Young Master Officer’s Wife Pursuit

Vol 4 Chapter 221: Belief [22] Become a Stinger (2)

Under the impact of the water jet, all students can only roll on the mud.

Even Mo Shangyun could not avoid this embarrassing gesture.

It doesn't matter if Mo Shangyun is not the first time, she can only guarantee the requirements and speed, and the image is not something that should be paid attention to now.

It's just that Yan Tianxing was watching, making her a little uncomfortable. ——She has always been building a cool image. Although Yan Tianxing occasionally bumps into her appearance of several embarrassing trainings, this kind of thing is not accustomed to.

As always, Mo Shangyun remained in the forefront.

It can be said that she is far ahead, with a certain distance from the second.

Yan Tianxing stood next to the door of the car, eyebrows locked tightly, and his eyes kept falling on Mo Shangyun.

This is the first time Yan Tianxing has seen such hard work since the beginning of the training.

Mo Shangyun has always had a sense of her own strength, and she will not go all out on how many strengths she shows in any kind of project. She only needs to achieve what purpose.

He knew that Mo Shangyun had this attitude since he entered university.

After seeing Mo Shangyun, the same is true for Mo Shangyun.

In the reconnaissance battalion, it just showed the strength that can crush the reconnaissance battalion, but that is not all of her strength;

In the March assessment, she showed just the right strength, but that is certainly not all of her;

In the April training, she did all the things she should do, but could not fully tap her strength;


She never goes all out in front of outsiders.

The same was true in the gS9 assessment. He let the other instructors stare at her and punish her. She showed ease of action, but everyone knows that since she can deal with it so easily, it proves that she did not give her all.

Even if she is far more powerful than others, she will not be sharp.

She doesn't need those.

Squinting slightly, Yan Hanyu on the side of Yan Tian Xing Chao glanced.

Yan Hanyu quickly approached him.

"Yan Team." Yan Hanyu shouted seriously.

Yan Tianxing looked at Mo Shangyun at the forefront and asked, "005, has she done so well before?"

Suddenly, Yan Hanyu looked at the place where Mo Shangyun was, suddenly understood, and immediately said: "No."

After a slight pause, Yan Hanyu added: "She has made great progress."

He emphasized this as if he was "maintaining" Mo.

By saying "progress", it proves that Mo Shangyun has always gone all out and has not dealt with any projects.

In fact, Yan Hanyu couldn't figure out the specific strength of Mo Shangyun. He just thought that Mo Shangyun had performed very well before. How much he was too prominent today made him a little surprised, but he was afraid that Yan Tianxing felt that "Mo Shangyun has been dealing The assessment, the attitude is not serious", and then the later assessment will stare at Mo Shangyun, which is not conducive to Mo Shangyun.

Yan Hanyu felt that it was better not to let them "increase misunderstandings" because of their current bad relationship.

Seeing that Yan Hanyu would "maintain" Mo Shangyun in this way, Yan Tianxing could also guess what Yan Hanyu was thinking, but after thinking about it, he did not take it seriously.

Yan Hanyu took Mo Shangyun as her sister, grew up together, and admired Mo Shangyun's perseverance, so even if the Grand Duke was selfless like him, he would help Mo Shangyun unconsciously.

In fact, some people are kind to Mo Shangyun, and Yan Tianxing is also happy to comment.

Mo Shangyun always intentionally or unintentionally refuses others, and his relationship with his family is not very good. Many friends are very popular, but most of the time they are alone, looking strange. This has always been a headache for Yan Tianxing.

"Well." Yan Tianxing should answer, and then asked, "What about her morning score?"

"All recorded." Yan Hanyu replied, "It is also far ahead."

Starting today, Mo Shangyun has abandoned the previous posture of hanging out.

In other words, something abnormal.

Jumping from the third floor, provoking Yan Tianxing, willingly punishing, any project has been completed very well.

If she was very good before, now she can be said to be "impeccable" in the assessment and training.


Yan Tianxing answered again.

He let Yan Hanyu continue to watch in situ, but he first went to the location of the next project.

The terrain here is a bit complicated, there are not so many flat roads, plus the difficulty of traffic, so Yan Tianxing walked past.

When passing the instructors responsible for the water guns, they also signaled them to point a little, which virtually increased the difficulty of the students in the back.

The students were miserable. They wanted to kill the instructor.

When Yan Tianxing arrived at the next project, Mo Shangyun had ended the mire and crawling forward, standing up from the ground.

When she came together, she saw Yan Tianxing standing next to her, neatly dressed.

Her eyebrows were immediately twisted.

Yan Tianxing raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Not deliberately, but an unintentional smile, so inexplicably attracted attention.

Mo Shangjun was covered with muddy mud. Prone to creeping would only be dirty to the front, but due to the impact of the water gun, a lot of muddy splashed on the body. Yun's weight is naturally unsatisfactory and can only be won at speed.

But because at the forefront, it was also a key target for the water gun teachers.

So, she looked exceptionally embarrassed.

Even worse than falling soup chicken.

What's terrible is that her head is always raised, and her face has not fallen into the mud, only a little splash of mud, plus the flush of the water gun, it is still clean on the whole.

So her face was disobedient and wrinkled into a bun, and her facial expression was particularly obvious.

Against this embarrassment, I still want to maintain that chic temperament-although it is indeed well maintained, but it falls into Yan Tianxing's eyes, and it seems to be funny.

However, his casual smile, in Mo Shangyun's view, was also equivalent to mocking.

With a raised eyebrow, Mo Shangyun's eyebrows were still arrogant and overbearing. "Instructor Yan may have to go further, otherwise he would be covered in mud."

When the words fell, Mo Shangyun raised his hand and touched his nose, and then put it back slightly, the arm flicked, and the mud and water on his body flicked to Yan Tianxing.

Yan Tianxing was quite close to her. Besides, her action was too naive and completely incompatible with her cool character set before. Yan Tianxing did not respond at all, and she was really thrown away by the mud.

Yan Tianxing: "..."

Good guy, really got on with him?

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