Su Wei was a little embarrassed: "There is a trace amount of arsenic in it."

You just love to play, right? Add arsenic to it? Now you're shooting yourself in the foot by lifting a rock, right?

Shen Haoyu was also stunned when he heard that there was arsenic in the prescription.

I took out the prescription from my pocket and looked at it: star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, some honey, mint...

"Brother, are you sure this is not a recipe?"

Didn't see it.

"I don't need to joke with you. Although it is outrageous, it is true. There is a cooking process below. You must follow the steps, otherwise it may not be effective. I will get you a can later and you can try it. ”

Shen Haoyu's suspicion alarmed Su Wei.

After having Yan Ling, did I act too wildly?

In fact, it is not difficult to use all Chinese medicinal materials for this black jade intermittent ointment, but Su Wei's head was so hot at the time that he didn't care about it at all.

It wasn't until today that he realized what a stupid mistake he had made.

Su Wei couldn't help but feel a flash of fear in his heart.

"Can't this medicine work without arsenic?"

"This recipe cannot be completed without any medicine."

For other prescriptions, if one ingredient is missing, the efficacy may be weakened. But Su Wei's own family knows his own affairs, and this recipe is completely the product of the fantasy side. Not to mention missing raw materials, even if you add the medicine in the wrong order during the refining process, you may still end up with a pot of waste.

"It's really difficult to deal with arsenic. Later, you can give me some samples and I'll let the laboratory test the content."

Shen Haoyu folded the prescription and carefully put it back in his pocket.

If this thing is real, it is a 100% monopoly-level drug. Su Wei said that the profit was higher than those few tons of gold, which was considered conservative. How can gold get there after a few meals?

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