Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 86 The oriole is behind

Perhaps it was Lin Jiangnian who provoked his temper tonight. Liu Su was extremely uncool at the moment.

She doesn't like the feeling of being led around by others!

The guy in front of him still had a harmless smile on his face. But in her eyes, it was particularly hateful!

Ever since she started tonight, she has been plotting against her in various ways.

Even now...

Same thing.

Liu Su was very uncomfortable with it.

She has always prided herself on not forgetting anything and having everything under control.

Whether it was forcing Lin Jiangnian to pretend to be Prince Lin in the temple, controlling him, appearing in his room every night, or exposing her true purpose step by step.

From beginning to end, everything was under her control and everything was going according to her plan.

And she has always been calm.

Even if there is occasional hesitation, it will eventually be replaced by reason.

But tonight, Lin Jiangnian deceived her one after another, irritating her and making her feel more and more uneasy.

The idea that the guy in front of her might break free from her control became more and more intense!

She realized something was wrong and should calm down now.

But for some reason, when I looked up and saw Lin Jiangnian's indifferent eyes, it seemed to be a bit of mocking provocation. For some reason, the anger in her heart surged up again.


Lin Jiangnian looked at her with some surprise; "Do you really dare to drink?"

The woman in red said nothing and stared at him with a cold face.

"Don't force it, what if I'm really drugged?"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes became more relaxed and seemed a little proud.

He likes the feeling now...

The strong and smart woman in front of him is now being fooled by him into confusion.

This feeling is very mysterious.

Lin Jiangnian poured another bowl of wine from the wine jar, and the strong smell of wine filled the room. Pick up the wine bowl and smell it carefully.

"Ah, what a delicious wine!"

Lin Jiangnian looked a little intoxicated and raised the wine bowl to his mouth. When he was about to drink, he raised his eyes and glanced at the woman in red opposite him.

Seeing her staring at him, her cold beautiful eyes contained a bit of murderous intent.


Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian handed the wine that had just reached his lips to her.

"Didn't you say you wanted to drink?"

The woman in red was silent.

Staring at the wine bowl that Lin Jiangnian pushed in front of him, and then at Lin Jiangnian's expression, he took a deep breath, his mind still a little confused.

Before he could speak, he heard Lin Jiangnian wave his hand again, with a slightly indifferent attitude: "Forget it, forget it if you don't drink, don't force it..."

This leisurely and somewhat playful tone instantly made the originally calm woman in red lose control.

The originally delicate and charming appearance was now a bit angry and cold. He glared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely, picked up the wine bowl on the table, brought it to his nose and took a gentle sniff. Indeed, he didn't notice anything strange.

No medicine at all?

Has he been kidding himself all this time? !

Thinking of this, the woman in red became even more angry.

But then, the aroma of wine in the bowl attracted her attention. When she brought the bowl to her mouth, she suddenly realized something and stopped.

This bowl...has he used it?

After noticing this, the woman in red immediately put down the wine bowl in her hand, picked up a new bowl from the side with an expressionless face, and poured wine again.

Lin Jiangnian watched her movements quietly, watching her pour another bowl of wine, and glanced at Lin Jiangnian with a hint of provocation before bringing the bowl to his mouth and sipping lightly.

As the burning sensation of alcohol that slightly stung her throat spread down her throat and spread all over her body, Liu Su felt her whole body trembling for a moment. It was like falling rain, and it made her feel comfortable all over.

That strong sense of satisfaction surged into my heart, like a heart that had been empty for a long time and was suddenly filled to the brim.

Very satisfied!

Liu Su's eyes suddenly lit up, and her face, which was originally flushed with anger, now became a little redder.

Extraordinarily beautiful.

Lin Jiangnian watched with interest as the woman in red drank the wine from the bowl in front of him. After drinking it all, he poured another bowl down. After drinking three bowls in one breath, he was satisfied and put down the wine bowl and licked it. Bright red lips.

That fair and delicate face seemed to be a bit drunken.


Lin Jiangnian looked at her and chuckled.

The woman in red glanced at him, her eyes still looking provocative, and said nothing.

"Sure enough, you are still too young!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head slightly, the smile in his eyes becoming more obvious.

