Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Vol 4 Chapter 199: Faith [01] Unveiling the Incident [Must Poke]

The moment the gunshot sounded, all the figures hidden in the dark appeared at the same time.

"Bang Bang--"

The gun was fired by a drug dealer.

The sudden sound made the group of drug dealers stunned, but in less than a second, they shot Xiao Qiang's direction without thinking.

In the end, Chai Xinyan reacted quickly. The moment when Xiao Qiang got up, he reacted, and the moment Xiao Qiang finished speaking, he pushed Xiao Qiang to the ground.

A few bullets hit the mound behind them, punching a few holes directly in the soil.

live ammunition.

The effect of the empty pack bombs used by them is completely different.

The moment when he fell to the ground, Xiao Qiang and Chai Xinyan really felt thrilling and panic.

A sense of indifference suddenly spread to the limbs, and the real feelings of fear brought them to the moment they fell down, and they could not make a clear judgment at the first time.

A powerful panic swept through.

However, those who shot did not keep up with them in time, so they were given a few seconds of reaction time.


Chai Xinyan photographed Xiao Qiang and yelled lowly.

The two moved from their place to other locations.

However, almost the moment Xiao Qiang stood up, Mo Shangyun reacted-shooting with a gun and attracting attention.

It is for this reason that those drug dealers did not continue to shoot at Chai Xinyan and Xiao Qiang, but turned their attention to Mo Shangyun's side.

Mo Shangyun and Ding Jing immediately evacuated from their original positions, and then found a chance to attack.

At this time, Qin Xue did not continue to nest, and quickly participated in the battle.

They used empty-packed ammunition and had a certain amount of lethality at close range, but unless it was a headshot, it would have no effect, so after they shot, the drug dealers evaded initially, but they soon found out Problem, so a fierce counterattack started.

Mo Shangyun couldn't understand what they were talking about, only heard them scolding, and vaguely seemed to be wondering why such a group of soldiers in military uniforms but carrying empty shells attacked them.

However, because they counterattacked too fast, they realized it was too late for the soldiers to take empty packets-the pistol bullets were basically emptied.

Thankfully, no one was killed or injured when the other party's bullets were used similarly.

In addition, there are three people with guns, and the other three have choppers in their hands.

Therefore, after the first round of attacks and counterattacks ended, both parties clearly gave up the firepower competition and chose the most primitive close combat.

Seeing the situation reversed from the most dangerous place, Mo Shangyun unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But her situation has not improved.

In order to divert attention from the two who shot Xiao Qiang for the first time, she swept the two people's faces directly with a rifle. Although this thing did not have a particularly great lethality, they still hurt them so much, so After recovering from God, they all chased directly towards Mo Shangyun.

Mo Shangyun didn't have the courage to face two tall, hand-held lethal weapons and fight deadly, so after confirming that Xiao Qiang and Chai Xinyan were out of danger, they moved directly towards Ding Jing.

However, Ding Jing’s condition is not good, she was forced to somehow far to the hillside, the rifle has been thrown away, Mo Shangyun can only faintly recognize her figure in wrestling.

There are at least three people who fight with her!

Three? !

Mo Shangyun didn't twist lightly, and his eyes were swept away at the place where he was fighting. He suddenly found that Xiao Qiang, Chai Xinyan and Qin Xue were all entangled. Among them, there were even two people who were wrapped in Qin Xue.

There are only six drug dealers in total!


Coming to Ding Jing's?


Mo Shangyun shouted in the direction of Ding Jing.

At the same time, the heavy footsteps behind him approached violently, followed by the sound of the machete splitting in the air, screaming as if it could split the air in half.

Mo Shangyun was worried, but she didn't forget her crisis, but she paused for two seconds when she was in doubt. After feeling the movement of the machete behind her, she returned to her mind and raised her elbow to stop it.

The hand-held hunting knife collided with the machete in the air, making a unique sound of metal impact. The man swiped the knife forward, and the sharp and harsh sound heard the sound of irritability and frown.

The opponent's strength was really a little bit. After such a shock, her elbow was numb, and she couldn't catch the hunting knife for a while, but forcibly forced it to stabilize, and then turned away from the opponent. Forced the direction of the force, and at the same time withdrew the supporting hunting knife.

He came to the man's sideways and slammed his knee down three times. When the man couldn't hold the knife in pain, Mo Shangjun grabbed his wrist with his left hand and grabbed it directly. The machete was taken from him.

At this moment, another strong man also came over, holding a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. Because she was too close to his companion, she did not shoot, but gave a knife to Mo Shangjun’s shoulder. Cut it down.

