Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Vol 4 Chapter 164: Disagreement [Nine] talk to you [four more]

Just before the team arrived, Mo Shangyun left.

She has a good memory and knows how far Shengzi has drove, and knows where she is now, so she soon plans in her mind the route she will take.

Not too far away, but it will take twenty minutes to catch up.

In fact, it didn't take long in the car, just because Shengzi drove the car fast, and did not slow down the corners, so it jumped far away, otherwise it didn't take so long on the way back.

The knee on the left leg was very painful, but that was only the initial time. Later, when I walked, the pain passed, and Mo Shangjun made sure that the knee bone was not broken, and then speeded up unconsciously.

On the way back, she really saw a group of people driving around to intercept Sheng Zi and Ding Jing. Mo Shangjun determined the general route they wanted to take and then told Sheng Zi and Ding Jing. Let them see the situation and abandon the car, it is best not to collide with them head-on.

"Relax, we know."

Ding Jing returned to her without worry.


Mo Shangjun responded faintly.

Although they all let her command the team, in the final analysis, their identities are all equal, and no one needs to obey their orders. The so-called "following command" only allows them to complete their tasks more smoothly.

Ding Jing and Sheng Zi have the right to make their own decisions.

Mo Shangyun suddenly realized that he might worry a little bit.

got used to.

With a sigh, Mo Shangjun accidentally saw the team of people who had just passed... There was a nervous motorcycle driving behind.

The speed is a bit slow, and I am trying to catch up with the front team.

It should be a new recruit just after joining the army.


Mo Shangyun carried the rifle over his shoulder.

Sometimes, if you drop a pie and hit your head, you really can’t hide.

Mo Shangyun estimated that this is the case.

How can unskilled recruits drive motorcycles?

How many vehicles are good for your troops coming over the march?

Why this road, you are too early, too late, you have to pass when she arrives?

So, she decided not to keep up with the courtesy, and accepted the motorcycle, which seemed to be of good quality.

When her figure appeared like a ghost in the middle of the road, the little soldier who was rushed by the company commander for the first time almost did not cry out on the spot.

Then, he saw the suddenly emerged "female ghost" and showed him a kind smile.

All goose bumps popped out in a flash.

Two minutes later, the little soldier who was suddenly intercepted was tied to his hands, closed his mouth and thrown to the side of the road, and looked pitifully at the "female ghost" who robbed the motorcycle and left.


Mo Shangyun drove the motorcycle and drove along the trail. After a few minutes, he returned to the camp.

However, she was one step late.

Before rushing to Qi Qi and Liang Zhiqiong's previous location, Mo Shangjun contacted Qi Qi and them again.

"We have escaped for the time being." Qi Qi said, breathing a little, should be running.

After a slight pause, Mo Shangyun asked, "Where is it now?"

"Hurry to talk to the way of meeting now." Bai Lizhao said, "Relax, we're all right, they won't find it when they drill into the forest."


The extremely tired Liang Zhiqiong finally could only grind his teeth and agree.

After thinking twice, Mo Shangyun finally answered, "OK."

As Bai Lizhao said, they have only three people, so it is easy to escape.

Once out of the state of engagement, it basically means security.

The focus of those companies should be to recapture the "hostages" and "materials" without putting too much attention on them.

In this case, is she going back or...

Mo Shangjun's eyes fell on the camp in front.

She wanted to ask Xu Lishuo for some questions, and now, she was the only one left, so she didn't need to worry about being involved with her companion.

do you want to go?

Mo Shangyun made a quick decision only after a short hesitation.

She rarely sways, unless the balance ends are level.

But now, she sees clearly which end the balance is inclined to.

Without any further delay, Mo Shangyun glanced at the watch, threw the motorcycle aside, and went straight to the chaotic camp below.

The two battalions were already in chaos because of the sudden attack.

Not all students are as smooth as they are. Some have taken the "hostage" or "material" to escape the encirclement and prepared to evacuate. Some are still trapped in the camp to find a way to live, and some have bad luck. When he entered, he was caught and captured.

As for the group of soldiers who got up at 2am to participate in the battle, they were even more chaotic than they were. Some of them did not even know what they were facing, what to do, what to do, all they had to follow the instructions, and specific The situation could not be informed in the first time, so there were a large number of confounded soldiers who followed the big troops with their weapons.

Such chaos brought Mo Shangyun some convenience, and she smoothly infiltrated the camp without effort.

Avoid large troops, avoid individual soldiers, and then walk to the center of the camp without haste according to the tent in memory.


Xu Lishuo had a headache.

Although he made preparations in advance because of his intuition, he did not expect the enemy’s ability to be stronger than expected. In the gap between his communication of orders, they had successfully infiltrated and resolved several of the soldiers he had arranged in advance, and won." Hostage" or "Materials".

After realizing that he was slow and taking a step back, he wanted to make up as much as possible, but the result was not satisfactory. There were still nearly half of the "hostages" or "materials" robbed by the enemy, and there was little hope of recovery.

In the remaining half, some were trapped in the camp, some were not taken away, and some were intertwined.

The situation is very uncertain, and in terms of quantity, they are already at a disadvantage.

They can only try to recover their losses.

The battle entered a heated state, and he took the time to inquire about the situation of the next camp, and found that the situation there was similar, even because there was no preparation at the beginning, so it was even worse, almost no "hostages" or "materials" were left. The three companies were frantically chasing their "hostages" or "materials". The camp only had a few guards, and the second battalion was so angry that they scolded the mother.

In contrast to the miserable situation of the second battalion, Xu Lishuo was very kind and relieved.

It is foreseeable how the leader will scold them after dawn, but... it doesn't matter, there is a backer.

Thinking about this, Xu Lishuo felt a little easier to accept, so he handed over all the hunt tasks to the following three company commanders. After walking around, he returned to his previous office tent.

He needs to sort out his thoughts.

It happened so quickly that there was no time for him to think about it. Now that he is in a state of scuffle, he might as well spend more time thinking about "why is it like this", and then there are enough reasons to go Response to "Headmaster's scolding".

He knew the head of the wicked group.

Rather than scold them, prefer to watch them think, and then give a reasonable explanation.

For this emergency, it should be that the regiment wanted to simulate the "emergency" and then test the reaction of the two battalions to the soldiers on the spot.

It's just that even he has to admit that... this battle was a fiasco.

I don't know where the head of the group found such a group of perverts.

At this point, Xu Lishuo has come outside the work tent.

At the moment when the curtain was opened, Xu Lishuo acted suddenly, and somehow felt a strange feeling in his heart-he didn't see anything and didn't feel anything, but his body responded strangely.

Xu Lishuo was a little hesitant, but he finally opened the curtain.

He walked in.

There is a lighting device in it, but it is a very simple lighting lamp. You need to walk over to turn on the lighting lamp.

He has a flashlight in his hand, but he hasn't turned it on because there are lights outside.

Along the way to think about things.

The flashlight should be turned on in advance.

Xu Lishuo thought so, in order to blow off the strange warning in his heart, and then quickly opened the flashlight.

The bright light beam suddenly diverged from the flashlight. The light beam shone in the tent. Looking at the empty but familiar layout, Xu Lishuo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

—It’s because he thinks too much.

At this moment, he heard a slight footstep coming from his side.

Suddenly, Xu Lishuo's flashlight hurriedly shot toward him.

At the moment when a long-hidden figure appeared in the field of vision, he heard a seemingly familiar voice--

"Senior Xu."

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