The woman in red was startled: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

Lin Jiangnian gradually narrowed his eyes and looked at her playfully.

The woman in red instinctively had an ominous premonition in her heart... There was something wrong with this guy's eyes.

What does he want to do?

Before she could think about what was going on, she suddenly felt dizzy.

This, this is...

She raised her head suddenly, stared at Lin Jiangnian, and suddenly realized: "You, you were drugged?!"

The strong dizziness was clearly a sign of being drugged.


Lin Jiangnian looked at her and nodded calmly with a smile: "I did take the drug... didn't I tell you earlier?"

The face of the woman in red suddenly changed. Was she drugged?


The strong feeling of dizziness was not fake, it was really drugged.

Wine, is there really something wrong with wine? !

"You, how are you okay?"

She was angry, but she quickly thought of something... Lin Jiangnian obviously drank too, so why was he okay?

"Because I wasn't drunk."

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly. She was so vigilant, and she would definitely be noticed if she drugged the wine.


The woman in red seemed to realize something and looked down at the bowl in front of the table: "The medicine is on the bowl?"


Lin Jiangnian nodded.


The woman in red finally realized... she was still being plotted tonight.

This guy's series of schemes had thoroughly understood her thoughts and psychology, and his calculations were clear... This shocked her.

He has such deep thoughts!

"How can this be called despicable? This is a trap for those who wish!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the woman in red who was dizzy and her head was shaking, and sighed: "It's because you don't trust me too much... If you believed that I didn't drug him from the beginning, wouldn't everything be fine?"

"Why, you don't believe me..."

"Coincidentally, I also know that you don't believe me, so I will use your trick..."

Lin Jiangnian said meaningfully: "You did not lose unfairly!"

If the woman in red had not suspected that Lin Jiangnian had drugged the wine from the beginning, she would not have been so vigilant. There was nothing wrong with the wine and wine bowl at the beginning, but she didn't believe it...

And Lin Jiangnian took advantage of her vigilance and took advantage of her!

Just trick her into jumping into the trap!

Can't even stop it!

"you wanna die!"

Realizing that she had been tricked again, the woman in red was extremely embarrassed and angry. She was so angry that she struggled to get up.

But the next second, she trembled.


The whole person was unsteady and fell straight back to the table, falling down and making no movement!


Looking at the motionless woman in red lying on the table, Lin Jiangnian murmured to himself.

"The effect of this medicine... is quite strong?"

This drug was found by Lin Jiangnian from the Ruyi Building. There are countless rare treasures in the Ruyi Building, including some powerful poisons, drugs and love drugs.

Maybe it's not as powerful as poison, but it can still be considered colorless, odorless and silent.

No matter how powerful the master is, he will be knocked down if he is not prepared!

Looking at the woman in red who was motionless at the table, it was obvious that the drug had taken effect.

However, Lin Jiangnian was still very cautious. This woman was very seductive and prevented her from deliberately pretending to be faint and wait until Lin Jiangnian relaxed his guard before suddenly attacking.

Even though she had stopped moving, Lin Jiangnian still did not move rashly. He sat quietly for a while. When the time was almost up, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she still didn't respond.

"You didn't expect that you ended up in my hands after all?"

Lin Jiangnian looked at her with a lot of emotions in his heart. He had this plan in mind since he knew that the woman in front of him was a good drinker.

Like to drink?

Well, this is her weakness.

Lin Jiangnian used retreat to advance and took advantage of this weakness, and she easily took the bait.

"Now, it's my turn to take revenge!"

Lin Jiangnian stood up and slowly approached the woman in red.

She lay silently in front of the table. Her slightly messy hair covered half of her delicate and delicate face, which was flushed and beautiful.

Lin Jiangnian stared at her face, thinking about his next plan.

Now that she is finally in your hands, what should you do with her?



From the moment he stepped into Prince Lin's Mansion, Lin Jiangnian has been under her threatening control.

Now, she falls into Lin Jiangnian's hands.

This is Lin Jiangnian's bargaining chip, an opportunity to get rid of her control!

To give her poison, to check and balance each other with her, to force her to detoxify herself?