Mo Shangjun's body was flexible and he avoided it, but the backpack behind him was cut by him.

At that time, the strong man kicked in the middle and the bottom of the three roads, holding back the pain, clenched the machete in his hand, and at the same time slammed hard in the direction of Mo Shangyun.

However, when Mo Shangyun dodged another strong man, he grabbed the right hand of the hunting knife and stabd him on the wrist. At the moment when he used force, the pain of the wrist being pierced by the sharp blade made the strength of his palm loose. At the next moment, Mo Shangyun successfully captured the machete in his hand.

But after all, he didn't dodge in time, and he was hit hard. The powerful impact was like a disaster for Mo Shangyun's body weight. She hurried back and took a few steps, and then she stabilized.

She had just stabilized her feet, and the other who held the machete also chopped towards her. Mo Shangyun held the knife with both hands this time, with both arms stretched out to block the knife.

Because in the battle, both hands account for a lot of weight, Mo Shangyun once specially exercised the strength of the arm. Although it is a bit difficult to block one hand, there is no problem when the two hands block, although the arm is a little numb , But also within the tolerance range.

For a moment blocked by Mo Shangjun, the man directly raised his leg and intended to sweep over Mo Moyun.

Mo Shangjun put his two arms hard to directly block him, then fell down on the ground after the trend and rolled a circle. While avoiding his foot, he landed on the elbow, and the left hand grabbed the machete. Tight, then swept the knife towards his knee in a squat position.

This knife, which hit him **** the knee, should be cut directly into the bone. This biting pain made him suddenly shout out of control.

However, this did not stop the attack on Mo Shangjun.

Just a short time back and forth, both of them were injured here in Mo Shangjun, and this time they directly killed their red eyes and rushed towards Mo Shangyun desperately.

Mo Shangyun took a breath, and before he got up, he felt something violently hitting the top of his head. The violent movement caused the air to hunt, and at the same time brought a creepy sense of crisis.

Mo Shangyun wanted to dodge, but when it was sideways, it was too late. The thing hit her shoulders fiercely. The pain was so severe that she almost fainted and almost fainted.

But at that moment, she also reacted in time-it was a butt, not a knife!

Otherwise, her shoulders on this side must be discarded.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Shangyun didn't want to stay in place as a wooden stake, let him roll to the side to escape, and then stood up straight away.

One had no knife, the bullet in the gun was unknown, one had a knife but no gun, and both had obvious wounds.

Mo Shangyun's odds of winning were obviously bigger, so he didn't dodge them anymore, but followed them head-on.

She picked up the other person's wound and started, kicking **** the leg of the man whose knee was cut, and then aimed at the wrist of another person to attack. The machete and hunting knife in her hand were not idle.

Usually in training, there is no chance to cut this weapon on your body, everything is simulated.

It’s good to shoot, and I’m not using a particularly lethal gun. I have seen the scene of flesh and blood flying without my arms and legs. I shot my gun at a distance and buffered this pressure. , But really cut it with a knife at close range, the scene was a little irritating.

Mo Shangjun stared at their key attack, but did not strike a dead hand, but even in this way, they were also unclear.

At this season, when the weather turned warm, they only wore a coat, the lethality of the machete was obvious, directly ignoring the ordinary clothing blocking, and slashing into their skin and bones, although not fatal, but the scene of flesh and blood is enough. Scary.

Mo Shangyun knocked them down to the ground within a minute, except to seize the pistol in one of them, and never looked at them again.

None of them died, and if rescued in time, they could be saved.

They all had lethal weapons, and Mo Shangjun also found white powder from the soles of their feet. In addition to the attacks they initiated, it is reasonable that Mo Shangjun and others who were forced to fight back were not responsible.

However, Mo Shangyun still cares a bit-how Yan Tianxing will deal with this group of them and rashly started to deal with drug dealers.

Solve these two people, Mo Shangyun exhaled, put the pistol away, and then held the flexible and easy-to-use machete in his hand, and looked around the situation of the others.

Unexpectedly, they did not move in the vicinity. I wonder if their people are chasing the drug dealers or the drug dealers are chasing them. In short, Mo Shangyun did not see them in a short distance, but You can follow the traces left on the ground and the faintly heard sounds...

After thinking about it, Mo Shangyun had no time to pursue them, but raised his legs in the direction of Ding Jing's departure.

Another group of people is staring at Mo Shangyun!

And, do not know the other party's weapons and number.

If the other party comes prepared, the solitary Ding Jing, no matter how capable, will most likely be trapped by them.

