Your knowledge is too taboo

Chapter 42 Li Changsheng’s ambition (please follow up)

Which one to choose?

This is probably the most tangled problem Li Changsheng has faced in his life.

This question was related to his subsequent extraordinary path, so he couldn't help but be cautious.

Each step on the extraordinary path determines the subsequent achievements.

His past path can only support him to Sequence Three at best. If he wants to advance to Sequence Two, he needs forbidden knowledge as a foundation.

However, having too many choices is also a happy trouble to some extent.

So he hesitated for a moment.

Chen Qing also waited patiently for Li Changsheng's choice.

This scene is really interesting.

A high-sequence expert would be so confused because of his own words, which made Chen Qing feel a kind of joy that was close to...pleasure.

This also made him understand how valuable the knowledge he possessed was.

Putting down his hand from the legal history book, Chen Qing's mouth curled up slightly: "Then let me see what choice you will make."

If so, half a minute later.

Li Changsheng slowly raised his head: "I have made a decision."

"I don't choose any of these three," he said. "I have something better in mind."


Hearing this, Chen Qing narrowed his eyes.

He looked at Li Changsheng's distorted figure in the mirror with great interest: "...Interesting. Let's talk about it."

Facing the mirror, Li Changsheng's voice was calm: "At first, I wanted to choose the oldest written law. After all, I know very well that the older it is, the more taboo it is, and the stronger the effect it will bring."

"However, I guess that the law will not be too compatible with me. Because it is ancient, it means gaps and deviations. And this may make my next extraordinary path contradict my extraordinary foundation."


Listening to Li Changsheng's words, Chen Qing was thoughtful.

"It seems that the subsequent choice of the extraordinary path still needs to be cautious."

If you select an inappropriate sequence, it may conflict with the previous sequence.

Although Chen Qing didn't know what the conflict would bring, he was certain that it was not a good sign.

So he nodded: "Go on."

Gently wiping his wrist, Li Changsheng said slowly: "So I want to choose the law that is more in line with my path."

"What I want is the law that was used by the great Eastern country that once existed on the land of the Yanxia Federation two thousand years ago."

Looking at the mirror, Li Changsheng said in a loud voice: "As the predecessor of the Yanxia Federation, that ancient law must be inextricably related to us. Therefore, choosing it is the best answer that is consistent with my extraordinary path!"

Listen to this.

Chen Qing's expression was slightly strange.

"Is that so? Why did you choose it?"

Chen Qing asked.

He no longer worried that asking such questions would degrade him.

Because what he brings out next will be the best reply to all doubts.

Therefore, Li Changsheng did not doubt that he was there.

He just said softly: "Since you have a choice, of course you must choose the best one."

"So in the final analysis, I just chose the most suitable and youngest law as the foundation of my Sequence Two, and then continued to trace it upward until it was constructed and perfected, and then reappeared after the catastrophe, that's all. "

"Moreover, if it really reappears in the wasteland, then I will have the possibility of being promoted to Sequence One. So, it may be my selfishness."

Li Changsheng smiled: "Compared with other laws, using that law as the possibility of my promotion to the first rank makes me feel more at ease!"

Just like what Li Changsheng said.

All he wants is the law of the country that was the predecessor of the Yanxia Federation, because as a Yanxia person, that law is more suitable for him than others from various angles.

However, he actually has his own ambitions.

The most suitable and youngest law will be the key to his future achievements at a higher level.

He would make this law his foundation and reproduce it. Then, let it flow unimpeded in the hot summer territory.

In other words.

What he wants is that in the future everyone will know this law, just like he knows himself, and everyone will follow it, and no one can disobey it!

As a Sequence Two, he has such strength.

So since you really have to choose, of course you still have to choose one that has the ground for implementation.

Moreover, Li Changsheng also felt that compared to the ancient laws, of course the newer ones were more comprehensive and more useful.

Well, this is his simple view of law.

It is superficial and one-sided, but it is indeed consistent with the human beings in the wasteland.

Because he couldn't imagine life before the disaster, he probably didn't know how much obstacles he would encounter if he wanted to implement this law.

To be honest, the written laws of the barbarian era may be more suitable for advancement in that era.

"Can we only say that even the knowledge of 'law' has become a taboo? Even extraordinary people who use judgment as a way have such a shallow understanding of the law."

Chen Qing smiled and said nothing more.

"Now that you have made your choice, respond accordingly."

If Li Changsheng is really so ambitious.

Then Chen Qing also wanted to see if he could really achieve it.

Chen Qing took out a piece of paper from the side and placed the law on the paper.

This is the third forbidden object taken from Colin.

Chen Qing called it...[carbon paper].

Anything recorded on paper can be completely printed and preserved. Just like a storage space, you only need to shake it gently to shake off the things on the paper.

For home travel, it is quite convenient.

However, its limitations are not small.

There is no way to copy living things, each piece of paper can only be used once, and the contents cannot exceed the size of a piece of paper, etc...

After just three or four tests, Chen Qing felt that this thing was a bit limited and not as good as other taboo items.

But this is normal.

After all, taboo items are inherently random, and no one can guarantee that taboo items will be useful.

And although the use of carbon paper is a bit small, if it is used to transfer items, it can be considered efficient.

Like now, just put this law on paper and stick it on the mirror...

With a "swish" sound, the piece of paper passed through the mirror and landed in front of Li Changsheng.

And Chen Qing's voice came at the right time: "Then, the deal is completed."

Gently picking up the paper floating on the ground, Li Changsheng looked at the twisted and beating words on the paper, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

He shook the paper and shook out the contents.

Then the next second...

Invisible pollution waves are conveyed from that law at this moment!

It was a field as sharp as a sword. Just being in it made Li Changsheng feel that his whole body was being touched by cold and pure blades.

It is as if he is in the legendary "court" and is about to undergo... the judgment of the law.

This is...a vision brought about by forbidden knowledge!

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