Or... strip her naked and tarnish her innocence, let her taste the power of the big stick, and take revenge...

Poison again?

Lin Jiangnian's eyes gradually became sharper, staring at the woman in red in front of him.

Not to mention... very beautiful and attractive!

Doesn’t it seem like a big loss?

Thinking of certain thoughts, Lin Jiangnian breathed a little quickly. Staring at her motionless body, his eyes became more and more uncomfortable.

After being bullied by her during this period, now is the best opportunity for revenge! Although the method of revenge is somewhat shameful...but so what?

Treat this woman who has been threatening his life. She is an enemy and she should be hit hard...


Evil thoughts emerged, and Lin Jiangnian was ready to act.

He came close to her and slowly stretched out a hand, just when he was about to touch her...

A sharp and dangerous aura is coming!

Lin Jiangnian's eyes and pupils suddenly shrank, his whole body tensed, and he subconsciously retreated quickly.


A sharp, piercing sound filled the air.

A majestic momentum rushed towards his face, shocking Lin Jiangnian and taking four or five steps back.

He raised his eyes with a look of shock on his face: "You, are you okay?!"

In his sight, the woman in red, who was supposed to be lying on the table and was stunned and unconscious, sat up again at some point and stared at Lin Jiangnian with a sneer.

"You really have bad intentions!"

Lin Jiangnian's heart suddenly sank...Didn't he drug her?

How could it be okay?

"You...why are you okay?"

Lin Jiangnian felt his throat was a little hoarse. Was the medicine fake?

"If something happens to me, won't I fall into your hands tonight?"

A sneer appeared on Liu Su's cold and murderous face.

It almost fell into his hands.

Liu Su felt terrified. If he succeeded, it would be the end!

I didn’t expect that he was so scheming!

Thinking of the way that guy looked at her just now, he clearly wanted to...

Her eyes became more shameful and angry, and also colder.

Lin Jiangnian looked in shock at Liu Su, who appeared in front of him intact and speechless. There was no sign of poisoning on her face. She was clearly... okay? !


Can this fail too?

"I lost!"

After realizing that the drug had failed, Lin Jiangnian gave up the struggle. Without the medicine, he now has no chance of winning against this woman.

"I still underestimate you!"

Seeing Lin Jiangnian give up resistance, her heart relaxed slightly. Then the sneer on his face grew stronger, and he stared at Lin Jiangnian: "You are so scheming!"

"Still a little worse than you!"

Lin Jiangnian sighed, but couldn't help but said: "How on earth are you okay?"

"What do you think?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the bowl on the table... He had obviously drugged it and saw her drink it with his own eyes.

Which part went wrong?

"Drugs don't work on me!"

Liu Su stared at Lin Jiangnian, slowly stood up, and walked towards Lin Jiangnian.

One step, two steps...

Realizing something was wrong, Lin Jiangnian immediately backed away, "What do you want to do?"

The woman in red walked up to Lin Jiangnian step by step, staring at his face, the smile on her face gradually disappeared.

At this moment, it was freezing cold.

"You'd better not challenge my bottom line again and again!"

Murderous intent permeated the air.

Lin Jiangnian's heart was filled with confusion. He felt the murderous aura coming from the other party.

"This is the last time, next time..."

The woman in red turned around, took a deep breath, and glanced at him coldly: "I will never be merciful again!"

Lin Jiangnian stood there, watching this scene in a daze.

She didn't do anything?

If you just drop some threats, it will be gone?

Not to kill him?

Not even taking action?

Will not be merciful...what do you mean?

outside the door.

The woman in red walked out of the room and looked at the empty yard, empty of people.

With a cold expression on her face, she turned and left the yard and came to a nearby alley. The moment she stepped into the alley, her aura instantly dissipated, and she felt as if she was deflated. Her delicate body trembled slightly, she took two steps back, leaning against the cold wall, breathing heavily, her face looking short of breath.

His pale face was particularly ugly.


I almost fell into that guy's hands tonight!

Liu Su's eyes were full of fear.

She never imagined that she would be plotted against by that guy again and again tonight!

Thanks to her practicing Taigu Mind Technique since she was a child, she has long been able to become invulnerable to all kinds of poisons. Ordinary medicines don't have much effect on her, otherwise, she might really end up here tonight!