If Ding Jing is useful to them, it's fine, but if the other party is looking for Ding Jing's revenge...

On the contrary, despite the fact that they are all desperate, they should have little bullets left, and they can only rely on melee combat at close range, and Xiao Qiang is also selected by special forces. The elite here, although they lack experience, should not be so dangerous.

She had no time to find them one by one, and then help one by one.

Not to mention Qin Xue...

Following the traces of Ding Jing's departure, Mo Shangjun kept moving forward and put Qin Xue's affairs aside for a while.

No matter what secrets there are in Qin Xue, she should not endanger the lives of Chai Xinyan and Xiao Qiang.

The only threats to her are Mo Shangyun, Ding Jing, and Ren Yu, but none of them are close to Qin Xue.

Mo Shangyun ran a long distance.

The ground covered with footprints, and the broken and overwhelming marks of the shrubs are all traces traced by Ink.

In the previous journey, no traces of pedestrians were seen, but in the second half, Mo Shangjun found that the traces became more and more obvious, and there were obvious blood drops on the ground.

I don’t know if it’s Ding Jing’s, or someone else’s...

Mo Shangjun raised his eyebrows.

She couldn't help but speed up.

In the battle just now, although she didn't have a hand injury, her right arm was numb, and her condition hadn't improved. She was heavily hit on the shoulder. Mo Shangyun felt that if it hit the top of her head directly, she was very She may be crushed on the spot and killed. The bones on her shoulders are hard and not broken, but she can obviously feel the swelling of her right shoulder. It is estimated that it is difficult to use the arm flexibly in a short time.

She frowned straight, and finally threw the machete to her left hand, letting her right shoulder and arm rest for a while.

I don't know how long I have walked and how far I have followed.

Obviously, it didn't take long for them to solve the two people, which was only a few minutes, but she felt extremely long, and the road she traversed never ended.

She knew that in a few minutes, she could stretch a long distance.

However, she never thought that she could go so far.

The drug dealers came from the steep road with a transition in the middle. Now the terrain is getting flatter and flatter, but the trees are overgrown and the viewing range is extremely small. She feels that she has walked for a long time, and she has not seen any figure.

Finally, when the sudden sense of crisis reminded her to stop, she came from the diagonal side as soon as she arrived.

The leaves made an irregular noise because of the forceful turning. Mo Shangyun was aware of this and unconsciously raised the alert. However, the person who had already prepared already attacked her, and the glare of the eyes saw a handful of chrome-plated The saber blade shone coldly in the light.

Mo Shangjun's figure fell backwards, and saw that the saber appeared immediately in the frontal view, and grasped the saber's hand...with clear bones and slender fingers.

female? !

Surprised, Mo Shangyun slowed down his counterattack and quickly glanced at her attackers.

It was a woman in her twenties, a little older than her, with short, crisp hair, three-dimensional delicate facial features, no extra flesh on her face, skin clinging to the skeleton, sharp contours, and killing At the moment when she saw her, she also glanced at herself, filled with cold and killing eyes, but her eyes revealed a little smile.

At a certain moment, Mo Shangyun saw her hair flying on her right side, revealing a fierce scar.

Very familiar.

The female leader of the Black Hawk, code-named H!

Name... Shui Jian.

When Leng Buding saw this person, Mo Shangyun's expression was shock that could not be concealed. In such a short pause, the blade turned a corner in the air and pierced Mo Shangyun's eyebrows!

Mo Shangjun evaded half a beat slow. The cold blade did not touch her eyebrows, but crossed her right cheek. A tingling came from the cheek. Mo Shangjun soon felt the hot blood. Spilled from the wound, not much.

Shui Jian did not attack Mo Shangyun again, but stopped, staring coldly at Mo Shangyun, a slight smile on her lips, and she said in a word, "Long time no see."

The shock was only a moment, and Mo Shangyun had calmed down when the blade pierced his cheek.

It's just calm but a few seconds, and soon, an emotion surged in the chest.

No longer shocked, but angry.

She remembered this woman named Shui Jian.

If a few years is enough to make her forget about the person’s appearance, but Mo Cang gave her a photo, she remembered the person in the photo, and... she remembered the scar.

That was when she was fighting Shuijian, she scratched with debris.

That time, almost four years from now.

At that time they took away her three masters.

And now--

She appeared to her again.

Do you want to take Ding Jing this time?

The brain can still keep calm, Mo Shangjun ties the Black Eagle to Ding Jing, but vaguely feels that there are countless mysteries hidden in it.

What she didn't know was that in Shuijian's eyes, she was laughing.