With that guy's character, how would he deal with himself?

Thinking of a certain possibility, Liu Su bit her silver teeth lightly, her eyes slightly ashamed and angry. At that moment, she felt some evil thoughts in that guy.

He actually has thoughts about himself?

Liu Su's eyes became more and more angry.

However, the drug was indeed very effective. Even though she had Tai Gu's inner magic to protect herself, she still almost got hit.

At this moment, her whole body was limp and she couldn't muster any strength.

Fortunately, the guy didn't see it, otherwise he would probably be ready to make another move.

Thinking of this, Liu Su took a deep breath and stood up slowly.

She needs to get out of here quickly.

The residual effects of the drug are still there, so it's not a good place to stay here for long. If the effect of the medicine takes effect, or if someone from the palace sees it, it will be over!

She forced herself on her delicate body and disappeared into the night.

inside the room.

Lin Jiangnian was left alone, puzzled... which part of the problem went wrong.

Drugs ineffective?

Or was she prepared?

After thinking about it, it seems that this is the only possibility... Is she still on guard?

But no matter what, the plan failed!

Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply.

This woman is really overly cautious and difficult to deal with.

If you fail this time, you will be even less lucky next time!

She will definitely be more vigilant, and it is almost impossible for her to scheme like this again.

In this case, the next step can only be discussed in the long term.

After a while, Lin Jiangnian sighed deeply in the room.

early morning.

The sun slowly falls into the courtyard, facing the palace and the small courtyard on the east side.


The door opened, and Zhiyuan, dressed in a plain dress, walked out of the room and glanced at the sky.

The sun is still shining today.

She washed up as usual, had breakfast, and went to inspect the inner palace to see if the maids and maids were slacking off.

The maids in the house loved, feared and respected the cold-looking maid.

Zhiyuan was indeed very kind to them. As long as they didn't make any big mistakes, he would almost never punish them. There is no need to worry about being maliciously targeted, beaten to death with sticks, and thrown into the wilderness to feed wolves.

The maids in Linwang Mansion are treated much better than in other places!

Because of this, the maids in the house had a very good impression of her. But at the same time, Zhiyuan's cold and cold appearance also made them instinctively fearful and uneasy.

Therefore, even though she has a very high status as a maid in the palace, Zhiyuan has almost no friends in the palace.

After inspecting the inner palace, Zhiyuan went to the front yard again. By the time he finished his work, it was almost noon.

When she returned to the courtyard and was about to go back to her room to rest for a while, she suddenly stopped.

Lift your eyes.

There was an additional figure under the eaves not far ahead. Sitting under the eaves, it seems that he has been waiting for her for a long time?

"came back?"

Zhiyuan's eyes slightly wrinkled, looking at the uninvited guest who casually broke into her yard, and spoke calmly.

"Your Highness!"

The only person who dared to intrude into her territory so brazenly was Lin Jiangnian.

"Where have you been?"

Lin Jiangnian sat at the top of the stairs, looked at the paper kites in the yard, and said with a smile, "I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Goed to do some errands!"

Zhiyuan spoke calmly and glanced at Lin Jiangnian: "Your Highness, do you have anything to do with your slave?"


Lin Jiangnian raised his eyebrows.

Zhiyuan lowered her eyes and didn't respond.

Seeing this, Lin Jiangnian realized something...still angry?

Did you even forget to call the master?

However, Lin Jiangnian didn't care this time.

"Did you have meal?"

The sudden topic made Zhiyuan startled. She raised her eyes, then lowered her eyes quickly: "No."

"are you hungry?"

Zhiyuan's eyes were calm: "I'm not hungry!"

"It's time to eat even if you're not hungry!"

Lin Jiangnian raised his head and glanced at the sky, stood up, and patted his butt: "Let's go have dinner with my son!"

Lin Jiangnian took a few steps forward. When he turned around, he saw Zhiyuan still standing there and said, "What are you standing there for? Let's go!"

Zhiyuan looked up at Lin Jiangnian and hesitated.

Finally, no words were spoken.

He followed with lowered eyes.

(2-in-1) One more chapter is needed...

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