A cold and cruel smile, the corners of the mouth are gently raised upwards, which seems to be a very happy state. However, the murderous intention of the eyebrows of the eyes is intensified invisible.

Shui Jian took a closer look at Mo Shangyun.

She never told Shirakawa that she had fought against Mo Shangyun in that operation.

Mo Shangyun almost killed her.

That time it was because of Mo Shangyun's kindness. In other words, he hadn't killed anyone, so he didn't die.

She thought that Mo Shangyun now regrets that she was soft-hearted and didn't kill her directly.

Because in Mo Shangyun, there is no trace of four years ago, all emotions are hidden, and only one group kills coldness, and the self reflected in her pupils seems to be just a dying person, even alive. People are not counted, but a thing.

Mo Shangyun moved intent.

Then she really started.

She grasped the machete with her left hand and waved directly at herself.

Shui Jian had already prepared in her heart, but Mo Shangyun's attacking methods were very ruthless, and I wish she could give her a corpse with a knife, and the knife was murderous. The machete was held in the left hand that she was not good at. Like a part of her body, it is surprisingly flexible.

And as a thin woman, it took no effort to catch the machete.

Shui Jian responded to several tricks, but there was a gap in the force value, and he could not exert pressure on Mo Shangyun like those with burly bodies. So after just a few meetings, he was suppressed by Mo Shangyun. It is undoubtedly in a disadvantage.

Another dodge, with a knife on the left arm, was slashed towards her. The branch that was in the same direction as her arm was cut off by the waist, and thanks to the branch’s slowing down of many strengths, Shuijian’s arm merged. No injuries were too severe.

But with this knife going down, the arm must have seen the bone.

It is conceivable that Mo Shangyun has multiple strengths.

Shui Jian was too lazy to fight with her again, pulling a certain distance away from Mo Shangyun, and then pulled out a pistol directly from her waist.

As soon as he raised his hand, the gun pointed in the direction of Mo Shangjun.

At the same time, Mo Shangyun on the opposite side also stretched out her right hand, and a pistol appeared in her hand. The black muzzle just pointed at Shuijian's head.

I have already pulled out the safe pistol and put my finger on the trigger. With a little effort, such a short distance can kill the other party in minutes.

Of course, the crisis is the same for both of them.

"I want my life so much, I'm not afraid of Ding Jing's life?" Shui Jianqiang endured the pain in his left arm, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, but his face was slightly pale.

In just a few seconds, her left hand sleeve was soaked with water, just because the outside was a leather coat, so the coat was not soaked, but the blood went down the wrist, wet the entire back of the hand, and then Dropped along the slightly curved finger joints, drop by drop, the drop rate was extremely fast, and in an instant, several dead wood and soil on her ground were wet with blood.

Mo Shangyun sneered, "How do I know she is in your hands."

"You can't believe it." Shui Jian looked at her calmly and calmly, her lips slightly deepened, and the smile seemed like a ridicule. "Of course, if you really can't believe it."

Human nature will not change.

At that time, Mo Shangyun could let her go because of her soft heart.

And now, Mo Shangyun will not easily give up his teammates.

Otherwise, Shirakawa cannot find Mo Shangyun from time to time and treats Mo Shangyun as a treasure.

Mo Shangyun looked at her coldly, "Drug dealers are yours too?"

"However," Shui Jian said, "but the timing of their appearance was arranged by Shirakawa."

Speaking of the name "Shirakawa", Mo Shangyun's expression was a bit cold, his eyes were dark and gloomy, and the emotions in the depths of his pupils were dark, as dark as he could drip water.

Not being frightened by Mo Shangyun's murderous murderousness, Shui Jian still has a relaxed look. She said: "I'm here to meet you, I arranged it."

The words fell but she glanced in both directions.

At this time, a red light flashed from left to right, all directed at the temple on the ink.


Mo Shangyun frowned invisibly, but in any case, the muzzle aimed at Shuijian remained unshakable, and she did not see any state of panic.

Mo Shangyun asked in a cold voice: "What do you want to do?"

"For the sake of the last incident, I want to tell you something."

The killer's skill was revealed, and Shui Jian was too lazy to aim at Mo Shangyun with pain, and simply put down the pistol aimed at Mo Shangyun.

However, Mo Shangyun's right hand remained motionless.

"That day, Shirakawa didn't know it was you." Shui Jian said calmly, "I won't know until you are hospitalized."

That day?

Mo Shangyun hasn't reacted for a while.

However, after thinking of the word "hospitalized", Mo Shangyun flashed a long-pressed picture in his mind.

In that incident, the three masters had been delaying time to protect the hostages. She and Shuijian were on the bar. At that time, Shuijian was unlucky and had no bullets, so she fought with her bare hands.

Shui Jian may be very powerful, perhaps as powerful as Shirakawa, but unfortunately, Shui Jian encountered Mo Shangyun, who is even more powerful than Shirakawa.

Although Mo Shangyun had come here since childhood and made troubles, he never really killed anyone, so he finally left a breath of water.

Think of the water stream without moving and it will be fine.

Later, they suffered an explosion, all the masters sacrificed, and she was also affected, losing all her ability to move.

When she was in a trance, she seemed to see Shirakawa.

At that time, although she was surprised at why Shirakawa appeared here, she regarded Shirakawa as a close friend, and thought Shirakawa was on the side with herself.

As a result, Shirakawa walked towards Shuijian, hugged Shuijian, and pointed her gun at her.

Many times she thought it was an illusion.

However, she still thinks of Shirakawa's eyes many times.

Cold and biting, full of murderous, extremely strange.

At that time, Shirakawa definitely wanted to kill her.

However, because of the arrival of reinforcements, Shirakawa missed the shot and did not hurt her.

After that, Mo Shangyun lost consciousness.

Because the memory is very short, and because of the emotional excitement due to the loss of Master, many memories of Mo Shangyun are a bit chaotic and vague, and they dare not determine whether such a thing has happened.

Even if it was confirmed that Shirakawa had participated in that incident, she dared not confirm it.

But now, Shui Jian's words are tantamount to turning the "illusion" of suspicion on ink into reality.

Oh, that kind of thing happened.

Oh, Shirakawa really wanted to kill her.

Well, even though he didn't know himself, his best friend did want his life.

Mo Shangyun thought about it carefully, and felt that he was not so angry, but rather funny.

The most feared, illegible.

Mo Shangyun looked at the water stream with almost no fluctuations and said coldly: "I don't need to know this."

"Who cares about you," Shui Jian turned his head, sneered, and then looked after himself, "I'm so self-righteous, but also human."

The ink frowned.

At this moment, a voice came from the headset, "Sister Jian, someone is coming."

"That's it." Shui Jian simply put the pistol back to his waist, deliberately paused when he was about to turn around, and then glanced at Mo Shangyun, threatening with confidence, "You can shoot, but you and Ding Jing must be dead."

Almost in an instant, Mo Shangyun could be completely certain that she hated this woman.

Because of her self-confidence.

Also because of his own weakness.

Mo Shangyun certainly knew that he could not shoot at Shuijian at this time.

Yan Tianxing treated her as a life-saver.

Although, she thinks she is very sad.

However, when she was alone and confined to Shuijian, she suddenly realized that she had made the mistake that Yan Tianxing had always been worried about.

Once again, she believed too much in her abilities, and took responsibility and danger on herself, and then rushed into the enemy's camp by herself.

She thought that Shui Jian would not kill her.

She can be sure that Yan Tianxing will definitely be very angry.

Shui Jian didn't seem to be seriously injured in the arm, walked into the jungle, and soon disappeared in Mo Shangyun's field of vision.

However, the threats on both the left and the right have never been removed.

After waiting for Shui Jian to completely get out of her shooting range, the sniper rifles left and right retreated in tacit agreement.

Mo Shangyun exhaled a breath, but felt very tired all over him.

The feeling of powerlessness spread to all limbs and she was a little confused-waiting for support? Or, continue to chase Ding Jing?

She didn't come up with a result.

The pain in her right shoulder stimulated her pain sensation nerve, and she realized later that she had not put down the pistol.

And her right arm was almost numb and unconscious.

She was a little surprised because she almost forgot, her arms were still raised, and the pistols had never been insured.

The right hand slowly fell down, and Mo Shangyun just thought of "leaving" in his mind, but he felt someone nearby approaching.



Mo Shangyun didn't know.

She raised her right hand again and pointed a pistol in the direction of the footsteps.

At the next moment, at the moment Mo Shangyun was about to pull the trigger, the camouflage costume came into view.

Mo Shangjun released the trigger in time, numb to the shaking fingers, the pistol fell directly to the ground.

"I rely on it, Mo Shangyun!"

The gun in Mucheng's hand was aimed at the person who had just appeared, but after noticing the familiar figure, he could not help shouting.

Mo Shangyun just felt dizzy.

She heard Mu Cheng shouting, feeling that her ears were buzzing, and there was an explosive auditory hallucination in her left ear briefly.

Soon, other people appeared one after another in the field of vision.

Not many people, just a team of four.

However, in this team... there is Yan Tianxing.

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